Comments 107

Re: Metro Awakening the Subject of New PSVR2 Screenshots


@__jamiie it's a disingenuous argument. The PSVR2 didn't cost you that much, a PS5 and the VR2 did.

The target audience for the VR2 are those who already have a PS5, that's your baseline. From there both are essentially the same price and to suggest you're paying the whole 1200 for the VR2 is wilful ignorance.

Re: PSVR2's PC Adapter Available on 7th August, Costs $60


I think there's a bit of detail missing from the article. While the PSVR2 haptics won't be functional the controller rumble will still be. A shame but the reality is that none of the PCVR games utilise the headset feature so it's moot.

Likewise about HDR - it's still utilising OLED panels so the blacks will be true blacks and the colours will still look less washed out as a result.

Most of the things missing aren't used by any other games at present. This is still a great option where, if comparing to it's most direct competitor the Quest 3, you're looking at a tradeoff of either standalone use/pankcake lenses vs functionality with PS5/PSVR2 games and OLED.

The PSVR2 versions of games are generally the best versions and their exclusives are still absolute bangers, so it's a decent value proposition for any PS5 owners on the fence about whether they want to try VR and those fortunate enough to have a PS5 and gaming PC. Nearly all the best games (and mods) will be available via PSVR2 now which is a win.

Re: Helldivers Turn on Arrowhead Following Undemocratic Firing of Community Manager


@RBMango Same here. Their reddit page used to be really fun, now it's 98% complaints about one thing or another, even complaints about complaints. It's no longer an enjoyable component of the HD2 community which is a damn shame as that's part of what's fueled it's popularity.

The bipolarity of their fanatacism is over the top and a real turnoff. Thankfully the game and online playerbase is still awesome (despite what some of the posts would have you eblieve)

Re: Helldivers 2 PSN Requirement Backtracked on PC After Brutal Review Bombing Campaign


I think they're just going to have to incentivise the PSN account side of things. Actually hoping they do and make it something that'd annoy the whiners to miss out on.

I'm happy that Sony will listen if enough people are loud enough (how vocal do we need to be to get a PSVR2 roadmap?) but this was a massive overreaction for something players were warned about from the start then started acting like they were blindsided.

The toxicity around the issue (or any balance changes Arrowhead make that inconvenience them for that matter) is unwarranted.

Re: Anticipated PSVR2 Shooter Vertigo 2 Finally Arrives in December


@ThorsHammer GT7 and a firewall ultra are also both 1st party (albeit one of those not living up to expectation). Rather than studio perhaps the focus should be on what's exclusive, where you can throw REVillage and shortly RE4 into the mix, which were both heavily funded by Sony.
A roadmap for new titles is so overdue though, although that extends to flat PS5 games too. Sony has been coasting lately and not showing very much at all that's in the pipeline.

Re: Assassin's Creed Nexus VR Looks Incredible, But It's Not Confirmed for PSVR2 Yet


@Jaz007 yeah really not sure what people claiming it's dead are on about, like seriously were you expecting AAA bangers each week or something?

The PS5 itself has about 3 legitimate new-gen only games so far. There's been a pandemic that started 3 years ago significantly impacting studios that everyone seems to have forgotten about that was right in the development time frame of most games.

That said, I think Sony's silence about upcoming 1st party titles is insulting (and that includes regular PS5 games too which people seems also to forget) which feeds the sentiment, which no doubt impacts the interest of potential new buyers.

Re: Assassin's Creed Nexus VR Looks Incredible, But It's Not Confirmed for PSVR2 Yet


@gabuloid really? I've found it absolutely awesome. Could obviously do with more marketing from Sony/a first party titles roadmap but other than that it's stacked with games. Even with what ports it has most of them are the best version of that game.

As someone who didn't already have quest or PCVR I'm absolutely stoked with it. GT7, Pavlov and RE8 alone made it worth the price of admission and there's tonnes more than that. Easily the best gaming experiences I ever had.