

Graphic Designer from Barbados.

Comments 1,676

Re: PS Store's Black Friday Bonanza Kicks Off Tomorrow, PS Plus Subs Reduced


@Fath ah, not where I live. I'm in Barbados, beautiful country but games are quite expensive here. That God of War in a sealed new package will cost anywhere from $120 - $150 (equivalent of $60 - $75 USD) and that's after more than a year on the market. I'd only get it on physical disc because I just prefer my games on something I can hold, experience the thrill of breaking open a new box and I can turn around and sell it when I'm done. I don't buy many games on disc in a year (only GT Sport so far this year) and God of War seems special to me so that's why I wanted it on disc.

Oh, and we don't really do proper 'Black Friday' sales here, may get 15-20 bucks off the local price of the game and that's it.

Re: PS4 Procures an Upgraded Officially Licensed Pro Controller


@Ridwaano According to reviews, it's supposed to be one of the best, if not the best Pro controllers for PS4 and a quality piece of kit. The downside is the price; at $200 that's kind of a hard ask for me when it costs almost as much as the console itself. Could be worth it if you're really into the modular functionality, and if it's compatible with the PS5 when it comes out.

Re: Poll: Do You Still Want Ghost of Tsushima to Release on PS4?


@get2sammyb Isn't it true that game devs make higher-fidelity assets and then scale to the specific needs of each platform? I'd imagine if this is the case, Sucker Punch would already have the baseline assets ready for the PS5 and should be not much of an issue adapting the code to PS5 hardware since it's technically similar to that of PS4.

Re: The Outer Worlds to Have a Hefty Day One Patch on PS4


So does that mean that those who buy digital will have a less buggy experience than the sure-to-be-buggier buggy physical release?
I'd hoped that since Obsidian is now Microsoft-owned that they would have more resources to do more thorough bug squashing and largely avoid such large day-one patches.

Re: Gran Turismo Sport Is Already Running on a PS5 Devkit


I actually feel pretty good about this if GT Sport officially has an upgraded version for the PS5. I imagine Sony will want to keep the FIA tournaments going on the new hardware while working on the real GT7. Technically it means we should have at least 2 GT titles on PS5 instead of the 1 this generation.

Re: PS5 Release Date Set for Holiday 2020, Sony Confirms


Am I buying one Day One, you ask, PushSquare? Nah. Even though the launch of a new console is pretty much always exciting, I prefer to wait at least a year or two into the life cycle to get one. My PS4 will serve me well for the next few years. All the early production bugs of the new hardware should be worked out by then.

Re: PS5 Will Have a 4K Blu-Ray Disc Drive


Hmmm, I guess this also confirms, in a way, that the 8K output that they were talking about earlier will be 8K upscaling and not 8K native content. 100GB discs wouldn't be nearly enough for that.
Also, how sly of Sony to put this out after last week's somewhat concerning news that Shawn Layden is leaving the company...
By confirming the true name of the next console over a year out from release makes it 'feel' more real than Project Scarlett in my eyes, but to each his or her own. I expect Microsoft will be putting out some news of their own any day now in order to get some of the spotlight.

Re: Reaction: Unrealistic Expectations Mar Sony's Best State of Play So Far


I think it was a competent State of Play. Maybe some people have just not accepted as yet that we are at that point in the console generation that not everything is going to be a banger third party announcement or first party tentpole. Those days for this generation are quickly shrinking in the mirror. That said, we should all remember that we've had arguably some of the best gaming experiences this generation, especially from the PlayStation camp, and look forward to what's coming next from all the platform holders.