Comments 1,032

Re: First Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified Trailer Fires Online


@get2sammyb "The game's still going to sell by the bucket load. It's Call of Duty!"

Call of Duty fans might be keen to play one game a year, but they don't buy everything with "Call of Duty" written on the box. We've seen these games on Wii and DS, which were all under-performing, yet decent games, but they didn't sell by the bucket loads. Judging by the reactions on N4G from fans who were obviously looking forward to this, they're not one bit happy with what they've seen.

If Sony screws this one up, Call of Duty on Vita could actually turn gamers away from the system permanently.

Re: Jack Tretton Believes Vita Sales Are "Acceptable"


"Anything with great rewards is going to come with great challenges"

That's probably one of the best lines I've ever heard come from Jack Tretton, and it's one with a lot of wisdom behind it.

@hydeks "3DS purchase was premature"

Really? That's about the same as saying that Vita has no games outside of Uncharted! The 3DS catalog is growing very nicely!

@Malic The Nexus 7 is a fantastic piece of hardware, well, actually it's more like "flippin' awesome" piece of hardware, but it also has its issues. You'll never see the Nexus 7 being labeled as a "gaming console," because it's a tablet, and there's so many of the things dropping on the market that like the games on the iOS/Android markets, get washed downstream very quickly. While I don't think the Nexus 7 will do that very quickly, it's not a dedicated gaming device and Vita/3DS owners are primarily buying for their gaming needs. If Nexus 7 fits your gaming desires, that's great!

Personally, I think tablets/phones will find their hands full when Ouya lands on the market — which I'm absolutely stoked about! iOS/Android developers are having to constantly fit their games to newer devices, which I'm sure you can figure how big of a royal pain that is, when they could be working on new stuff instead. Also, very few of these developers are making much money. The ones I know just make enough money to stay afloat, and many developers are showing excitement about a dedicated Android box to sell their games on.

Re: Feature: The Making Of The Sony PlayStation


@KALofKRYPTON Hey now! Don't hate on Pokemon. Even as a 30yr old hardcore gamer, Pokemon is a much beloved and respected franchise in my eyes. I don't play every release, but every few years, there's always room for a good Pokemon quest. It's a series that sucessfully transitions young gamers into a deeper gaming experience, and that in itself gets the utmost respect from me.

Re: Sony Struggling to Secure Third-Party Content for Vita


I backed Sony by standing firm on their price point, as the $249 cost is well worth its asking price, but I'm thinking a $50 cut off the system and a 50% slash in the proprietary memory cards cost in time for the holidays would be the best thing they can do at this point.

The 3DS is continually gaining steam, and the XL revision of the system really puts Vita's large OLED screen on a run for its money. I think it's time for Sony to step down from the V.I.P. box and hit the court and play ball!

Re: Metal Gear Solid 4's Trophy Patch Is Live


There was a time when I would be absolutely thrilled over this news, but I'm glad I got to experience the game without trophies altering my gameplay decisions. Why? Because an upgraded M4A1 with ADS equals one silent, but absolutely deadly Snake!

The game even scalded me for taking out so many enemies. Haha

Re: Talking Point: The Trouble with Trophies


@turtlelink Suffgamer is, but not me. I have a lot of trophies, but I don't have many Platinum trophies.

I don't like how trophies break the game's immersion. I've been playing through Escape Plan, and the first few hours I was replaying levels over and again for their 3-star ratings, but realized that I just wasn't having fun with the game because of this. Once again, I stopped caring about the trophies, and started having fun.

I've finished up Spec Ops: The Line and I'm going to write the review very soon. I got the review code for Wizorb and had to put it behind Spec Ops, as I ended up having to rent it. I nearly broke neck yesterday at work, so I wont be starting it today, but it'll come this week for sure.

I am in the top 5% of the world on Raptr. Speaking of which, if you're a Raptr user, Push Square reviews are now being put on the service, so if you see one, give us a click to get our reviews to the top.

Re: Review: Puddle (PlayStation Network - Vita)


@IAmNotWill That's exactly what I thought it was when I first saw it.

I've still got the demo sitting on my PS3, but haven't transferred it over and give it a spin yet. Sounds like a good bit of fun is to be had with Puddle.

Re: Ubisoft Isn't Too Happy About the PS3's Protracted Lifespan


And this is coming from the guy who's one of the only developers in the market who can actually afford the extreme budget to develop for next generation consoles. By that, I mean, they can afford a big loss or two without going under, unlike most other developers.

We don't need next gen yet. Not this year, or next.

Re: Review: Rainbow Moon (PlayStation Network)


@ATDI Thanks mate. I'll take that as a compliment!

It's a brilliant game. I've now played about another 15+ hours deeper into the game since the review and I'm finding that it just keeps getting better and better.

Re: Gaikai's David Perry: 'I Have to Start Thinking Differently Now'


I love my consoles and I love my PC. But, with that said, I think the way to keep the cost of PS4 down and still have the ability to have an uber-powerful console, is through the cloud. Just imagine, a $200 dollar console drops on the market that stomps the PS3. Yes, it's possible that it could actually happen.

Of course, it will alienate some with weaker internet connections, but you cant always please everyone when you're trying to be what Sony wants to be.

Re: Sony Wanted Limbo As An Exclusive


Good for Playdead, for not givin' in and letting their IP go. Limbo is one the most amazing games I've played in the past decade and amazing indie titles — like Limbo — don't need to be strapped down under one roof! That's totally against what indie gaming stands for in the first place!

Re: Review: Rainbow Moon (PlayStation Network)


@odd69 Honestly, it feels more like a grid based RPG, but it is a SRPG — if that makes sense. It's nowhere near the usual SRPG though. A battle against 16+ enemies only last like 3-5 minutes here, where in a game like Disgaea, it'd take 10-20+ minutes to finish.

I actually had to pick and choose what I put in the review, as I could have easily written a 3000 word review. You'll only get up to a maximum of three allies on the grid at once, so it definitely keeps the RPG "feel," even though you're battling on a grid. The leveling system is also simple and intuitive, and feels more like a traditional RPG, than the overly complex systems built into most SRPG's — not saying it doesn't have depth though, because it does, it's just more streamlined and user friendly. I'm on the SRPG side of the fence, but I'm very much enjoying the more RPG feel to the game.

I think it's a game that can be enjoyed by both the RPG and SRPG crowds, which is why I wrote the review in the manner that I did. It's a fantastic title that I still cannot put down and I encourage you guys to give it a try. It's a lot of fun and it's a game that continually gets better the more time you put into it.

Re: Japanese Sales Charts: Vita Struggles Once Again


I personally think that the next generation of consoles could be the bust that's been expected for a longtime now. The cost to develop games for next generation consoles is going to stupidly expensive and if it doesn't sell... the end, game over for the studio. It's entirely too risky and completely unnecessary.

If and when this happens, it'll be the small budget games that thrive, and portable gaming could potentially see an explosion because of this.

Re: Review: LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (PlayStation Vita)


@Mandoble LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 was a direct port from the PS3 version. This, as I said in the review, isn't a direct port and I praise it for being different.

The reason it didn't get the same score as the PS3 version, is because did directly port the CG cut scenes, which makes them look quite terrible in comparison to the gameplay graphics. In fact, they're the worst on the Vita platform and it should have been fixed this go around.

A 7/10 is still a good score and this is indeed a really fun game. If you do have a PS3, it's the better version of the title, but if you don't, there's no reason to not pick this one up — unless you're put off by a few graphical nuisances.