

Graphic Designer from Barbados.

Comments 1,676

Re: Metal Gear Solid Voice Actor Left Unimpressed By Evo Tournament Gag


Mr. Hayter is well within his rights to be ticked off at the use of, what is in essence, his/Konami's intellectual property, without permission. I'm a bit surprised that no one in EVO's organization thought "yeah, this is a bad idea, let's shelf this". They could well be sued to high heaven if Konami and Hayter ever decided to pursue litigation. Not cool, and I hope they learn from this.

Re: Bus Simulator Makes a Stop on PS4 from 17th September


I'm interested in this game. Even though I prefer to have my games on disc, I'm fine with a digital-only release this time. If it were being released physically as well as on the digital storefront, the latter option would be virtually guaranteed to be the only way I could get it in Barbados anyway without paying and arm and a leg to have it 'special ordered' by one of the game retailers here.

Re: PS4 Exclusive Marvel's Spider-Man Is the Best-Selling Superhero Game Ever


I wonder if Sony just put in a call to Insomniac to have their B-Team keep cranking out new Spidey suits and DLC until Spider-Man 2 for PS5 is ready to keep the sales ticking over. It's mighty impressive that this game on just one system beat the sales of other games that have been out a lot longer and on multiple platforms...
Might be just the bargaining chip Sony needs if they offer to buy Insomniac.

Re: PS Vita's Not Quite Done Yet, Despite Reports to the Contrary


@rjejr Yeah, and it'll sell because it's made by Nintendo, not Sony. I really think that Sony should give it another go. Clearly Nintendo has proved that there is still a profitable market for dedicated portable gaming systems, and have gone as far as to pretty much pinch the original concept of the Vita with this (non) Switch Lite.

Re: Gran Turismo PS5 Is Already in Development


@Carl-G Real-time ray-traced reflections of environments and surrounding cars on car bodies, true body panel crash deformation, even better lighting with dynamic time-of-day changing lighting conditions are some of the ways they can make future GT titles look better. I don't know if all of that can be achieved on PS5 but we can hope. As for the quality of the car models now, I remember reading that the static models are just shy of the manufacturer's CAD models in complexity. That should bode well for the quality of in-game models we can expect in future GT games.

Re: Guide: How Much Will the PS5 Cost?


A launch price of $500 for the PS5 pretty much means it'll be more than 3 times that price here in Barbados. I'm expecting around $1700-1750 local price. A PS4 Pro still costs around $1100-$1200 here. I won't worry too much about that though, as I will not buy a launch system. I'll probably jump into PS5 about year or two after launch, hopefully my 2015 PS4 keeps on trucking until then.

Re: PS Plus July 2019 PS4 Games Changed After Fan Backlash


Wait, what?
Now I know the choices of PES 2019 and Horizon Chase Turbo weren't exactly going down well with a lot of PS Plus subscribers, but swapping out one game completely with one of Sony's own, very recent exclusives... I don't know how to feel. While I will DEFINITELY download Detroit, this is going to spark some controversy. Possible scenarios:
(1) Sony just essentially scuttled whatever deal they had with Konami to have PES 2019 on PS Plus for this month, which could have a negative effect on boosting multiplayer numbers that Konami could have been banking on.
(2) By folding to the pressure this early on and swapping the game, this will put more pressure on Sony to offer at least one AAA on Plus per month. Not every month is going to be stellar and more people are likely to already own the AAA releases, which devalues the service more. Next month would be a good time to announce PS Now being rolled into Plus to counter that.
(3) Barring any announcement of PS Now being integrated with PS Plus, and since Sony didn't just add Detroit to the lineup instead of swapping with PES, we're getting 2 games per month for PS Plus until further notice, folks. That's it.

Re: Gylt, the Stadia Exclusive Game from Tequila Works, May Come to PS4 After All


Yeah, unless Google is throwing some major bucks at them to keep this as an exclusive for Stadia, Tequila Works would be stupid to ignore the sales potential and massive install bases of the PS4, Xbox One and Switch. I imagine Gylt for the non-streaming-based platforms will also possibly run better (especially on Pro and X) and...

be available ALL of the time to play.