

The Fastest Being in The Multiverse

Comments 2,455

Re: UK Regulator No Longer Concerned About Activision Buyout's Impact on Console Competition


@Juanalf Except they won't as MS will add Gamepass exclusives. Here's the thing i'm thinking long term and how MS usually works and not thinking short term. I'm concerned for the future and not if i can play this years CoD on Gsmepass. Gamepass is good now but MS are very much wanting it to be the future of gaming and the only way people are gaming. People forget MS are pretty damn awful and are up there with Tencent, Amazon, Google, Meta and Disney.

Re: Elden Ring Update 1.09 Adds Ray Tracing on PS5, Here Are All the Patch Notes


@ORO_ERICIUS and no game has been put out in UR5 yet outside of Fortnite and UR5 was built for current gen consoles in mind so your point? Wanna know why 1440p is very popular with PC gaming? Because its easier getting 60fps with that while still having a good looking game. 4K/60fps won't be standard until next gen, PC's double the price of PS5 have issues getting that and require big trade offs to get it.

Here's the thing the PS4 Pro happened because 4K was becoming a big thing, both Sony and MS missed that train at the start and so played catch up mid gen. There's no missed train to play catch up on right now, 8K won't be a big thing for many years and 120hz gaming has become way more of a thing then most of us thought it would with the consoles we have. As DF explained there's not much Sony could add to the PS5 right now to justify a Pro, the PS5 has barely even started and has barely shown how powerful it actually is something FF16 and Spider-Man 2 should hopefully do. Finally the PS5 saw a price hike so a Pro would be $600+ a price Sony know would never sell. Prepare for a Slim but the chances of a Pro are very low.

Re: Elden Ring Update 1.09 Adds Ray Tracing on PS5, Here Are All the Patch Notes


@ORO_ERICIUS You should watch Digital Foundries latest podcast where they talk about this supposed Pro and why they doubt its happening. Honestly even if it does happen 4K/60fps still won't be an option for most games, console players don't understand that 4K/60fps is a luxury on PC's that cost far more then the PS5 so yeah that as standard on a console right now ain't happening. If a Pro does happen i expect it will focus on 120hz gaming and better RT as really that's all it could focus on.

Re: Resident Evil 4 (PS5) - A True Masterpiece Made Even Better


@KundaliniRising333 No one is mentioning the issues of the demo because i'm guessing they're fixed in the final release? Hopefully DF will have a video up later today covering it. As for control issues i suggest playing with the settings as it made aiming much better and responsive.

Re: Far Cry 5 Potentially Getting 60fps PS5 Patch on Fifth Anniversary


@KundaliniRising333 i think Far Cry Primal also has issues when ran from the PS5 SSD as i recall many saying its playing up and crashing when ran from it. I have a 4TB External so i use that for PS4 games and use the PS5 SSD's exclusively for PS5 games, i think its why i've had no issues with PS4 games on PS5 as when ran from a HDD the console treats it like its playing on a PS4 Pro and nothing else.