Comments 159

Re: Hands On: No Man's Sky PS4 Is As Bemusing As It Is Beautiful


I don't mind figuring out things as I go, as long as the developers meet me halfway by streamlining mechanics. From the get go, I've been as bemused as I was awed by the scope of this game. I should get it in the next few months, when my backlog is a bit smaller than it is now, and hopefully I'll like it - but as of right now I'm honestly not sure.

Re: Review: Hyper Light Drifter (PS4)


@RPE83 "I feel that in some way, the general design trend of games has gone from the challenge to get a high score, or whether you COULD beat the game to being interactive experiences to be enjoyed."

And this, my friend, is the bane of modern gaming. Yeah, I'm a cranky 30-something, get off my lawn!

Re: Review: Hyper Light Drifter (PS4)


So, I got it today, and have played a few hours at this point. It truly is a fantastic title. Love the eerie atmosphere and the challenging (but far from unfair) difficulty level.

I think my only complain is the lack of words, because the picture-based narrative is not at all easy to follow. I wouldn't even know any of the details in the second paragraph if it weren't for this review!

Re: Review: Oxenfree (PS4)


"And yes, Oxenfree certainly fits into this category if you're so willing to use it."

Sadly, that's all I need to know to steer clear. 100% not the kind of thing I enjoy.

Re: Must Own PS4 Exclusive Ratchet & Clank Is £20 on the PlayStation Store


I still need to give this one more of a chance. I got it a few weeks ago and have played maybe three hours total. I had never played a R&C game before, and was slightly disappointed to find out it's sort of linear and story-based, when I was expecting something more akin to Banjo-Kazooie. Still a fine game, though, and I suppose I'll get back to it in the coming weeks.

Re: Feature: 10 PS4 Games That Won E3 2016


Horizon looks astonishing. It would have to be my favorite Sony game of the bunch this time around - and I was just cautiously excited about it last year.

EDIT: By the way, any news about Rime? It's so disheartening to see such a promising title fall off the radar.

Re: Final Fantasy XII Remaster Announced for PS4


@VanillaLake I can sympathise; I haven't played VIII either, for example. Still, it's a worrying trend in my mind. I think Square Enix has more remakes in the pipeline for the West right now than actual new announced games (there's two Final Fantasies and two Dragon Quests at the very least, and just last year they released a remastered Kingdom Hearts).

Re: Behold the Mighty No.9 Trailer People Are Tearing to Bits


As usual with this game, people are blowing things out of proportion. It looks rough, and the narration is all sorts of wrong, but I'm more than willing to give it a try. I'm a big Megaman fan, and although I didn't back this, the game has never actually looked terrible to me.

Re: Final Fantasy XV Director Had to Tell Development Team to 'Wake Up'


I'm excited to get my hands on the final product, but if I have to be completely honest, none of the footage I've seen feels a lot like Final Fantasy.

I mean, yeah, of course, you have to fight stagnation. But sometimes changes go so far that you'd probably be better off calling the game something else instead.

Re: Consoles Like PS4 Will Die Out Sooner or Later, Reckons EA's Peter Moore


@rjejr Well, they did allow GTA: Chinatown Wars on the original DS. And their family-friendly image didn't stop them from funding stuff like Bayonetta and Devil's Third, or from heavily featuring ZombiU as a launch title. Bottom line, I think Nintendo would jump at the chance to have GTA on their console; it's just too big a name in gaming these days.

As for the article... well, the internet has a LONG way to go before streaming games is the norm, let me leave it at that.

Re: Review: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)


I will probably give this a shot at some point. I'm absolutely not big on narrative-driven games, and The Last of Us isn't exactly one of my favorite gaming experiences of the past few years, but I've never played an Uncharted game, and I feel like changing that.

Re: Review: Ratchet & Clank (PS4)


As someone who never played a R&C game before, the review didn't really answer my biggest doubt: how exactly is the game's progression? Is it strictly linear with small levels (like, say, Super Mario 3D World) or is it more of an open-ended adventure with huge worlds (such as Banjo-Kazooie)?

Re: Street Fighter V Seems to Have Flopped Pretty Freakin' Hard


@JoeBlogs @Matroska Aside from that, there's a matter of feel. Sure, you could just manually select fighters to play against, one after another, but it's simply not the same thing. I fell in love with Street Fighter II by playing in arcades, seeing how far I could get, longing to see the ending for more and more characters. Without an actual arcade mode, there's much less sense of immersion for a campaign.

Re: Uh Oh, Both Rock Band and Guitar Hero Haven't Sold Well


This is good news as far as I'm concerned, especially if it means publishers will invest in other genres instead. I was never interested in such games (especially since I do own a number of actual musical instruments), and I'm glad the industry doesn't seem to be going back to obsessing over them anytime soon.

EDIT: I meant good news that the genre is flopping, not that people lost their jobs. That obviously sucks.

Re: Reaction: Why Sony Won't Deploy PS4 Exclusives on PC


I see people talking more and more about how exclusives are 'losing importance', and all I can think of is how weird this market has gotten.

When it comes to spending my own money, exclusives are far and away the #1 factor. This is especially so since my PC could run any multiplatform title better than any console out there. True, I like playing on consoles a lot more (thanks to the convenience alluded to in the article), but investing $400 on a console isn't something I could justify if it weren't for exclusives. They're why I got my PS4 and why I remain a dedicated Nintendo fan. I generally don't have a lot of interest in the Xbox lineup, and this will only get worse if their big exclusives continue to hit PC as well.

Re: Review: Firewatch (PS4)


This is disappointing. I love the art direction, but reviews I've been reading (even ones high with praise) definitely made it seem like this is not for me.

Re: Soapbox: Why I Don't Hate The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Anymore


The Witcher 3 is awesome, definitely my favorite game on PS4 so far. That said, I still can't understand how some people actually praise the story here. It's a giant cliché-fest with one deus-ex-machina after another. Still fun to follow through, especially for fantasy fans like myself, but far from what I would call actually good storytelling.