Comments 1,032

Re: Review: Dynasty Warriors Next (PlayStation Vita)


This is Vita's surprise title for me at the moment. I knew that Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack and WipEout 2048 would be stellar titles, but I've dropped around 25+ hours into the game, and I haven't had nearly enough to get my fill yet.

Re: Feature: Understanding the Niche - Ninja Gaiden III


@billy-beauts With Ninja Gaiden III, the loss of difficulty is a blow, but it's the fact that you're not in full control of the character that's the deepest blow here. There's quite a bit of difficulty on the highest setting, but the increased difficulty doesn't make it anymore fun to play.

@Stuffgamer1 Believe it or not, Demon Souls is actually easier to jump into than Ninja Gaiden. The limited skill set simplifies the combat when in action, and makes it more accessible, which is a key reason for its success.

Ninja Gaiden on the other hand is overwhelmingly deep to those new to the series (I've actually penned every combo for every weapon in both the Sigma titles for quick access). While the Sigma titles' will put you up against 3-5 enemies at once, if you pay attention carefully, you'll notice that they don't all attack at once, and only the same enemy type will respawn once their defeated — keeping a constantly manageable playing field. You're dead-on though, Ninja Gaiden doesn't offer quick satisfaction like Demon Souls, and I think that's what Team Ninja was trying to achieve with Ninja Gaiden III. But, Ninja Gaiden III literally swarms you so deeply in enemies that you can't even see Ryu at times, and well, that isn't the Ninja Gaiden way.

@bauckster Yep, that's just it. Game's like Journey and Little Big Planet are solely created to appeal as such from the ground up, while Ninja Gaiden was built for the hardcore crowd, but transitioned into something that tried to appeal elsewhere with NGIII.

Re: Review: Velocity (PlayStation Minis)


This game kicks so much butt it isn't even funny! I'm a SMUP fan, and I've beaten alot of SMUP's, but Velocity brings so many new elements into the genre in one title it's flippin' mind-blowing that nobody else has ever done this!

Awesome game, with a massive amount of über challenging unlockable's. Great job FuturLab!

Re: Miyamoto: Vita Needs More Games


@Kage_88 The 3DS has also been available for over a year now, while the Vita has only been on the market for three months. The Vita has more quality software to date months than the 3DS did in it's first few months, and that's exactly why I disagreed with Mr. Miyamoto's statement, because he's criticizing Sony for something that his own company did far worse!

Re: Miyamoto: Vita Needs More Games


@Stuffgamer1 Oh and I agree. I also know that Mr. Miyamoto is being completely genuine in his statement, as always.

I'm a third party gamer, it's just who I am. The strong third party Vita titles have kept my Vita on everyday since I've picked it up at launch. The 3DS Friend Code system makes the handheld feel very unconnected compared to the Vita, and now that my Vita game's are enabled with Raptr (trophies, rankings) I'm even more inclined to play it on a daily basis.

I'm usually in the minority, heck, I was even in the minority when I was claiming that the 3DS was indeed worth the $249 asking price when I picked mine up on day one, as the 3D effect adds a nice touch to the game's. I've owned quite a few 3DS titles too, but without an unrestricted 'friends' system, and fully accessible online modes, I've since traded most all of them in for Vita game's.

@Malic You mean console quality ports on a handheld that have included all, or most of the DLC for the PS3 counterparts, and releasing at a $20 cheaper price point (e.g. Disgaea 3, Mortal Kombat)? Or, Vita ports that actually improve on their home console brethren (e.g. Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, Dynasty Warriors NEXT)?

Yes, Vita needs more games soon. But, I think Sony is holding out on us until E3, when their presentation will be all-out-Vita. Heck, we get Gravity Rush and Resistance: Burning Skies in the few weeks of waiting!

Re: Urban Trials Wheels onto PlayStation Vita


@Play_It_Loud No, Red Lynx own the Trials series, which is currently only on the Xbox 360 and PC. This is from Tate Interactive, and they're bringing a similar title to fill the void. Let's hope they nail the physics!

Re: Feature: How Sony is Dominating Pre-E3 Headlines


@WolfRamHeart I think Nintendo will do really well at E3, but I think that the realization that Wii U is only going to be current gen specs, and will very likely cost $300+, has a real possibly of overshadowing anything that isn't absolutely mind-blowing and/or game-changing that they show. I hope I'm wrong on this, but it the above is so, I think we'll end up with more "doom and gloom" for Nintendo post E3.

I think Sony is going all out Vita this E3, with major surprise digital releases coming around the time of E3, and lots of new games that have been kept hush coming in the next year.

But, I think it's the upcoming Xbox that will steal the show this year. Microsoft is being eerily quite and Kinect reception has been drab, despite it's sales successes. I think they've got a real show-stopper up their sleeves with their upcoming system!

Re: Feature: Why We're Excited About PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale


@Kage_88 It's easy to understand your frustrations, but at the same time, Nintendo will like be be very humbled that they've been, yet again, used as an inspiration to create another Triple-A title. I could dare say today, that most all games find inspiration to games from somewhere else, so it's just the way the industry moves forward.

Ford might have created the first automobile, but other companies have vehicles today that look very similar to their car models. Another way to look at this, and I say this a huge Nintendo fan myself, you can now guarantee that Nintendo his hitting the drawing boards to pull out all the stops with the next Super Smash Bros. because they've got major competition now. It might have been a small upgrade over Brawl, but now they have to go all out to compete. Competition is what pushes the games we buy to strive for perfection, otherwise, we'd just have small changes on the same basic formula rehashes over and again.

Lastly, if you watch the full GTTV episode, then you'll see that their are some big differences in the gameplay too.

Re: PSone Compatibility Imminent on Vita


I'm guessing the delay has been for them to further extend their efforts to prevent another hacking break through. Regardless, I can't wait to play Legend of Dragoon and Future Cop L.A.P.D. on my Vita!

Re: Talking Point: Does Vita Really Need Online Multiplayer Games?


@Marcus09 If we all thought alike the world would be quite drab. I too adore my 3DS, and I can understand where you're coming from on your point-of-view. Uncharted: Golden Abyss is a portable console title, but others like Unit 13, MotorStorm RC and Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack play great in short burst. The latter even holds a Nintendo-like vibe and if you haven't already, check out Tales from Space: About a Blob on PSN for PS3.

@ShogunRok The online multiplayer in WipEout 2048 is fantastic! It's been flawless for me, even when playing on my Vita with others on PS3.

Re: Talking Point: Does Vita Really Need Online Multiplayer Games?


@Zergling I'm giving myself the Facepalm for that one!

Vita sales are slow, it's a fact, but what's happening with Vita is exactly what we saw with 3DS. It's sales numbers will climb with its software releases. Once the Japanese developers land a few quirky Japan-only titles that appeal to their taste, Vita sales will takeoff there too.

Re: Talking Point: Does Vita Really Need Online Multiplayer Games?


@Zergling Glad you're enjoying Vita! I can't say that I would get rid of my PS3, but I will say that I've barely touched it since I've gotten my Vita. I've been so pleased with the launch titles so far, and Disgaea 3 is making sure that I'll be playing my Vita for... well... over 100 Million Hours!

@rjejr Don't forget that Sony has Warrior's Lair, which was formerly known as Lair, that'll be fully utilizing transfarring.

Re: Talking Point: Does Vita Really Need Online Multiplayer Games?


@butcherknife You have ripped the thought that has been bouncing around my subconscious for months now and wouldn't release. Vita feel exactly like a "personal console" and that's exactly why I love it so much.

I'm on the side of the fence that agrees that Vita has to bring true infrastructure online gaming into its games for it to truly gain mass market appeal. Having a "personal console" that can bring the same online experience to the palm of my hands, while not forcing me to seclude myself to another room and/or tie up the main television in my home, is absolutely wonderful and was the main selling point of Vita for me.

If Activision does it right, I can only imagine the firestorm of Vita sales that will take place if Activision brings an equal console experience to the upcoming CoD for Vita. When all the Dad's find out they can sit right by their kids watching cartoons and get their CoD on with their friends online — when they're now only getting the chance to do this an hour or two a week now — they'll be working overtime with a grin from ear to ear, to raise the funds to purchase Vita. If developed and marketed correctly, Vita will explode like a shell from an AC-130 when Call of Duty lands on it!

With that said, bringing offline and 3G functions to the games is actually quite easy, and can coincide with the infrastructure online multiplayer components. MotorStorm RC has a fantastic offline multiplayer option, but it could easily have a full online multiplayer too. Call of Duty can feature its full offerings, while bringing the Spec Ops Mode back, and uploading times/stats via 3G, etc. It can work both ways, and that's exactly what I want to see happen going forward.