@Relygon I've never played any AC but enjoyed Valhalla, I would say the story is a bit weak towards the end but i enjoyed so much i've bought my first ever seasons pass!!
I was not interested at all in this game, but now I've seen the trailer, OMG, it looks amazing and i might actually preoreder it!! God Damn You Sony :shakesfistatsony: lol
I was going to wait until it was on sale but all the previews going on about how good it is changed my mind, so i got off shopto. If its not my type of game etc I can then sell it on.
P.S. The lack of PS5 games also helped in this decision.
If you haven't noticed the difference try WRC9 in 60fps for a couple of hours or so and then go back to 30fps. It feels unplayable!! I'm just hoping the the PS5 can handle full graphic's mode in 4k with 60fps once the games are optimised properly!?
After spending ages yesterday refreshing the news feed to see what ps plus games there were for next month, I want something special tonight to make up for it :/
I've had PS plus for years now, and I've nearly cancelled it a few times, but now with the PS5 collection and the latest games its seems best value its ever been, especially if you get it in a sale and then get vouchers at a discount. £32 I paid for the year!
Comments 68
Re: Hands On: PSVR2 Represents the Next Big Step for VR
@LiamCroft How is the headset if you use glasses, the PSVR1 used to scratch the lenses unless you bought the spacers of ebay? Thanks
Re: UK Sales Charts: Black Friday Discounts a Boon for Guardians of the Galaxy, FIFA 22
I picked up Guardians of the Galaxy and its a very good game, fairplay.
Re: Sony Shares Huge List of PS Store Black Friday Offers, Starts Tomorrow
@LiamCroft i'm so getting Guardians, although i might wait until the next patch update before playing.
Re: Shark Action Game Maneater Shines with Ray Tracing Update on PS5
The frame rate drop isn't worth it to me, 60fps is way better imo
Re: Call of Duty: Vanguard Multiplayer Is Free for the Next Four Days
And I still wont be downloading it
Re: Far Cry 6 Vaas Insanity DLC Out Next Week
I'm gonna wait for them to be on sale and to see what the reviews say first as i found Valhalla's a bit boring tbh
Re: Elden Ring Closed Beta Codes Are Available Now
I got a Beta code
Re: UK Sales Charts: Far Cry 6, Alan Wake Remastered Arrive in Top 10, Selling Best on PS5
Will people please stop buying GTA 5!!?
Re: The Worst Thing About PS5 Firmware 21-02.04
I hadn't even noticed! lol The Expanded storage is amazing tho
Re: New PS5 Firmware Update Out for Everyone Tomorrow, Includes Internal SSD Support
Anyone know what time, to save the constant checking?
Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla: The Siege of Paris (PS5) - Second Expansion Is More Classic Assassin's Creed Than You Might Think
@Wolf-krueger I thought I was doing good on over 200hrs but 500!!
Re: Best PS5 SSD: Compatible M.2 SSD Storage Expansion for PS5
1 Firecuda 530 1TB with Heatsink now on preorder
Re: Sony Rolling Out PS5 Internal SSD Access in Next Beta Update
@Ward_ting No email for me so looks like i'm not then
Re: Interview: Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut - Sucker Punch Talks PS5 Features, Iki Island Expansion, and Japanese Praise
If you have the PS4 version on a PS5 how do you get the PS5 Directors cut as all I can see for pre order is it for £15.99 for PS4?
Re: Sony Rolling Out PS5 Internal SSD Access in Next Beta Update
@Reeneman I'm guessing when its "official" they will provide a list. Well I hope they do lol
Re: Sony Rolling Out PS5 Internal SSD Access in Next Beta Update
@Reeneman I've just notice the drives are pre order for August the 1st, it would be good to know before then so you can pre order one!?
Re: Sony Rolling Out PS5 Internal SSD Access in Next Beta Update
Ok so when do we get to know if we are beta testers?
Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla Patch 1.3.0 Detailed, Adds Level Scaling, New Festival with One Handed Sword Reward, New Skills
What about restoring my rainbow raven, as mine has disappear from my store :-/
Re: PS Store Summer Sale Brings the Heat on 21st July
YYYEEESSSSSS Mass Effect is on sale
Re: Sony Taking Sign-Ups for PS5 Firmware Update Beta Program
Done, I so want the extended SSD patch.
Re: Technical Issues Restrict Biomutant to Just 1080p, 60fps on PS5
I'll just wait for the actual PS5 version and then maybe wait a bit more for a few patches to be applied!
Re: The Last of Us 2 PS5 Patch Out Now, Adds 60FPS Option
@Total_Weirdo Its already on Youtube
Re: The Last of Us 2 PS5 Patch Out Now, Adds 60FPS Option
woo this might be worth picking up now!
Re: Play At Home Game Subnautica Can Be Upgraded to PS5 Version for Free Starting Today
So, Whats the difference?
Re: All DualSense PS5 Controller Colours
Black one is on order, who needs any money!! lol
Re: Dreamy PS5 Controller Colours Cosmic Red, Midnight Black Announced
Black one for me
Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Wrath of the Druids (PS5) - The Series' Biggest DLC Is Also One of Its Best
Phew, I've already pre ordered the season pass so this is good news :thumbup:
Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Wrath of the Druids Launch Trailer Prepares for Bloodshed
@Relygon I've never played any AC but enjoyed Valhalla, I would say the story is a bit weak towards the end but i enjoyed so much i've bought my first ever seasons pass!!
Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Wrath of the Druids Launch Trailer Prepares for Bloodshed
@ShogunRok I was just wondering if its worth getting the season pass or buying it separate?
I'll probably get the pass tho
Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Wrath of the Druids Launch Trailer Prepares for Bloodshed
yey I was first :--)
Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Wrath of the Druids Launch Trailer Prepares for Bloodshed
how much is it going to be?
Re: This Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Loading Transition Is a Reminder of What PS5 Can Do
I was not interested at all in this game, but now I've seen the trailer, OMG, it looks amazing and i might actually preoreder it!! God Damn You Sony :shakesfistatsony: lol
Re: Talking Point: What Free May 2021 PS Plus Games Do You Want?
Terminator resistance would be nice.
Re: Poll: Will You Be Buying Returnal?
I was going to wait until it was on sale but all the previews going on about how good it is changed my mind, so i got off shopto. If its not my type of game etc I can then sell it on.
P.S. The lack of PS5 games also helped in this decision.
Re: Hands On: Why You Should Be Hyped for Returnal, the Next Great PS5 Exclusive
This game interests me but not enough to pay £70 for it!
Re: Soapbox: PS5 Has Turned Me Into a Total 60FPS Snob
If you haven't noticed the difference try WRC9 in 60fps for a couple of hours or so and then go back to 30fps. It feels unplayable!!
I'm just hoping the the PS5 can handle full graphic's mode in 4k with 60fps once the games are optimised properly!?
Re: Next-Gen PSVR Controllers Revealed, Includes Haptic Feedback and Adaptive Triggers
These look amazing, hurry up PSVR2 lol
Re: Mini Review: Monster Truck Championship (PS5) - An Enjoyable Simulator
I bought it on PS5, but only because I've ran out of ps5 games i want to play!!
Its pretty good though and there is some skill involved with controlling a monster truck
Re: Sony Delighted by Reaction to Next-Gen PSVR Headset Announcement
OK I am now excited for PSVR2!!
Re: Hands On: Incredibly Rough Outriders Demo Kills Our Hope for This Looter Shooter's Launch
I played it for 20mins then deleted it thinking im never going to buy this!
Re: Sony to Unlock PS5 Storage Extension This Summer
The sooner the better as i keep on having to delete stuff!!
Re: PS Plus March 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Have Leaked
@ShiningStar I've already played and finished and sold on FF7 and i enjoyed it, although it was a bit grindy in the middle.
Re: PS Plus March 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Have Leaked
FF7 seems a bit pointless when the next version isn't out for ages!!
Re: Worry No Longer, Kena: Bridge of Spirits Is a $40 Game
I'm definitely pre ordering this in that case
Re: Talking Point: What Do You Expect from This Week's State of Play?
After spending ages yesterday refreshing the news feed to see what ps plus games there were for next month, I want something special tonight to make up for it :/
Re: Gran Turismo 7 Delayed to 2022 on PS5 Due to Coronavirus
Re: Sony Confirms Next Generation PlayStation VR Is in the Works for PS5
I'm so looking forward to this, We need more info though.
Re: No Man's Sky Gets Companions in Another Big PS5, PS4 Update
@Wazeddie22 Definitely
Re: Destruction AllStars Introduces Daily and Weekly Challenges Just a Day After Launch on PS5
I've played it a few times but its gonna get deleted asap, The thought of paying for this game makes me shudder ;/
Re: PS Plus Subscriber Count Reaches an Impressive 47.4 Million
I've had PS plus for years now, and I've nearly cancelled it a few times, but now with the PS5 collection and the latest games its seems best value its ever been, especially if you get it in a sale and then get vouchers at a discount. £32 I paid for the year!