@FuzzyYellowBalls They are to an extent, but when you have a small team of only five guys, you kinda have to do what you've got to sometimes. They obviously got a better funding option through Microsoft, which just released a few weeks back and now that their embargo date is up, they're doing what they intended and making right with those who made them what they are. Regardless if you're indie or not, you need to make money and sometimes you have to do things the hard way. That's business, not some ill-conceived idea of loyalty.
@get2sammyb Oh yeah, no way I'm saying you'll ever see a triple-A God of War game on the App Store (in the format the series is today) for $5 or less. What I am saying is that the handful of games that are on the the mobile market(s) that offer console-like experiences are usually usually premium prices ($5-$40) — many of which I expect to see on PlayStation Mobile — and with their cheaper prices and massive install base, whether we like it or not, they're pulling the gaming market into a new (unexpected) direction.
Personally, I think Microsoft is going to bring out a cheaper system with moderately better specs than the 360, that utilizes a new iteration of Kinect and focuses mainly on family/party type games. I think SmartGlass and Windows 8 will also play key roles in their next system as well.
@get2sammyb I think if it tops that, there's going to be problem for Sony. Not trying to be negative, but just being realistic.
The issue of today is that while the premium tablets cost around $400+, they are also portable laptops. If you've been paying attention to the iOS world, the push to the bottom (pricing wise) is being countered by some developers bringing out games that are pushing into premium console-like experiences. iPad 3/ iPhone 5 have the potential to produce some really amazing games and as soon as Apple's official gaming controller lands on the market, we'll see more and more of this. Since I've recently plunged myself into this world of gaming, my eyes have been opened to what's about to come and how tablet/smartphone gaming is absolutely here to stay.
This impacts the next-generation of home consoles (market wide) too. If a tablet can do all of this for $400 and produce console-like quality games at a cheaper price-point, then it's going to keep attracting more core gamers. People only have so much money to spend — one reason Vita continues to struggle — and the more options that become available to people, the harder it is to take a risk on premium content for any company.
The next 5-10 years are going to be very interesting to witness for anyone who love the gaming industry.
Oh, if you're looking forward to Dragon Fantasy: Book II, then you must play Dragon Fantasy! It's available on iOS/PC/MAC and it's absolutely brilliant. It runs absolutely brilliantly on the iPhone and is the best $2.99 (iOS) you'll spend in a long-time. Highly recommend it!
@Gamer83 I purchased the 3DS, Vita and 3DS XL all day one. Well, scratch that, I actually bought Vita on day -7, as I got the (expensive) early release bundle. Haha. I'm a big fan of Sony, as well as Nintendo and I've spent more time with a wider range of titles on both the systems than most have (writing for the industry has a way of doing that), and feel that the 3DS XL is a better buying option than the Vita at the moment.
While Vita has immense power, a beautiful OLED screen and numerous other things that make it the premium system on the market, as you said, the pricing and hit-or-miss first party support are a big blow to the system for me (e.g. ModNation Racers: Road Trip, Resistance: Retribution). Yes, there are great games on the system, but the all-around pricing makes it a tough sell.
3DS had it's problems, but they were rectified with the 3DS XL. It's so dang big that it feels like a tablet with buttons, instead of another system in the DS library — not to mention it's got a great price point at $199, with everything you need in the box. The 3DS library is also staking up really nicely too. Of course the "Mario" games are great, but Nano Assault, Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, Theatrhythmn: Final Fantasy, etc., are all incredible games as well, and are games that will satisfy the needs of core gamers. There's also Resident Evil: Revelations, which is the best game in the series to come along since Resident Evil 4, in my opinion. It has very good graphics too and shows off the power that the system truly holds. The 3DS is a much more powerful system than many like to believe! The 3DS eShop is starting to land a great variety of downloadable titles for the system as well, with indie developers flocking to it by the bucket-loads.
I fell into this crowd at first, but while a lot of Sony fans look at Wii U in comparison to Vita, the 3DS XL will stomp on both of them from behind if they aren't paying attention. I don't want it to be so, but I'm afraid this will be a rough holiday season for Sony and it's at a time when they could really benefit from a great sales holiday too.
Oh, this is going to be brilliant! After seeing what Sanzaru did with the Sly Collection, I've got full faith in the developer to deliver big-time here. Can't wait to get this between my geeky little fingers!
I figured about as much. This is a good thing, because there's always other platforms that developers can put there games on if they made it too big of a headache.
@Gamer83 I think you're dead-on with the pricing — $400 USD would be a great entry price for a new PlayStation console that offers a decent leap ahead over the PS3.
Just the thought of trying to use my PS3 and Vita together at the same time gives me a headache. It might work as a gimmick for a game or two, but as a whole, I don't see Sony going any further with this than they did with Move. Actually, I'd be surprised if they even got that far with it.
Sony dismissing Wii U is yet another mistake for them. Between Wii U and 3DS XL, Nintendo is looking to dominate Sony this holiday season.
@CrissCross87 "I really think the next generation is going to be more about gimmicks, innovation, and features."
Perfectly stated and I completely agree. The only wildcard I see is if Sony goes all out power, which I think will be disastrous for them.
"Do people realize how long it takes to animate Pixar movies or Avatar?"
Yes and it also cost an insane amount of money too. Disney is also found itself in financial woes, because just like the gaming industry, people don't want to pay premium prices any more and they'll never recoup the massive losses they took on Tangled.
There's another equation that so many people keep leaving out of the "next gen" debates — cost to produce games. The prices to develop triple-A first/third party games has went through roof and Ubisoft is one of the only developers/publishers that could support the high cost to develop games without going under if a game didn't sell well. The risk is simply too high in this market. Consumers don't want to pay premium prices in a high enough demand and Vita is a clear sign of this.
I feakin' love it! It's a game that doesn't give a hoot about the average gamer, CCP Games is out to land the gamers who want a deep experience that's leagues further than what other FPS games on the market offer. What this creates is a league of FPS gamers who will strategically work together in game, like we saw with MAG in its heyday, but has so much depth that it'll keep them around for much longer.
If you've only just gotten into the beta, you've only seen the tip of the iceberg... just sayin'.
Yes, they do indeed, but there's already some major balancing issues with only a handful of characters, so the more that's piled on, the greater the chances become of a severe problem.
@Ginkgo I think it's more of a money issue man. Muteki's team of two guys started work on the original Dragon Fantasy when they were only 14-yrs old. Even though they're now much older, it takes a large team and a ton of money to develop games that look to today's standards. These guys are doing what they love (and can afford) and they know it's only for a certain few.
I'm not a massive fan of the open world types, but I'm really glad that this game has came out to such praise. True Crime was a whole lot of fun in it's time and it's cool to see that it's finally gotten a proper sequel.
I picked up a 3DS XL yesterday, and the thing is brilliant. The screens are huge and the ever-growing catalog just keeps getting better.
I said that to say this: Before the 3DS XL, there was no reason for a Vita price cut. The original 3DS had some major issues — most importantly, the tiny 3D screen. But now that the 3DS XL is on the market and ships with a 4GB memory card in the box for $199, and to me personally, it's the better deal. I fear that if Sony doesn't cut the price before the holidays, the 3DS XL is going to suck away the majority of steam that it will most certainly gain during the buying season. Vita has a handful of great titles coming out before then to help encourage sells, but the 3DS has some major hits releasing as well.
Vita is most certainly worth its asking price, but if it's not selling at the current price, then it has to come down. We all watched Sony sit on their high horse with the PS3's price tag and if they don't watch it, they're going to be rowing in the exact same boat again.
Sorry, just being my brutally honest self as usual.
@Paranoimia You just detailed my problem with trophies/achievements. I used to shoot for them in every game I played, but now, I only go for them after after I finish the game and see that they're something that I think will be fun to try and achieve. I refuse to play imbalanced games (etc.) for the sake of an achievement anymore, and since then I've enjoyed playing games much more than before.
But still, congrats on such a difficult Platinum trophy. I'd never even try to achieve that!
Comments 1,032
Re: Review: Borderlands 2 (PlayStation 3)
Yep, the box should read: "Must play with friends!
Great review Sammy-boy! I'll never look at box of cereal the same again!
Re: We Recommend You Watch This Japanese PS3 Commercial
Re: Joe Danger 2: The Movie Is Riding onto the PSN After All
@FuzzyYellowBalls They are to an extent, but when you have a small team of only five guys, you kinda have to do what you've got to sometimes. They obviously got a better funding option through Microsoft, which just released a few weeks back and now that their embargo date is up, they're doing what they intended and making right with those who made them what they are. Regardless if you're indie or not, you need to make money and sometimes you have to do things the hard way. That's business, not some ill-conceived idea of loyalty.
Re: Rainbow Moon Is Strolling onto the PlayStation Vita
Awesome news!
Re: Platinum Dubs Bayonetta's Dreadful PS3 Port a Failure
@nathanuc1988 Right there with you. I played it on the PS3 and I never saw anything that resembles a "failure."
Re: The Original Mass Effect Is Coming to PlayStation 3
I'm not even sure how this is possible. Microsoft really gave up the rights to allow this to happen? Really?
For those of you who haven't played the original Mass Effect, I implore you to do so. It's a dang good game!
Re: Reaction: What Sony's TGS Tells Us About PlayStation's Future
@get2sammyb Oh yeah, no way I'm saying you'll ever see a triple-A God of War game on the App Store (in the format the series is today) for $5 or less. What I am saying is that the handful of games that are on the the mobile market(s) that offer console-like experiences are usually usually premium prices ($5-$40) — many of which I expect to see on PlayStation Mobile — and with their cheaper prices and massive install base, whether we like it or not, they're pulling the gaming market into a new (unexpected) direction.
Personally, I think Microsoft is going to bring out a cheaper system with moderately better specs than the 360, that utilizes a new iteration of Kinect and focuses mainly on family/party type games. I think SmartGlass and Windows 8 will also play key roles in their next system as well.
Re: Reaction: What Sony's TGS Tells Us About PlayStation's Future
@get2sammyb I think if it tops that, there's going to be problem for Sony. Not trying to be negative, but just being realistic.
The issue of today is that while the premium tablets cost around $400+, they are also portable laptops. If you've been paying attention to the iOS world, the push to the bottom (pricing wise) is being countered by some developers bringing out games that are pushing into premium console-like experiences. iPad 3/ iPhone 5 have the potential to produce some really amazing games and as soon as Apple's official gaming controller lands on the market, we'll see more and more of this. Since I've recently plunged myself into this world of gaming, my eyes have been opened to what's about to come and how tablet/smartphone gaming is absolutely here to stay.
This impacts the next-generation of home consoles (market wide) too. If a tablet can do all of this for $400 and produce console-like quality games at a cheaper price-point, then it's going to keep attracting more core gamers. People only have so much money to spend — one reason Vita continues to struggle — and the more options that become available to people, the harder it is to take a risk on premium content for any company.
The next 5-10 years are going to be very interesting to witness for anyone who love the gaming industry.
Oh, if you're looking forward to Dragon Fantasy: Book II, then you must play Dragon Fantasy! It's available on iOS/PC/MAC and it's absolutely brilliant. It runs absolutely brilliantly on the iPhone and is the best $2.99 (iOS) you'll spend in a long-time. Highly recommend it!
Re: Sony Bullish About PS3 and Vita Connectivity
@Gamer83 I purchased the 3DS, Vita and 3DS XL all day one. Well, scratch that, I actually bought Vita on day -7, as I got the (expensive) early release bundle. Haha. I'm a big fan of Sony, as well as Nintendo and I've spent more time with a wider range of titles on both the systems than most have (writing for the industry has a way of doing that), and feel that the 3DS XL is a better buying option than the Vita at the moment.
While Vita has immense power, a beautiful OLED screen and numerous other things that make it the premium system on the market, as you said, the pricing and hit-or-miss first party support are a big blow to the system for me (e.g. ModNation Racers: Road Trip, Resistance: Retribution). Yes, there are great games on the system, but the all-around pricing makes it a tough sell.
3DS had it's problems, but they were rectified with the 3DS XL. It's so dang big that it feels like a tablet with buttons, instead of another system in the DS library — not to mention it's got a great price point at $199, with everything you need in the box. The 3DS library is also staking up really nicely too. Of course the "Mario" games are great, but Nano Assault, Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, Theatrhythmn: Final Fantasy, etc., are all incredible games as well, and are games that will satisfy the needs of core gamers. There's also Resident Evil: Revelations, which is the best game in the series to come along since Resident Evil 4, in my opinion. It has very good graphics too and shows off the power that the system truly holds. The 3DS is a much more powerful system than many like to believe! The 3DS eShop is starting to land a great variety of downloadable titles for the system as well, with indie developers flocking to it by the bucket-loads.
I fell into this crowd at first, but while a lot of Sony fans look at Wii U in comparison to Vita, the 3DS XL will stomp on both of them from behind if they aren't paying attention. I don't want it to be so, but I'm afraid this will be a rough holiday season for Sony and it's at a time when they could really benefit from a great sales holiday too.
Re: Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time Steals Your Wallet on 5th February
Oh, this is going to be brilliant! After seeing what Sanzaru did with the Sly Collection, I've got full faith in the developer to deliver big-time here. Can't wait to get this between my geeky little fingers!
Re: Sony Streamlining PlayStation Mobile Ratings System
I figured about as much. This is a good thing, because there's always other platforms that developers can put there games on if they made it too big of a headache.
Re: Reaction: What Sony's TGS Tells Us About PlayStation's Future
@Gamer83 I think you're dead-on with the pricing — $400 USD would be a great entry price for a new PlayStation console that offers a decent leap ahead over the PS3.
Re: Mirror's Edge Sprints onto PSN Next Week
Absolutely loved this game. Such a great game and for anyone who's missed it, there's no better time to take a leap of faith and give it a try.
Re: Sony Bullish About PS3 and Vita Connectivity
Just the thought of trying to use my PS3 and Vita together at the same time gives me a headache. It might work as a gimmick for a game or two, but as a whole, I don't see Sony going any further with this than they did with Move. Actually, I'd be surprised if they even got that far with it.
Sony dismissing Wii U is yet another mistake for them. Between Wii U and 3DS XL, Nintendo is looking to dominate Sony this holiday season.
Re: Review: Double Dragon: Neon (PlayStation Network)
I'm a big fan of Wayforward, but this genre was better off left in the past, in my opinion.
Re: Reaction: What Sony's TGS Tells Us About PlayStation's Future
@CrissCross87 "I really think the next generation is going to be more about gimmicks, innovation, and features."
Perfectly stated and I completely agree. The only wildcard I see is if Sony goes all out power, which I think will be disastrous for them.
"Do people realize how long it takes to animate Pixar movies or Avatar?"
Yes and it also cost an insane amount of money too. Disney is also found itself in financial woes, because just like the gaming industry, people don't want to pay premium prices any more and they'll never recoup the massive losses they took on Tangled.
There's another equation that so many people keep leaving out of the "next gen" debates — cost to produce games. The prices to develop triple-A first/third party games has went through roof and Ubisoft is one of the only developers/publishers that could support the high cost to develop games without going under if a game didn't sell well. The risk is simply too high in this market. Consumers don't want to pay premium prices in a high enough demand and Vita is a clear sign of this.
Re: Talking Point: Why Sony Won't Be Too Worried About the Wii U
I think the PS3 is perfectly fine, Vita on the other hand has much bigger issues to contend with — Nintendo's very own 3DS XL.
Re: New Little King's Story Stomps into North America Next Month
I can't wait!
Re: Sony Has Unannounced Titles to Reveal at TGS
Either a new PaRappa the Rapper, or Jet Moto. It'll take either, or both. I'm not too picky.
Re: Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit Won't Cost a Penny with PlayStation Plus
@Splat Oh, there have been much more, um... excited words in the Push Square headlines before.
@Sammy hehe....
Re: Pledge Your Corporate Allegiance in DUST 514
I feakin' love it! It's a game that doesn't give a hoot about the average gamer, CCP Games is out to land the gamers who want a deep experience that's leagues further than what other FPS games on the market offer. What this creates is a league of FPS gamers who will strategically work together in game, like we saw with MAG in its heyday, but has so much depth that it'll keep them around for much longer.
If you've only just gotten into the beta, you've only seen the tip of the iceberg... just sayin'.
Re: Fan-Made WipEout Album Pays Tribute to Psygnosis
@Shiryu Thanks (again!) man. I've played the previous album on my Vita so many times over it's ridiculous!
Re: Killzone Trilogy Confirmed for 23rd October
Instant purchase!
Re: Don't Try This Insane Assassin's Creed Parkour at Home, Kids
Amazing video! Great find Damo!
Re: Giant Sparrow Brings The Unfinished Swan to Life
This looks absolutely brilliant!
Re: Nariko and Sir Daniel Line Up in New PlayStation All-Stars Videos
Yes, they do indeed, but there's already some major balancing issues with only a handful of characters, so the more that's piled on, the greater the chances become of a severe problem.
I'm optimistic, but still concerned.
Re: Retailers Break Resident Evil 6 Release Date
I can't wait until the reviews start pouring out for this — it's quite terrible!
Re: Zen Pinball 2's Plants vs. Zombies Table Rises Next Week
Right on!
Re: Nariko and Sir Daniel Line Up in New PlayStation All-Stars Videos
I'm starting to get really worried about this game's balancing.
Re: Review: Papo & Yo (PlayStation Network)
@bauckster I really hope they release the soundtrack!
Great review Mike!
Re: Sony Bookmarks Dragon Fantasy: Book II for PS3 and Vita
@Ginkgo I think it's more of a money issue man. Muteki's team of two guys started work on the original Dragon Fantasy when they were only 14-yrs old. Even though they're now much older, it takes a large team and a ton of money to develop games that look to today's standards. These guys are doing what they love (and can afford) and they know it's only for a certain few.
Re: Talking Point: Could Apps Transform Vita's Fortunes?
At this point, the more the better, really.
Apps are great, but it's the App-styled games that PlayStation Mobile will bring to the table that I think will have a greater impact for Vita.
Re: Sony Bookmarks Dragon Fantasy: Book II for PS3 and Vita
This is exactly the type of titles I'm excited to see come from Sony's Pub Fund for Vita!
Re: Review: Retro/Grade (PlayStation Network)
"The glowing particle effects running rampant are the equivalent of eating Fruity Pebbles cereal with your eyes"
Haha, that's just brilliant Joe! Great review man!
Re: Fresh Grand Theft Auto V Screenshots Take Flight
If the planes come back like they did in GTA: San Andreas, I'm sold. Otherwise, I'm really not interested.
Re: Review: Sleeping Dogs (PlayStation 3)
Great review Sammy-boy!
I'm not a massive fan of the open world types, but I'm really glad that this game has came out to such praise. True Crime was a whole lot of fun in it's time and it's cool to see that it's finally gotten a proper sequel.
Re: Ragnarok Odyssey Scoops Slick Mercenary Edition
I can't wait for this to come out! Glad you put this up Sammy, I need to up my pre-order to the Merc edition ASAP!
Re: PlayStation Vita Has Sold 2.2 Million Units Since Launch
I picked up a 3DS XL yesterday, and the thing is brilliant. The screens are huge and the ever-growing catalog just keeps getting better.
I said that to say this: Before the 3DS XL, there was no reason for a Vita price cut. The original 3DS had some major issues — most importantly, the tiny 3D screen. But now that the 3DS XL is on the market and ships with a 4GB memory card in the box for $199, and to me personally, it's the better deal. I fear that if Sony doesn't cut the price before the holidays, the 3DS XL is going to suck away the majority of steam that it will most certainly gain during the buying season. Vita has a handful of great titles coming out before then to help encourage sells, but the 3DS has some major hits releasing as well.
Vita is most certainly worth its asking price, but if it's not selling at the current price, then it has to come down. We all watched Sony sit on their high horse with the PS3's price tag and if they don't watch it, they're going to be rowing in the exact same boat again.
Sorry, just being my brutally honest self as usual.
Re: Review: Spec Ops: The Line (PlayStation 3)
@Paranoimia You just detailed my problem with trophies/achievements. I used to shoot for them in every game I played, but now, I only go for them after after I finish the game and see that they're something that I think will be fun to try and achieve. I refuse to play imbalanced games (etc.) for the sake of an achievement anymore, and since then I've enjoyed playing games much more than before.
But still, congrats on such a difficult Platinum trophy. I'd never even try to achieve that!
Re: Learn About Some of the Titles Coming to PlayStation Mobile
@get2sammyb Let's hope so, because if they don't, many people want give them a chance.
Re: Sports Champions 2 Smashes onto PS3 on 30th October
I was really hoping for a new Disc Golf course, but I'm still buying this on day one!
Re: Review: Sound Shapes (PlayStation Network - Vita)
@Mason Agreed! I think the visual style is just fantastic!
Re: Pre-order Persona 4: The Golden for This Jazzy Vita Skin
@JavierYHL Tentatively, it's coming to the US on Nov. 20 this year.
Re: Learn About Some of the Titles Coming to PlayStation Mobile
Ah! Super Crate Box will be on there too! That's flippin' awesome!
Re: Pre-order Persona 4: The Golden for This Jazzy Vita Skin
I've had mine pre-ordered for well over a month now!
Re: Review: Sound Shapes (PlayStation Network - Vita)
@hamispink Yeah, puttin' the finishing touches on a level can consume hours of time. I found that out the hard way too.
Re: Review: Sound Shapes (PlayStation Network - Vita)
Great review Mike!
If it wasn't for Papo and Yo, I'd probably still be playing Sound Shapes every second I get the chance!
Re: Soul Sacrifice Continues to Look Absolutely Disgusting
@moomoo Agreed.
Re: Japan Studio's Latest Adventure Steps into the Rain
Huh? How'd I miss this? This looks absolutely brilliant. Another must-have game from Sony's GamesCom showing.
Re: Reaction: PlayStation Vita Is Back in Play
Puppeteer still took the cake for me!