Comments 434

Re: Review: Detached (PS4)


Nice review, Graham. I’ve noted Detached on the PS store, but was a bit put off by the £29.99 price tag. Your review has definitely swayed me towards a purchase, but I may wait and see if there’s a price drop down the line. And I’m happily creeping my way through The Persistence at the moment 👻

Re: Capcom Wants 'Games That Get 9s But Sell Less' Over the Likes of Resident Evil 6


@get2sammyb I personally wouldn’t say RE6 is terrible. As a game, it’s technically well made, with lots of action and some really good segments. However, and it’s a big however, as far as a Resident Evil game goes, it is not really in the same league as the rest of the RE games. With regards to this article, it sounds good that Capcom are taking note, as it’s the customers that ultimately make their business: if no one buys, regardless of technical quality, the profits take a major hit.
Now, if only Konami would take a leaf out of this viewpoint, and consider Silent Hill’s fan base.

Re: Shadow of the Tomb Raider Trailer Seemingly Uses Music from Uncharted 2


Yeah, the percussion instruments used seem to sound the same, and both tracks appears to be of the same composition...but is this something, or is this nothing? I mean, a whole load of songs from a genre use a similar, if not identical percussive arrangement, because it’s part and parcel of that genre’s feel and vibe. Dunno 🤷🏻‍♂️

Re: Review: The Persistence (PS4)


@munkondi Indeed. Since owning PSVR, and with being very fond of the Dead Space games, I’ve always thought that Dead Space: Extraction would be a particularly good fit for VR 👻

Re: Guide: Best PS4 Horror Games


As others have mentioned, definitely needs The Evil Within 2 on this list. And how about Lone Survivor: Director’s Cut? That’s one creepy game. Horror games? Luvs em!

Re: Nathan Fillion Plays the Role He Was Born to in Uncharted Fan Movie


@get2sammyb I know, but I don’t mind these little nods as long as they’re not too overdone. During that gunfight sequence, it was quite full of them, but then maybe they were crammed in because it was only a short film. I think the first Silent Hill movie did those nods well, with the way certain camera angles were used to match those from the game.