

Graphic Designer from Barbados.

Comments 1,676

Re: WipEout Rush Is a New Entry in Sony's Iconic Series for Smartphones in 2022


@Shepherd_Tallon :
"this isn’t a replacement for traditional WipEout games on console"
Fair enough. Nothing to be upset about then.

Hello, welcome to the Internet. You must be new here. Despite the dev's CEO saying that it isn't a replacement for the console games, you can bet your bottom dollar (Pound? Euro? Barter Shells?) that some people will not read any of that, get so-called 'upset' and take to social media platforms to voice their displeasure about a game NONE of them have played yet.

Unfortunately, but hey πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2's Debut Trailer Was Running in Realtime on a PS5


@AFCC I agree with you, very impressive graphics, but not quite there just yet for the full-on CG look. Digital Foundry mentioned in their review of the Sony presentation that the smoke coming from the grates in the street isn't reflected in the puddles.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we have the catalyst for PuddleGate 2.0. Let the internet whining begin (God I hope I'm wrong...)

Re: PS Plus September 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Announced


I'll certainly give Hitman 2 a go, since I quite enjoy the act of sniping fools from a distance and discreetly chloroforming my enemies. Don't judge me.

I'll also add Overcooked to my library for when I get a PS5.

Predator Hunting Grounds...

2 out of 3 isn't bad, I guess.

Re: NBA 2K22 PS5 Gameplay Trailer Throws It Down


For as good as the player models have gotten, there is still something incredibly unsettling about their eyes. That said, I haven't watched a real NBA basketball game in eons. Maybe the real life stars are all soulless husks being puppeted by some dark force from the netherworld.
In which case, these graphics would be true to reality πŸ‘

Re: Poll: What's Your Favourite PS5, PS4 Game of 2021 So Far?


(I realize that's tantamount to blasphemy and cussing around these parts, please don't ban me) πŸ˜…

I'd have to say Ratchet and Clank because of:
1. I've really enjoyed previous R&C games in the past

2. It's the only game thus far that has really made me want to get a PS5... in fact, very tempted to do so, but $2,500 Barbados dollars is not an easy pill to swallow.

3. Reading the cool stuff the game does with the DualSense haptics (it plays freaking music!) has not made it any easier (thanks for that, @get2sammyb)

Re: Poll: Did E3 2021 Suck?


@ShogunRok Point taken. My overall feelings, like many others here, is that E3 in it's current form is no longer necessary. Kinda feels like the companies that took part in it had money burning a hole in their pockets and decided to prop up the ESA to 'keep the tradition alive'.

Re: Sure Sounds Like Horizon Forbidden West May Have Flying Mounts After All


@Richnj That seems to be the case for some of these new PS5 owners. 'I got the new hotness, so who cares about the console that I spent the last 6-7 years having great experiences on, gimme everything on PS5 wahhhhhh.' I'll check back and see how they're feeling in about 5 years when PS6 is on the Horizon (yes, pun intended).
I don't yet have a PS5, but I'm quite content knowing that while I may not have the best graphics or haptic feedback if I play on PS4 now, I can have those features when I do the upgrade.

Re: Sure Sounds Like Horizon Forbidden West May Have Flying Mounts After All


I don't understand why riding a flying mount during combat would be such an impossible thing on the PS4, when we have had games with that mechanic using far weaker hardware than even the base PS4 for years prior. What about games like Ace Combat where you do nothing but fly? What's so special about making a flying mount work? Is it something to do with draw distance, physics calculations, AI or animations?

Re: Horizon Forbidden West State of Play Is Already Sony's Most Watched Single-Game Presentation


Not surprising. I've not even played the original game yet (I bought it and it sits in my 'to play' backlog; I know, for shame) and I was excited to see the gameplay reveal of the sequel. It looks awesome, but some questions remain for me:

  • What does the PS4 version look like (hopefully since it's first party this version won't be gimped to barely run on the older hardware)
  • Will there be a free upgrade program from PS4 version to PS5 version. I'll be hanging on to my base PS4 for a while yet, but it would be nice to have an upgrade to look forward to when I get a PS5.