Comments 64

Re: Talking Point: Is E3 Still Relevant?


@Hengist but journalists wouldn’t be covering E3 if their coverage wasn’t getting any attention from the outside. Maybe they’d want to, but their corporate overlords certainly wouldn’t pay for their travel and lodging expenses, it the E3 content they were creating wasn’t getting any clicks.

Re: Talking Point: Is E3 Still Relevant?


I know I’ve been reading articles and getting hyped all week, and I think most gamers still love all of the E3 news. Nintendo’s stock dropped 2.3 billion right after their E3 direct, so I assume investors still pay attention to the show as well.

Re: E3 2019: No More Heroes III Won't Touchdown on PS4


Really looking forward to this, still hope we get an HD remaster of the first 2 before its release. My only disappointments with the direct were the AC delay and nothing Metroid related. Even a Prime trilogy Switch release or Samus Returns Switch release would hold me over.

Re: New Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled Gameplay Drifts Into View


If I do get this it would probably be the Switch version so I could play at work on my breaks. My home console time is very limited these days, and there are a ton of other PS4 games higher up on my wish list. If the MK mobile game is any good, I may go that route to scratch my kart racer itch, and save a buck.

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