

Graphic Designer from Barbados.

Comments 1,676

Re: Talking Point: Do You Actually Want to See More Death Stranding?


I just want to hear the game has gone gold, read and watch the reviews and figure out if the game is something I'd really like. The last Kojima game I really played for any length of time was Metal Gear Solid 2 back on PS2, and I didn't even get a chance to complete that because my PS2 and my games were stolen.

Re: The Internet Is Cross with PlayStation's Name for the X Button


@Knuckles-Fajita Fair enough point. However, I'm just stating the obvious, really: some people get 'triggered' way too easily nowadays and make controversy out of stuff that really isn't that important. Note the following virtual conversation:

Person 1: "Hey, did you know that Sony calls the 'X' button on PlayStation controllers the 'Cross' button?"

Person 2: "Really? Huh... did not know that. Cool."

Unfortunately, we seem to have devolved to this in some respects:

Person 1: "Hey, did you know that Sony calls the 'X' button on PlayStation controllers the 'Cross' button?"

Person 2: "They do?!! OMG, like this totally destroys the enjoyment I've received from gaming in the last 25 years!! I must immediately jump upon the internet and complain profusely! REVOLUCĺON!!!11!!"

Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but it's kinda ridiculous that people are getting their knickers in a twist over the name of a plastic button...

Re: The Internet Is Cross with PlayStation's Name for the X Button


Wh... why is this still a thing?
It's Sony's platform. It's been like that since the beginning of PlayStation. They can name the button whatever they please, and they did just that. You know, intellectual property and all that.

There are much more serious things to get upset about, like the state of the economy, or if you'll have a job tomorrow.

Come on, internet. Do better.

Re: DriveClub Has Already Been Delisted in Multiple Territories, and Fans Aren't Happy


This may be unpopular, but the truth is that servers cost money to upkeep, and as rich as these companies may be, there is a finite amount of funds dedicated to keeping the servers for storage and hosting of older games. The only way that you can be virtually guaranteed to have access to a game is to have it on a physical disc. Even those have finite shelf lives, and if you live in a tropical climate like I do, well, the chances of that disc being playable in 5-10 years go down drastically. I've seen genuine movie DVD's and Blu-Rays (no burned copies) that I've bought in the last 10 years, that I've played maybe ONCE or twice since new, turn into a blotchy, unplayable mess even when they've been stored in the original plastic cases in cool (well, as cool as it can get, no air conditioning), dry environments out of direct sunlight. Not to mention a system that may be working when put into storage may not be working when taken out in 10 years.

Re: DriveClub Has Already Been Delisted in Multiple Territories, and Fans Aren't Happy


Hmm, last time I checked, there were quite a few new-in-the-plastic physical copies of DriveClub floating around at the local game stores here. There were also used copies of the game on sale, so anyone here that wants to buy the game should be well covered. The fact that the game will now be gimped because the DLC is no longer available to anyone that wants it is worrying though.
Is this what the future holds for games like GT Sport in the next 3-4 years?

Re: Control - Was Remedy's Return to PlayStation Worth the Wait?


What is with these major releases launching with such serious framerate issues? I love gaming, but I can't deal with stuttering gameplay and hard crashes, especially when most studios* should know without question what the hardware is capable of at this point in the generation.
*Kinda giving Remedy a minor break here since this is their first game on a PlayStation platform in a while.