Comments 114

Re: Second Wave of PS5 UK Pre-Orders Are Quick to Sell Out


I find this all hilarious. Ive been buying day 1 consoles since I snagged the streetfighter 2 bundle of snes at woolworths. Nothing has REALLY changed. Over the years more and more of the mainstream have seen the appeal of gaming, so demand has increased concurrantly. 30 years ago, demand-to-customer was the same but on a smaller scale, as it was just kids, geeks and anoraks that cared (me included). All this makes me smile at the pleasing acceptance by the mainstream of Gaming, which I have loved all my life.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy a PlayStation at Launch 25 Years Ago?


Unashamed Gamer since xmas 83 when I got my zxSpectrum. Ive been here for every major release, from sensi soccer on amiga, sonic on megadrive, fzero on snes, road rash on 3do, tekken on ps1, got 120 stars on mario64, virtua fighter on saturn, everquest on pc, halo on xbox.. On and on and on..

Re: Poll: Did You Buy a PlayStation at Launch 25 Years Ago?


I had a Jap one 6 months earlier, with Tekken and Ridge Racer - 20% faster (60hz) than PAL version, and NO borders. The UK always got shafted back then, with inferior, slower iterations of games. Saying that, I bought Wipeout day one, which played on my PSX0001 after a dodgy disk swap Ah the memories flood back

Re: Review: Hitman: Intro Pack (PS4)


I threw £45 at it and I wish I had waited. The repetitive nature of the game simply doesnt work because of ridiculous loading times. Fails and restarts are how you learn. It should be called Hitman: Groundhog Day which is fine, but in a 2 hour session, you will spend nearly half of that time staring at the barcode loading gif. Im shelving it until they fix it and make it playable. #disappointed

Re: Talking Point: Is the Force Strong with Star Wars Battlefront on PS4?


When i buy, i want a game for my money. I want to own the game. I want to play it at my pace for my pleasure. I dont want a glorified £50 ticket to play a shared game on a server far far away, full of elite players, where i get shot dead in the back every single time i spawn. I love starwars but this multiplayer only mould is destroying the industry

Re: Guide: Which Skills Should You Pick in The Witcher 3 on PS4?


@milero91 not only do i dislike 'having' to manually save (having the option is great, but for it to be essential is not great) because i forget, i also hate it because having to pause and save breaks the immersion terribly. Skyrim got it spot on with its autosave after every so often (adjustable).

Re: Guide: Which Skills Should You Pick in The Witcher 3 on PS4?


They better patch an autosave-every-ten-minutes in or I'll have to give it up before I smash my living room up and have to see a divorce lawyer, when losing an hours progression at least once during every gaming session. And loading-after-death times are no better than bloodborne.. Great game, but not perfect.

Re: Round Up: Project CARS PS4 Reviews Target a Podium Place


Oh gawd! In a twisted way I was hoping this would bomb. I love racing games. I have a sim rig with t500rs wheel BUT i put having fun before frustration. I love Driveclub, even tho I find it very tough.. So do I buy this, knowing how tough it will be?? heeelllp!!!

Re: Phwoar! Project CARS Looks Stunning on PS4


Out of all the project cars videos so far, FINALLY this one looks nice. Shame it was a pc version. I'm a gamer that loves racing games, not a petrol head that wants to use a console to simulate my racing passion, so I'm still unsure about this. I'm enjoying driveclub too much - it's better for gamers like me I think..