Comments 1,032

Re: Talking Point: What Went Wrong with PlayStation All-Stars?


I don't have the time to read all of the comments above at the moment, but firstly Sammy - great article!

The issue that I see, was the Beta - it should have never happened. The character selection was weak, at best, and the ones it did allow you to play as showcased the balancing issues within the game (which was balanced for the most part in the final release). Also, unlike with DUST 514, we never saw real improvements in the beta either - so you never got a real idea of what the final game was actually like.

I was put off by the beta and had no intention of buying it. On Black Friday, I went to grab Need for Speed: Most Wanted on Vita and Battle Royale was sitting right beside it and I was like, 'what they hey - I'll give it a go. I want something different to play any ways."

Needless to say, I'm really glad that I picked it up. The final product wasn't reflected by the beta and if your not picking it up because of this, you should go ahead and grab it - you will be very glad that you did.

Re: Review: PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale (PlayStation 3)


I just can't get this stupid grin off of my face while I'm playing this game!

I was worried about the final product, because of some balancing issues in the beta, but the final product is as well balanced as they could possible have gotten it (I still think Kratos needs to be weakened a tad bit), but after your killer review Sammy, I grabbed it any ways - I'm glad I did too. This game flippin' rocks!

Great job as always Sammy-boy!

Re: Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified (PlayStation Vita)


Drop this on the iPad for $5 and watch it sell like crazy! Honestly, I'm being serious too!

@Asher For the majority of what I've see (and said myself) the blame for Declassified's shortcoming (or Burning Skies') wasn't blamed on Nihilistic, but on Sony forcing their hands to shovel out these two games onto Vita. But you reap what you sow and Sony's Vita is now sitting at the bottom of Christmas List this holiday season because of it.

Great review mate!

Re: Have You Ever Wondered How Sony Could Afford Gaikai?


This is how a company should be restructuring to stay competitive and profitable. Sony's definitely cutting their loses, so hopefully things will turn around for them over the next few years - PS4 not being a massive powerhouse is a good sign that they've woken up too!

Re: Rumour: Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified Was Developed in Five Months


I can't wait to see what nStigate does on the mobile markets. I'm willing to bet that in a few year's time, they will be one of the hottest mobile developers out there! They've got tons of talent, but they've been short-handed by Sony for far too long.

Not only do I despise what Sony has made this developer do far far too long now, but I question why they would release utter garbage with big names attached to it on their consoles too. I've very happy to see this developer set free and I truly wish them nothing but the best!

Re: Review: Ragnarok Odyssey (PlayStation Vita)


@hamispink To be truthful, he didn't say much at all about the game in the IGN review, instead he spent more time complaining about what "he" didn't like about it, while never fully explaining anything.

Great review Nathan! I've been having a blast with this one.

Re: Sony Sharing Details About PlayStation Plus for Vita Next Week


I'll probably still be playing Ragnarok Odyssey, like I've been for the last week and a half! Haha

Glad to see that it's finally coming to the console - it's about dang time. Now give me some trophies for my PlayStation Mobile games!

a.k.a. Typical Westerner - never satisfied with anything. Haha

Re: Starhawk Developer Shrinks, Switches to iOS Development


Sad to hear them go, but I'm sure they will find a ton of success with mobile gaming.

For a unnamed indie developer to make his way in the mobile gaming world is indeed tough, but when Lightbox Interactive's game goes to launch, you can rest assured that it will be big news, just like when any of the other big company's games release on those platforms. Heck, only yesterday saw Stainless Games' Carmageddon release and it went straight to the top of the iOS Marketplace in a few hours, because of a successful Kickstarter campaign (sequel) and a bit of media attention. The thing is, so many developers on mobile platforms aren't reaching out to websites before they launch - it's their own loss, as we'd do anything to help them out if they've got a worthy product to sell.

Re: Redesigned PlayStation Store Launch Temporarily Postponed


Is anything else to be expected from Sony at this point?

Hopefully, once all of their restructuring is over they will go back to not releasing half-backed games/services (e.g. ModNation Racers: Road Trip, Resistance: Burning Skies, PlayStation Mobile, PS Vita, etc.) like they have over the past year.

Re: Review: Derrick the Deathfin (PlayStation Network)


Have to respectfully disagree with you on this one Joe.

I had a blast playing Derrick the Deathfin in my review and I found Derrick's metabolism (constantly depleting health bar) added a necessary level of tension to the game. Without it, the game would've been very nonchalant and well, somewhat boring.

Protip: Jumping out of the water is quite easy. Just hold the Turbo button to gain speed and propel yourself out of the water, and press circle (in air) to then give you an additional jump, that can also be used to fine-tune your aim. Also, pressing circle when barely jumping out of the water at slow speeds is also a fantastic way to get a quick, accurate blast to nail a pesky critter that's sitting on a boat, slab of floating ice, or any other random contraption that they've thrown in there.

Re: Resistance Collection Collates the Chimeran Invasion This Year


@IAmNotWill Don't miss inFamous! It's one that's so easy to overlook, but they are absolutely awesome games. Heck, I despise open-world sandbox-styled games and I love 'em.

@Ginkgo Last time I checked, only Resistance 3 worked with Move, but it wouldn't surprise me if Move support gets added into Resistance 1 & 2 now. If you read early reviews (or even mine here) the Move controls are discussed in detail on how poorly they were implemented, but that was before the patch. They work great now! I never got around to writing a guide for it, but I did write Move guides to Killzone 3 and SOCOM 4 here and you can find them by typing "Move Guide" into the Search Bar up there.