This is actually the only game I have really been waiting for this Q4...! Just got confirmation my copy has been sent out. Tomorrow will be a good day!
I'm strictly a single player guy, save for the odd bouts of Worms or retro games of the co-op or splitscreen variety. This is also why the new Gran Turismo saddens me, as well as the lack of proper GTA SP DLC. Also why Doom, Ratchet & Clank, Witcher 3 and Horizon are among my favorites of this gen.
Why is this crap suddenly the be all-end all of gaming? I certainly don't want cross platform playing. But then again, I don't even want same platform gaming...
SP or couch split screen, there is nothing else. I'm triple-OG like that.
Yeah, Wolfenstein of course. When the trailer showed you can ride a panzerhund, I knew it would be great. Anybody who claims otherwise does probably not have a human soul.
Well crap, just started it yesterday. Luckily, the game is just ridiculously awesome. Oh well, I'll exchange it in due time, but only if the dlc is on-disc. I'm a sucker for complete editions on-disc (so screw you, Fallout 4!)
@dryrain Problem is, if you don't want it, it will STILL auto-download to your hdd, whether you buy it or not. It seems to be one of the main gripes people have with Creation Club.
I read that the implementation of the Creation Club is a nightmare, even on consoles: the "patch" for it downloads EVERYTHING there is on offer, regardless if you use it, effectively turning your harddrive into Bethesdas personal data dump.
Of course, this is Bethsofts not-so-subtle way of trying to circumvent the mod limitations on console, and my word, what a mess...
From what I've gathered, Gran Turismo will not have a proper single player campaign like it used to, so I'm seriously on the fence about it. P2 might be an alternative then.
Of ALL the games they could've remastered, they chose this snorefest? Yay, walking around in circles until a bell chimes. Gambling on what is the right interrogation, only to confirm your character must have a split personality either way. All in glorious 4K...!
Granted, the animated faces were kind of a cool novelty back then, but the game ultimately wasn't all that great.
It's probably Telltale fatigue. I mean, come on, they're almost like Lego games by now! Also, the fact that Randy Pitchford can go suck the chrome off of a hitching post after what he pulled with Aliens Colonial Marines might have hurt the Gearbox name (and subsequently, its ip's). Deservedly so, by the way, but still, sad for the people who worked hard on this.
@BAMozzy 4K in the living room is there, but it doesn't need to be. It's only of benefit for people that can distinguish individual grains of sand on 3 feet of beach. A good 1080p set with HDR would get my vote over any 4K.
But it's clear you love 4K, so don't let my hesitance deter you from enjoying it.
@kyleforrester87 Yeah, that's probably correct, but only because it's being forced upon us by the corporate giants.
I would want them to sort out other stuff first, like refresh rate on lcd's, or viewing angles. HDR is a far more interesting point than resolution. Hell, I just want a tv with all the benefits and none of the drawbacks of both lcd and oled. With killer upscaling and no input lag to boot. Is that too much to ask for!?
@BAMozzy I totally saw the value in going from HD to SD, I just think 4K on mainstream, living room tv's will remain niche for quite some time. HD to 4K is not as big a jump and you will benefit from it only with larger panels, not many people (hence: mainstream) have or even want that.
If a select group of gamers, videophiles or whoever like it, fine, but don't act like a minority will determine the market. 3D is already going the way of the Betamax, I wouldn't be surprised if 4K is to follow...
@kyleforrester87 I think I only attacked tv manufacturers, yet here you are insinuating that I could be mentally unwell. Takes one to know one, I guess.
It's not only that I don't see the value in the upgrade, I see glaring flaws with it. Like I said: hardly any sources are 4K yet (and probably won't be for some time) and my older stuff, like dvd's and such, just looks plain bad. I would also have to upgrade a perfectly fine AV receiver if I were to go 4K, because product developers are trying to dictate what the next standard should be; that's also the misdirection I was referring to earlier. I'm just not cool with that.
@kyleforrester87 My whole post is the exact reason WHY I don't want to upgrade, I thought that was clear enough. I'm also sorry to hear my personal opinion is nonsense to you, because I was just thinking you were such a cool guy.
I don't even want 4K, because there is no immediate need for it, content is severley lacking to justify the minor upgrade and all my old(er) media looks like crap on it...! 4K is just SUCH a misdirected "upgrade", imo. Kind of like how tv manufacturers were shoehorning 3D into every screen a couple of years ago. Remember how that took off into the mainstream? Yeah, bring on the 8 and 16K as well, because thats what's needed...
For a marketing campaign that led everybody to believe these were the exact games we remember, this is a pretty nasty thing to do. Their attitude towards customer disappointment is also laughable, as they're basically saying to deal with it.
"We're sure you're up to the task," as if false praise will wash away the sour taste from this announcement...
The first Tom Yum Goong movie with Tony Jaa has an epic fight scene of about ten to fifteen minutes that is all one take. If the game is like that, I will probably hold my breath so much that I'll die of asphyxiation. Death by epicness!
Comments 270
Re: Round Up: Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus PS4 Reviews Serve Up Strawberry Milkshake
This is actually the only game I have really been waiting for this Q4...! Just got confirmation my copy has been sent out. Tomorrow will be a good day!
Re: Hitman: Game of the Year Edition Adds New Campaign and Content
Now put the entire package on a physical disc and we can talk about it actually being more of a goty-release.
Re: Feature: The 20 Best RPGs on PS4
I love Witcher, Horizon and Deus Ex. I also am very interested in NieR, Dragons Dogma and Odin Sphere.
Re: God of War Director Speaks Out in Defence of Single Player Games
I'm strictly a single player guy, save for the odd bouts of Worms or retro games of the co-op or splitscreen variety. This is also why the new Gran Turismo saddens me, as well as the lack of proper GTA SP DLC. Also why Doom, Ratchet & Clank, Witcher 3 and Horizon are among my favorites of this gen.
Re: Xbox Boss Isn't Optimistic About Sony Changing Its Cross-Platform Play Policy
Why is this crap suddenly the be all-end all of gaming? I certainly don't want cross platform playing. But then again, I don't even want same platform gaming...
SP or couch split screen, there is nothing else. I'm triple-OG like that.
Re: Gran Turismo Sport's Demo Will Break Your Bandwidth Cap
They need 43 gigs to leave out a proper campaign? That's impressive.
Re: Guide: October 2017 PS4 Game Release Dates
Yeah, Wolfenstein of course. When the trailer showed you can ride a panzerhund, I knew it would be great. Anybody who claims otherwise does probably not have a human soul.
Re: Psychonauts 2 Seems to Be Coming Along Nicely
I am the milkman. My milk is delicious.
Re: The Witcher 3 PS4 Pro Patch Provides Resolution Boost, but Hurts Framerate in Places
Will the frames also drop with a Pro on a 1080p screen?
Re: Feature: 5 PS4 Firmware Update 5.00 Features You May Not Have Noticed
@get2sammyb Are you implying that anything under four minutes does not consume time? My girlfriend will be so glad to hear that.
Re: The Witcher 3 PS4 Pro Patch Promises 4K Support and Better Performance, Out Now
@ShogunRok Steady 30fps in Novigrad and foggy marshes would be great, any info on that? (I wouldn't expect 60)
Re: PS4 Exclusives Heavily Discounted in EU PlayStation Store Sale
@BowTiesAreCool Wipeout is great indeed, but what do you mean it's dead in the water?
Re: Horizon: Zero Dawn Seems to Be Getting a Game of the Year Edition
Well crap, just started it yesterday. Luckily, the game is just ridiculously awesome. Oh well, I'll exchange it in due time, but only if the dlc is on-disc. I'm a sucker for complete editions on-disc (so screw you, Fallout 4!)
Re: The Witcher 3 PS4 Pro Patch Promises 4K Support and Better Performance, Out Now
What will this bring for 1080p screens, performance-wise?
Re: Feature: Detroit: Become Human Is Quantic Dream's Biggest Ever Game
I love the fact that a producer from the studio known for Heavy Rain is called Jason.
Re: PS4 Firmware Update 5.00 Is Finally Out Now
@Gremio108 If you want extra battery life, try turning off the rumble if you haven't already. Those motors eat up way more juice than some tiny leds.
Re: Batman Maker Rocksteady Says Fans Will Lose Their Minds Over Next Game
Gimme a M.A.S.K. game with the quality of Asylum and City and the openness of Knight, and I will lose more than just my mind.
Re: Skyrim's Getting a Full Survival Mode, But It's Part of the Crappy Creation Club
@dryrain Problem is, if you don't want it, it will STILL auto-download to your hdd, whether you buy it or not. It seems to be one of the main gripes people have with Creation Club.
Re: Fallout 4 Game of the Year Edition Wanders onto PS4 Today
I read that the implementation of the Creation Club is a nightmare, even on consoles: the "patch" for it downloads EVERYTHING there is on offer, regardless if you use it, effectively turning your harddrive into Bethesdas personal data dump.
Of course, this is Bethsofts not-so-subtle way of trying to circumvent the mod limitations on console, and my word, what a mess...
Re: Another Fallout: New Vegas? Obsidian Would 'Love' To Do It
I'd rather see a more modern engine, but yeah, bring on Obsidian to develop the game!
Re: Rainbow Six: Siege's PS4 Patch Is Busting Entire PS4 Consoles
@DeadlyBB62 Affected users will receive 1.78 free days of PSN. That's almost two days!
Re: Review: Project CARS 2 (PS4)
From what I've gathered, Gran Turismo will not have a proper single player campaign like it used to, so I'm seriously on the fence about it. P2 might be an alternative then.
Re: It Looks Like Gearbox Has Finally Given Up on Battleborn
Couldn't care less, really. Gearbox can suck my Colonial Marine.
Re: Cliffy B 'Has to Keep LawBreakers Alive' After 'Humbling' Launch
"CliffyB is about to make you his b*tch."
Re: L.A. Noire Will Be Doing Some Detective Work on PS4 Later This Year
Of ALL the games they could've remastered, they chose this snorefest? Yay, walking around in circles until a bell chimes. Gambling on what is the right interrogation, only to confirm your character must have a split personality either way. All in glorious 4K...!
Granted, the animated faces were kind of a cool novelty back then, but the game ultimately wasn't all that great.
Re: First PS4 Pro and Xbox One X Comparison Fares Unfavourably
The only natural response will be for Sony to release a PS4 Pro-and-a-half within two years.
Re: Gamescom 2017: Biomutant Is a Post-Apocalyptic Open World Kung-Fu Action RPG for PS4
@Splat How about lasers that can burn things underwater?
Re: Mass Effect: Andromeda Won't Be Getting Story DLC or Any Further Updates
@Nickolaidas "Includes ALL 1500 patches needed within a month of release!"
Re: PS4 Firmware Update 5.00 Full List of Features Revealed
@dd8900 If we don't behave civilized, we will get yelled at.
Re: Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Clutches a Confirmed PS4 Release Date
Is this game in any way comparable to Skyrim or Witcher 3? I loved those, so I might like DD as well.
Re: Fallout 4 Finally Gets Game of the Year Edition Next Month
Seems they're asking full price for it. €60 is pretty hilarious. The game is about €15 used, €20 new, with a €30 season pass...
Re: Tales from the Borderlands Didn't Sell Well at All
It's probably Telltale fatigue. I mean, come on, they're almost like Lego games by now! Also, the fact that Randy Pitchford can go suck the chrome off of a hitching post after what he pulled with Aliens Colonial Marines might have hurt the Gearbox name (and subsequently, its ip's). Deservedly so, by the way, but still, sad for the people who worked hard on this.
Re: Deal: Get a Free PS4 Pro with High-End Sony 4K TV
@BAMozzy 4K in the living room is there, but it doesn't need to be. It's only of benefit for people that can distinguish individual grains of sand on 3 feet of beach. A good 1080p set with HDR would get my vote over any 4K.
But it's clear you love 4K, so don't let my hesitance deter you from enjoying it.
Re: Deal: Get a Free PS4 Pro with High-End Sony 4K TV
@kyleforrester87 Yeah, that's probably correct, but only because it's being forced upon us by the corporate giants.
I would want them to sort out other stuff first, like refresh rate on lcd's, or viewing angles. HDR is a far more interesting point than resolution. Hell, I just want a tv with all the benefits and none of the drawbacks of both lcd and oled. With killer upscaling and no input lag to boot. Is that too much to ask for!?
Re: Deal: Get a Free PS4 Pro with High-End Sony 4K TV
@BAMozzy I totally saw the value in going from HD to SD, I just think 4K on mainstream, living room tv's will remain niche for quite some time. HD to 4K is not as big a jump and you will benefit from it only with larger panels, not many people (hence: mainstream) have or even want that.
If a select group of gamers, videophiles or whoever like it, fine, but don't act like a minority will determine the market. 3D is already going the way of the Betamax, I wouldn't be surprised if 4K is to follow...
Re: Deal: Get a Free PS4 Pro with High-End Sony 4K TV
@kyleforrester87 I think I only attacked tv manufacturers, yet here you are insinuating that I could be mentally unwell. Takes one to know one, I guess.
It's not only that I don't see the value in the upgrade, I see glaring flaws with it. Like I said: hardly any sources are 4K yet (and probably won't be for some time) and my older stuff, like dvd's and such, just looks plain bad. I would also have to upgrade a perfectly fine AV receiver if I were to go 4K, because product developers are trying to dictate what the next standard should be; that's also the misdirection I was referring to earlier. I'm just not cool with that.
Re: Deal: Get a Free PS4 Pro with High-End Sony 4K TV
@kyleforrester87 My whole post is the exact reason WHY I don't want to upgrade, I thought that was clear enough. I'm also sorry to hear my personal opinion is nonsense to you, because I was just thinking you were such a cool guy.
Re: Guide: August 2017 PS4 Release Dates
I got my eye on Neon Drive, Thimbleweed Park and Redout. Ow, my backlog...
Re: Deal: Get a Free PS4 Pro with High-End Sony 4K TV
I don't even want 4K, because there is no immediate need for it, content is severley lacking to justify the minor upgrade and all my old(er) media looks like crap on it...! 4K is just SUCH a misdirected "upgrade", imo. Kind of like how tv manufacturers were shoehorning 3D into every screen a couple of years ago. Remember how that took off into the mainstream? Yeah, bring on the 8 and 16K as well, because thats what's needed...
Re: My God! There's a Sizzling Summer Sale on the EU PlayStation Store
Been waiting for 2064 Read Only Memories and The Witness to be discounted, got them both for about €16!
Re: Crash Bandicoot PS4 Is Indeed Harder than the Original, Says Dev
For a marketing campaign that led everybody to believe these were the exact games we remember, this is a pretty nasty thing to do. Their attitude towards customer disappointment is also laughable, as they're basically saying to deal with it.
"We're sure you're up to the task," as if false praise will wash away the sour taste from this announcement...
Re: Need for Speed Payback Has the Dumbest Pre-Order Bonus
I'd pre-order if it came with an actual set of tires.
Re: Bugger, Ni no Kuni II Is Delayed into 2018 on PS4
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."
Re: Super Meat Boy Dev Will Bring New Platformer The End Is Nigh to PS4
Will it be coded by Tommy Refenes as well? Super Meat Boy is my jam!
Re: Bungie Hopes People Will Complain About 'Too Much Story' in Destiny 2
@kyleforrester87 "yuk someone else's yum"
That is a hilarious phrase! I'll be using it in conversation soon.
Re: Throwback Thimbleweed Park Points and Clicks PS4
I have been looking forward to this! Side note: does anybody know if Deponia is worth your time?
Re: Jak & Daxter Tetralogy Nearing PS4 Release
Aww, rats! I love Precursor Legacy, but these PS2 Classics always have a botched framerate in PAL-country...!
Re: Oh Boy! Now Quantic Dream Said Something Silly
The PR department is crying like an anime fan on prom night.
Re: God of War Will Never Cut to a Different Camera on PS4
The first Tom Yum Goong movie with Tony Jaa has an epic fight scene of about ten to fifteen minutes that is all one take. If the game is like that, I will probably hold my breath so much that I'll die of asphyxiation. Death by epicness!
Re: Huge Savings for PlayStation Plus Members on EU PS Store
@AFCC There is hardly any worthwhile content in that season pass and 20 is definitely too much. I wouldn't pay more than 5.