After playing RDR2 I really have no interest in returning to the the first game. For me 2 was superior in every way. If we got DLC I would want it more grounded into the established reality of the game I don’t mind a bit of outrageous Easter egg stuff, but a full blown Alien story doesn’t sound fitting.
@Hengist but journalists wouldn’t be covering E3 if their coverage wasn’t getting any attention from the outside. Maybe they’d want to, but their corporate overlords certainly wouldn’t pay for their travel and lodging expenses, it the E3 content they were creating wasn’t getting any clicks.
I know I’ve been reading articles and getting hyped all week, and I think most gamers still love all of the E3 news. Nintendo’s stock dropped 2.3 billion right after their E3 direct, so I assume investors still pay attention to the show as well.
Nintendo bored me last year focusing on Smash. This years Direct was very good though. Luigi’s Mansion 3 was probably my favorite part. Not nearly as exciting as the stuff Sony has lined up, but they do have some great games on the way
Really looking forward to this, still hope we get an HD remaster of the first 2 before its release. My only disappointments with the direct were the AC delay and nothing Metroid related. Even a Prime trilogy Switch release or Samus Returns Switch release would hold me over.
Compared to the most recent Nintendo Direct, I would have to give it a Meh in regards to content. I thought the format was pretty good, and I’m sure it will continue to improve
I think It’s so funny Nintendo and Sony’s shares fell 4% after the announcement. A bit of an overreaction from the market if you ask me. I really don’t see Stadia having much effect on PS4 or Switch sales.
@tomassi I’ve noticed that British guy on Radio Free Nintendo talks about American Football a lot. Plus they’ve played some games over there too if I’m not mistaken.
@jonny_aces Come see a Dodgers game in person, I guarantee you’ll have a blast. Just don’t wear any Patriots gear around LA, that might get you harassed. 😉
Love me some Reggie. What a crazy roller coaster Of Nintendo history he was a part of. From the highs of the Wii and DS to the disappointing lows of the WiiU, and then the comeback of the Switch. Regardless of where Nintendo sat, he sure made it an exciting journey.
These are great passive games, to play during commercials while watching tv, or while waiting for a train. Not sure I have much need to play them on the tv.
I want to get this but it’s been so long since I’ve played the first 2, and KH 3D is the only other game I’ve played. So maybe I should get the collections first and play through those.
If I do get this it would probably be the Switch version so I could play at work on my breaks. My home console time is very limited these days, and there are a ton of other PS4 games higher up on my wish list. If the MK mobile game is any good, I may go that route to scratch my kart racer itch, and save a buck.
By “Real football” you mean boring soccer. The game where a bunch of scrawny sissy boys prance around not scoring any points, and pretending to get hurt so the other player gets in trouble.
Comments 64
Re: Poll: Did You Request a Cyberpunk 2077 Refund on PS5, PS4?
I’ll pick up the definitive version next year for 20 bucks.
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 (PS4) - The Potential of a Masterpiece, Totally and Utterly Unrealised
Sounds like complete garbage. Glad I didn’t waste money on this one.
Re: Demon's Souls (PS5) - PlayStation's Best Ever Launch Game
Looks good, just wish these games had a higher difficulty
Re: These Are the PS4 Games That Won't Play on PS5
Canceling my preorder
Re: This Is the Real-Life Model Peter Parker's Face Is Based on in Spider-Man PS5
Who cares? How cute Peter Parker is or isn’t was least of my worries while playing through Spiderman.
Re: Poll: When Will You Buy a PS5?
In a year or 2 when there is big list of discount games. I have a pretty big PS4 backlog and the Switch to keep me busy until then.
Re: Talking Point: PS5 Could Be Delayed, And We May Have to Accept That
I’m sure Nintendo would love another holiday season without the newer shinier consoles on market.
Re: Bayonetta - The Umbra Witch Gets the PS4 Release She Deserves
Thought 2 was such a better game, have no real desire to go back to this
Re: Kansas City Chiefs to Beat San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl, Reckons Madden NFL 20
Sorry Madden my Niners are going to crush KC!!!
Re: Poll: Will PlayStation Exclusives on PC Affect Your PS5 Purchasing Intent?
Been seeing for years with Nintendo so I’ll try it here.
sONy iS DoOMeD
Re: Guide: Best Uncharted Games Ranked
My PS4 came with Uncharted 4 so I bought the trilogy to play first. I was not a fan of Uncharted 1 so I never touched any of the other games.
Re: Genshin Impact Off-Screen Gameplay Doesn't Do Zelda Comparison Any Favours
I seriously doubt this will be anywhere near as good as BOTW. If the reviews are decent I might check it out though.
Re: Ridiculous Red Dead Redempion 2 Rumour Says Alien DLC Is Incoming, Red Dead Remake Is Real
After playing RDR2 I really have no interest in returning to the the first game. For me 2 was superior in every way. If we got DLC I would want it more grounded into the established reality of the game I don’t mind a bit of outrageous Easter egg stuff, but a full blown Alien story doesn’t sound fitting.
Re: Yes, Wargroove Is Still Coming to PS4
Loved this game on Switch, just makes sense for it to be portable. Will pass on PS4 version.
Re: Talking Point: Is E3 Still Relevant?
@Hengist but journalists wouldn’t be covering E3 if their coverage wasn’t getting any attention from the outside. Maybe they’d want to, but their corporate overlords certainly wouldn’t pay for their travel and lodging expenses, it the E3 content they were creating wasn’t getting any clicks.
Re: Talking Point: Is E3 Still Relevant?
I know I’ve been reading articles and getting hyped all week, and I think most gamers still love all of the E3 news. Nintendo’s stock dropped 2.3 billion right after their E3 direct, so I assume investors still pay attention to the show as well.
Re: Feature: All the E3 2019 Press Conferences Rated and Reviewed
Besides No More Heroes 3 was there anything else in the Direct that has a chance of coming to the PS4?
Re: Feature: All the E3 2019 Press Conferences Rated and Reviewed
Nintendo bored me last year focusing on Smash. This years Direct was very good though. Luigi’s Mansion 3 was probably my favorite part. Not nearly as exciting as the stuff Sony has lined up, but they do have some great games on the way
Re: E3 2019: No More Heroes III Won't Touchdown on PS4
Really looking forward to this, still hope we get an HD remaster of the first 2 before its release. My only disappointments with the direct were the AC delay and nothing Metroid related. Even a Prime trilogy Switch release or Samus Returns Switch release would hold me over.
Re: Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes Breaks Nintendo Switch Exclusivity to Release on PS4
Game was ok, would’ve preferred a remaster of 1&2 if the goal was trying to drum up funds and hype for a third game.
Re: God of War Art Director Has Been Drawing Realistic Smash Bros Characters
He’s very talented, but I hate seeing Nintendo characters like this.
Re: Days Gone - Open World Comfort Food with a Survival Horror Spin
This will probably be a game I buy for 20 bucks, so I won’t feel bad if I don’t complete it.
Re: Shocker: Royal Family Out of Touch as Prince Harry Says Fortnite Should Be Banned
Fortnite does not please the crown.
Re: Hands On: Can Crash Team Racing Compete with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe?
I thought this was ok back in the day. My gaming time is more limited now, so I think I’ll just stick with Mario for my occasional karting needs.
Re: Talking Point: What Did You Think of Sony's State of Play Livestream?
Compared to the most recent Nintendo Direct, I would have to give it a Meh in regards to content. I thought the format was pretty good, and I’m sure it will continue to improve
Re: Ex-PlayStation Executive: Google Stadia Starts Inevitable Shift Away from Consoles
I think It’s so funny Nintendo and Sony’s shares fell 4% after the announcement. A bit of an overreaction from the market if you ask me. I really don’t see Stadia having much effect on PS4 or Switch sales.
Re: Animated Arcade Game Cuphead Skipping PS4
Oh sweet! This is one of the few games that was tempting me to get a Xbox. If Rare replay comes over, I would have no desire to get one.
Re: Google Poised to Announce Potential PlayStation Competitor
Yeah I think I’ll be sticking with Sony and Nintendo. Thnx tho.
Re: Guerrilla Games Has Doubled Its Women Workforce in a Year
Did Guerrilla just assume it’s employees genders or are applicants forced to identify their genders before being hired?
Re: Poll: Do You Feel Ripped Off by PS Plus' Recent Changes?
I’ve never had a subscription, and doubt I’ll ever get one.
Re: Guide: New PS4 Games Releasing in March 2019
@tomassi I’ve noticed that British guy on Radio Free Nintendo talks about American Football a lot. Plus they’ve played some games over there too if I’m not mistaken.
Re: Guide: New PS4 Games Releasing in March 2019
@jonny_aces Come see a Dodgers game in person, I guarantee you’ll have a blast. Just don’t wear any Patriots gear around LA, that might get you harassed. 😉
Re: Guide: New PS4 Games Releasing in March 2019
@get2sammyb people in UK like baseball?
Re: Mystery Bethesda Game Suddenly Up for Pre-Order, Placeholder Trailer Looks Like Fallout
A mysterious Bethesda game is like dumpster diving. You might find something good, but most likely it’ll just be a bunch of garbage.
Re: PlayStation Boss Shawn Layden Thanks Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aimé as Industry Icon Announces Retirement
Love me some Reggie. What a crazy roller coaster Of Nintendo history he was a part of. From the highs of the Wii and DS to the disappointing lows of the WiiU, and then the comeback of the Switch. Regardless of where Nintendo sat, he sure made it an exciting journey.
Re: Soapbox: Crackdown 3 Is Proof That Microsoft Is Still Playing Catch-Up to Sony
I don’t consider myself a fanboy. I love the PS4 and Switch equally, but man I have desire to get a Xbox One
Re: Hold It! Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy Trophy List Appears Online
These are great passive games, to play during commercials while watching tv, or while waiting for a train. Not sure I have much need to play them on the tv.
Re: Amazing Looking Granblue Action RPG No Longer Being Developed by Platinum Games
Maybe Platinum will add that team to Bayonetta and get that game out the door sooner... a boy can dream.
Re: Kingdom Hearts III - An Ending Worthy of the Wait
I want to get this but it’s been so long since I’ve played the first 2, and KH 3D is the only other game I’ve played. So maybe I should get the collections first and play through those.
Re: Crash Team Racing PS1 to PS4 Comparison Is Seriously Impressive
Makes me want a Diddy Kong Racing HD remake too.
Re: New Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled Gameplay Drifts Into View
If I do get this it would probably be the Switch version so I could play at work on my breaks. My home console time is very limited these days, and there are a ton of other PS4 games higher up on my wish list. If the MK mobile game is any good, I may go that route to scratch my kart racer itch, and save a buck.
Re: New Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled Gameplay Drifts Into View
Mario might have some competition now. Certainly not in sales, but in quality of gameplay at least.
Re: Titanfall Battle Royale Game Confirmed, Info Blowout Incoming
My apologies for my insensitive and inflammatory comment.
On topic: I really enjoyed Titanfall 2’s campaign, but don’t have much interest in this Battle Royale thing, maybe they’ll change my mind
Re: Titanfall Battle Royale Game Confirmed, Info Blowout Incoming
@suikoden yeah American football is super lame too.
Re: Titanfall Battle Royale Game Confirmed, Info Blowout Incoming
By “Real football” you mean boring soccer. The game where a bunch of scrawny sissy boys prance around not scoring any points, and pretending to get hurt so the other player gets in trouble.
Re: EA Reportedly Cancels Open World Star Wars Game
I would gladly take prequel quality movies if it meant we also got games of the same caliber from that era.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 254
@KingdomHeartsFan I think it’s a fantastic game. It’s not as great as the original, but certainly more in line with that than anything X offered.
Anyways I’ve been playing Mario 3D World with my daughter, and diving into the Spider-Man dlc this weekend.
Re: Amazon UK and US Best Selling Games of 2018 Include Red Dead Redemption 2 and Spider-Man on PS4
I wonder why the Brits don’t fancy Nintendo nearly as much as the Yanks?
Re: Game of the Year 2018: Sammy's Personal Picks
@Fight_Teza_Fight Wow that’s high praise considering how phenomenal Mario Odyssey is. Will have to give this a go.
Re: Guide: Best PS4 Boxing Day 2018 Deals
Learn something new every day. Happy Boxing Day from California!