

Graphic Designer from Barbados.

Comments 1,676

Re: Futuristic PS5 Fan Design Is so Stylish


Man I really hope that's not even close to what the final retail design looks like. As others have said, that vaguely 'X' looking design ain't cutting it.

If the PS5 is supposed to be so incredibly powerful and have components similar to Xbox Series X, why would it have a case design that similar to the original PS4? You know, the same one that many people complain sounds like a jet engine? Cerny and the engineering team would have had to come up with a pretty impressive cooling solution to make a design like this work. Hello, airflow?

There is also the issue of branding. The PS4 was pretty elegant in its use of the single 'PS4' engraved into the top layer of its case, along with the Sony logo and 'PS' on the removable cover. This design seems to have that extraneous lip just for the second 'PS5'... it just so unnecessary.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Receives Hefty 5 Month Delay


@Enuo unless Ghost of Tsushima also gets pushed back, in which case they might as well just make it a PS5 launch game with a PS4 'downport' if they remain adamant it's coming to the current-gen system.

For what it's worth, I hope this is not the case.

Re: Talking Point: Is Sony Right to Skip E3 2020?


This isn't back in the day when Sony famously announced '$299' at E3 for the PS1.

Sony has most likely weighed the value of pouring resources into E3 2020 for months and just see they can have a bigger impact by hosting their own events in the lead-up to the PS5 launch.

They already know they're generating more hype than the competition just by the little snippets of info they've given out so far.

Sony and PlayStation will be fine without E3.

Re: Happy New Year from the Push Square Team


Welcome to the year of the PlayStation 5 everyone. Seems so weird to me to say that our current generation systems launched last decade...
That said, I'm really looking forward to all the announcements coming this year from all gaming platform holders, but especially Sony.

Re: Hey, Guess What? The Uncharted Movie Has Lost Another Director!


Well, you know what they say... 7th times the charm, lucky number 7 and all that jazz...
Seriously though, the Uncharted game franchise may have joined the likes of Pong and E.T. in that great gaming museum in the sky before this film ever gets made.
Chop chop, boys. Tom Holland may look young now, but he'll be acting grandpa roles if you don't do something about this, like just accept the games are good enough.

Re: Poll: PlayStation Is 25 Years Old Today - What Is Your Favourite PlayStation Console?


Sega Genesis was my very first home console, bought for me in 1992 (not counting the OG Gameboy I got as a comforting gift after my mum died in 1991). I played the Genesis right up to the day I bought my PlayStation 1 in 1999 for Gran Turismo 1.
I remember being amazed with it's CD music visualization capabilities and played numerous game magazine demo discs, borrowed games, whatever I could get my hands on. I bought the PS2 in 2001 and GT3, GT4, Ratchet & Clank, Need for Speed Underground, Colin McRae Rally 3, Sonic Mega Collection etc. were always in my console. Some idiot broke into the house and stole my precious PS2 and all my games and I was heartbroken for a while, until I was gifted a replacement used PS2 by my cousin. I never had a PS3 because at the time of its release I was dealing with my grandmother's and uncle's deaths, and had no real interest in gaming, and then was hit with some financial constraints that negated anything not absolutely essential. I returned to PlayStation with the PS4 that I now have in 2015 and I love the experiences I've had on it thus far. Even though I don't have nearly as much opportunity to game as I would like, I will be sticking with PlayStation when the PS5 comes out, but I'll wait a year or two after launch before I upgrade.

Re: Sony's Japanese PlayStation Awards Ceremony Was Just an Awards Ceremony After All


It went just as I expected. I don't know why some people on the internet worked themselves up into a froth over what was always just going to be an awards ceremony.

I did get a few chuckles seeing Yoko Taro having to be shuffled around on stage, and his moon mask looking to be held together with a few bits of tape. I always thought there was some way he could see through that thing, but the way he was punted around, I guess not.