

Graphic Designer from Barbados.

Comments 1,676

Re: Rumour: Word That PS5 Is More Powerful Than Project Scarlett Corroborated by Colin Moriarty


@BAMozzy very good explanations re: the typist analogy.
"I won't buy the most powerful just because its the most powerful."
Couldn't agree more. In fact, when I was considering a current-generation system, I was leaning towards Xbox One because I wanted to try Forza, even though I'd had and enjoyed thoroughly PS1 and PS2. However, I jumped back on PlayStation 4 because I remembered my love for their earlier franchises, I really wanted to try the Uncharted Collection and The Last of Us and it was home to my favorite racing game series, Gran Turismo.
Whatever system ends up being more powerful next gen doesn't really matter. What will matter is does one or the other have the games I want to play, and for now, that still looks like it's going to be PlayStation. I'm not ruling out Xbox if they come up with some awesome must-play titles though.

Re: E3 2019: PS5 Will Cost $800, Jokes Analyst Michael Pachter in Wild Prediction


If the PS5 lands at $500 with the purported specs it has, it will still be quite expensive but I think gamers will snap it up in droves. Sony supposedly will be taking a haircut on each one sold for a while even at that price, but they probably expect to make back that money and more in software sales, new PS Plus/PS Now subscriptions, etc. The savings they made not showing up at E3 this year could probably factor into it as well Anything more than $500, like say $550, and they'll be pushing it.

Re: The Uncharted Movie Might Actually Be Happening, Tom Holland Plays Nathan Drake in December 2020


Lots of PlayStation goodness at the end of next year:
November 2020 - Likely PS5 Launch
December 2020 - Long in limbo Uncharted movie finally sees the light of day
Although I'm not convinced we need an Uncharted movie, Sony should handle their own franchise with the utmost care. Hopefully we won't have to see a movie Nathan Drake redesign after trailer backlash, a la Sanic... I mean Sonic.

Re: Warhammer: Chaosbane - Dull Diablo Clone Doesn't Deliver


Push Square site background: Plastered with Warhammer: Chaosbane advertising.
Push Square's Warhammer: Chaosbane review: MEH - 5/10
I appreciate the reviewer's honesty. If the game is not up to scratch, say it, site sponsorship be damned.
I dunno if anyone else is seeing this, maybe it's because of my location?

Re: Call of Duty Goes Dark Ahead of Modern Warfare Game Reveal


@Quintumply true, but they've got to be concerned that year after year the sales of CoD are falling, maybe not critically, but falling nonetheless. People who are huge CoD fans may be experiencing burnout or finding interest in other game genres and franchises.

@oatmealwarrior92 CoD is a major component of Activision's finances, yes, so any significant falloff in sales they've gotta be feeling it, but I don't think it would cripple them per se.

Re: Rumour: The Last of Us 2 Release Date Reveal Coming This Week


This may be an unpopular opinion, and I know TLOU is an absolutely HUGE franchise even though it's only 2 games in, but are we sure an announcement of a release window for Part II is enough to counter the expectation of Microsoft's 'longest and biggest E3 press conference ever'?
Asking as a gamer.

Re: Sony: The Future Is Bright for PSVR, And We Won't Stop with PS4


I'd love to try PSVR, especially with all of the great games the current version has been getting. Not sure if my stomach can deal with it, but I'd not let that be a deterrent. I think it's great news the PS5 will support PSVR and backward compatibility, and I hope at least some of the newer VR titles out now will be getting resolution/visual upgrades to take advantage of the new hardware.

Re: PS4 Will Stay Relevant for at Least the Next Three Years, Says Sony


@Neolit that's cool. In my situation and because consoles are so expensive in Barbados, I prefer to wait until the first run is depleted and the price drops sometime after launch. For example, I remember buying a brand new PS2 back in September 2002. I paid $1,200 (!) local for the system. This was quite a while after launch... So, yeah, I can wait

Re: PS4 Will Stay Relevant for at Least the Next Three Years, Says Sony


That's good news for me. I'll never buy a Day One system, so it'll give beta teste... I mean, early adopters and Sony a chance to work out the bugs in the first and second rounds of hardware revisions. I'm quite happy with my standard PS4 for a while yet. I'll get a PS5 when prices taper off to something more affordable.

Re: Sony and Microsoft Announce 'Strategic Partnership' on Various Tech Innovations, Including the Evolution of PlayStation


And thus should be the end of the fanboyism of 'My plastic box is better than your plastic box'.
But who are we kidding? You just know the YouTubes will be full of clickbait/misinterpreted "OMG, Microsoft is buying Sony, MS has won next generations!1111!!"
Personally, I think this is very interesting news and I look forward to how this will impact the evolution of gaming over the next decade.

Re: Skull & Bones' Release Date Shipwrecked, Skips E3 2019


@rjejr @Frigate @NorrinRadd I kinda thought so too, but also realise that some companies can't afford to wait and release solely on next generation and miss out on the massive install bases and sales potential of the current generation. Return On Investment and all that.

Re: Feature: What to Expect During Today's State of Play?


Sammy - "There are no big guns"...
that they want to talk about yet because pretty much all of Sony's 'big guns' relate to the PS Fi..
. my bad, 'next generation console that they're not gonna reveal in full until sometime late this year/early next year.