Comments 1,032

Re: Sony Has Been Working on PlayStation 4 Since 2010


As much as I hate to say it, if the market stays in the volatile condition it's currently in, I fear the what negative effects the next generation consoles are going to have on the industry. Development cost are already ridiculously high and we've lost so many top-tier developers in the last few years, what will happen when these cost double once again?

Re: Review: The Pinball Arcade (PlayStation Network - Vita)


@KALofKRYPTON First of all — great find!

Sadly, I just gave this a try and just as the video states, Vita is not designed to be held in this manner, and while it looks great, it's not a feasible option if you're playing the game seriously — something the game is obviously designed for. It's difficult to press the touchscreen without the system shifting in your hands, and near impossible to make proper use of the tilt functions via the back touchscreen.

This looks to be an added Easter Egg to the title, as there is no mention of it anywhere in the manual, and I don't think any other review has noticed this either. Kinda neat with this being there, but it's just not a feasible option for the game.

Re: Review: The Pinball Arcade (PlayStation Network - Vita)


@KALofKRYPTON I've gone back and rechecked and there is no mention of a TATE option anywhere for the Vita. The instruction manual doesn't speak of it and the only back touchscreen support is an optional mode that allows you to swipe either side of it for tilt purposes. From what I can tell, that's only supported on mobile devices.

Re: PSN Exclusive Rainbow Moon Rises in July


@rjejr This is very much a SRPG in the same vein of Final Fantasy Tactics. If you didn't like it, then you might not like Rainbow Moon.

I spoke with the publisher yesterday and they said that they would love to bring Rainbow Moon to Vita, but thier main focus right now is getting it released on PS3 first.

This and DUST 514 are my two most anticipated games for the rest of this year. Cant wait!

Re: Review: Resistance: Burning Skies (PlayStation Vita)


@addersubtractor I'm glad you're enjoying the game, but I have to disagree. This is one of the worst performing games on Vita, and it's a first party title just like Uncharted: Golden Abyss, which is technically far superior. The problem I speak of in the review with the fighter pilot, it's an issues that I'd dock the game for if this was a PSP game.

@Apple You do make some good points there. But, Sony Bend has taken on the Uncharted series and given us the great Vita launch title: Uncharted: Golden Abyss. Before that, they took on the Resistance series themselves, developing the incredible PSP title, Resistance: Retribution.

Not all secondhand developers are disappointing.

Re: Sony: Some of Our Competitors Are Losing the Plot


Sony is right to say this, and I'm glad they had the audacity to stand-up for what made PlayStation what it is today. It's evolved into other forms of entertainment, but at its core, it's all about the gamers.

Good for Sony. I do feel bad for loyal Microsoft fans though. They're down to a handful of exclusives, and the majority of those aren't even being developed by their original developers anymore. It doesn't take much to see that Microsoft has forced Kinect and "entertainment" on their loyal customers, and they're about to find themselves in quite the precarious position if they don't watch out.

Re: Reaction: Vita's Lacklustre E3 Showing Was a Huge Mistake


I think it was a mistake, but not a huge one. I think the PS3 needed the extra push that it got at E3. They should have cut the Wonderbook presentation in half and the entire waste of time that was the Call of Duty announcement, and allotted this time for those 25 Vita games on the showroom floor.

Thing is, E3 is about the CEO's and their companies, and what's going to make them the most money the fastest, and giving those two games what they got was to surge their sales. Vita is going to sell regardless, and Sony knows it. All this "Vita is going to die" nonsense is little more whiners that are going to complain about something at all times, and quick-hit writers that call themselves journalist.

PSP was literally dead, and all it took was a new God of War title to bring it back from the depths of fanboy hell. If Vita was being sold at a loss, there would be a problem, but it isn't.

Just wait, Wii U will be doomed at launch for the next five months, which we clearly know it'll sell very well. It's the next one on the list to release and Vita will just keep on keeping on.

Re: Feature: How Sony Can Win E3


Give me a handful of great Tactical Role-Playing Games and I'm a happy camper on any system.

I'd really like to see SCE reach out to Level-5 to bring a sequel to the phenomenal Jeanne d'Arc! That'd make my year!