Comments 1,032

Re: Binary Domain Sold Just 20k Units in March


It's a shame that it's not selling better, but times are really starting to get tight for so many people now, it's really hard keep up with all the game releases anymore. I don't think it's will be just SEGA revamping their strategies.

Re: Vita Firmware V1.67 Launches, Doesn't Do Much


I guess it's because I've got a great connection, but I've never felt intruded by an update before. It'll take me a few minutes tops to download and install this update.

@3Above Hopefully we'll get some long awaited titles like: Einhänder, Tomba and Brave Fencer Musashi when we do!

Re: Review: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift EXTEND (PlayStation Vita)


Awesome review @Corbs!

I had pretty much turned a blind eye to the genre until Blazblue landed a few years back. The series' brought back the old school fighting game feel that I enjoyed back in the SNES days, but updated to play so much better. Love this series and I'll now be grabbing this pretty soon as well.

Re: Confront the Sand in New Spec Ops: The Line Trailer


I've always been a big fan of this series and my excitement for this iteration just went through the roof! This and the previously released gameplay footage all look like it has great potential to be a killer title. If they've acquired Nolan North, their putting some budget behind this title — something others haven't had the privileged of doing. Really excited to get my hands on this one!

@LittleBigVita Spec Ops is a third person shooter. This one is no different.

Re: Sony Confirms Zipper Interactive Has Closed


Such a shame. I purchased Unit 13 this week to show my support for Zipper. They've always been one of my favorite developers, but I will say this, they've always had an issue with under-performing when compared to other AAA developers — mostly for bug issues.

Still and yet, Unit 13 is going to live on as an underrated gem on Vita!

Re: Review: Ninja Gaiden III (PlayStation 3)


I'll add this bit here, but in the U.S. markets, the Collectors Edition of the game is missing the game's Online Pass, so it'll cost you an additional $9.99 to take the game online.

@JJ1 Our friend over at iWaggle put together an outstanding video that details how Move is used in the game and you can check it out here.

Re: Rumour: Sony to Close Zipper Interactive


@Ginkgo I put around 30 hours into SOCOM 4 before writing the review and while it's a good game, it's got too many issues that crop up to put it into the top tier of the PS3 shooters. As a longtime fan of the series, I had higher hopes for the title and it just didn't live up to it.

Re: Rumour: Sony to Close Zipper Interactive


MAG was so close to being absolutely superb. It didn't stop me from dropping hundreds of hours into it though. MAG was also my first published review. Fitting, seeing how I adored SOCOM 2 back in the day.

Sad news if true, but also not entirely surprising either. They've definitely hit a few kinks in their zipper lately.

Re: Feature: PlayStation 3's Best Games


@Squiggle55 That is where Journey is so fantastic. You shouldn't know anything about it going into the game. It's not about where you're going, or what Journey is about, it's about the journey to get there. Where is there you ask? You'll just have to start your own journey and find out for yourself. You'll be glad you did!

Re: Review: Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (PlayStation 3)


I've not been a big Resident Evil fan since the original PlayStation. Resident Evil 4 was indeed a great game, but it's just not my cup-of-tea so to speak. I prefer the gameplay of Dead Space for my horror fix these day, but I'm very surprised by this review score here. I really expected Capcom to pull off all the stops returning back to the Resident Evil 2 setting. Very disappointing!