Comments 357

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 407


@F1at8mot0 the only reason that I completed it was because I brought it. My feelings were the same as yours. After playiing the game flelt flat to me-like the hook wasn’t there to keep me interested in it. Again, gameplay is fun, but just found the game boring. I’m currently replaying odst, which is a amazing. On another note, I’m further into outriders- enjoying it so far. Like a cross between the division & gears of war. Controls could do with being more smoother- but then gears of war had perfect controls.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 407


@Fiendish-Beaver thanks also for your response. Gameplay wise I can see why your experiences are different to mines.when I play games it’s very rare that I play them twice. But as I found the game not very good, normal mode was a chore for me-I can’t see me replaying it again never mind on a harder difficulty. It’s weird as I actually prefer playing 4 & 5 over infinite. But for me anyway-the game as a whole just didn’t click for me.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 407


@Fiendish-Beaver hello, I played on normal. I’m a fan of the previous halo games. Just infinite I felt like it was a chore to play. Again, gameplay was fun-but outside of that the game just felt way too boring for me. Traversing the world was boring & felt pointless-the world felt empty. For me, there was never a need to want to wander the world- just getting to missions as quick as I can. Also them terrible power cell missions were way longer then should be & if they were taken-it would’ve been the shortest halo game. Personally I just found the missions very stale & basic. Variety in missions would have been nice & would have freshened the game up for me. It’s a shame cause I was expecting something great after seeing all the positive reviews. I’ll just stick to playing the master chief collection.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 407


Finally finished halo infinite- which imo is terrible. Couldn’t get into the story, the open world was repetitive & it got to the point where there was nothing really to do outside of the main missions. Boring missions of finding power cells, operate machinery then repeat. No variety in missions. For me I found it very boring & I'm surprised on how highly it got reviewed. If this is what’s the future of halo games-then I’m def out. Infinite just felt like a arena game- constant wave of enemies, similar to doom. But I did enjoy the gameplay side of it-but playing through infinite- dunno. Just felt really bored & I ended up just skipping the story cutscenes, just so that I could complete the game faster. Anyways, currently playing outriders-which ain’t that bad. Also watched the new spidey film which was bloody excellent.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 406


Playing halo infinite-not really enjoying the game-it’s ok so far. It kinda reminds me of doom-where your just moved to places & have a ridiculous amount of enemies constantly turning up. I’ve also had a lot of missions not continuing as I have cleared out areas & more enemies keep turning up-not letting me progress on missions.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 400


@NateGoesLive it’s not bad, but then it’s not great either😀I would say if your a fan of the show(which I am) you’ll like it, mostly. Character movements are abit stiff, graphics are cool, sound is good, they have a few of the actors doing the voices for their characters in the game. I only got it cause I managed to pick it up from Argos for £10. For that I’m glad that I payed that much for it, anything more I prob wouldn’t. As long as your not expecting it to play like streets of rage 4, it’s ok to play. Also there’s about 28 missions on it. Not sure if I’d be bothered to play it all the way through, but as I’m waiting for the new cod to come out-I don’t want to start playing a long game now. I’m not sure how much it is on the ps store. But if it’s over £15, I’d wait till the price drops mate.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 400


Just completed far cry 6. Even tho I enjoyed it alot- I actually preferred far cry 5. The story for 6 didn’t really have me interested in it. Even tho 5 has a weird story, I actually preferred that. Very fun game to play tho. Will be playing some more cobra Kai, whilst waiting for the new cod game to come out.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 398


Playing Far Cry 6-loving the gameplay so far. Not liking the respawning of enemies. Also the world of Far cry 6 also feels less scary then the previous games. What I mean is that in the previous games, you would have random encounters with animals who attack you etc, On far cry 6, it doesn't happen enough, the world feels empty in comparison to older far cry games. Also had Cobra Kai delivered today. So may try some of that out later.

Re: Spider-Man 2, God of War: Ragnarok Trailers Pull Enormous Numbers


Amazing numbers for Sony’s games. Also getting in the phenomenal Tony Todd as venom is a masterstroke. I’m also intrigued by wolverine, will it be a full out violent wolverine? Or a family friendly one. It also brings back memories of the excellent wolverine origins game on the ps3-loved the healing on that game.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 388


@Mostik I’m currently at the end of Judgement & for me it’s a brilliant game. It’s also my first Yakuza game-I didn’t know what to expect from it & it’s pleasantly surprised me with its charm. Beautiful looking game & a city that feels real. It’s also got excellent characters in it. I hope you enjoy it. Happy gaming everyone!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 387


Playing the brilliant but also bonkers Judgement. Currently investigating the heinous crime of who ate Saori cake. Excellent game & very engrossing for me. The maps not massive compared to other games-but there’s so much to do & it feels like a living city. It’s my first yakuza game-I’m hooked.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 381


@mrtennis1990 hey buddy. I would def say to play

Uncharted games
Uncharted Lost Legacy
God Of War
Ratchet & Clank
Infamous Second Son
Ghost of Tsushima
Horizon zero Dawn
Miles Morales
Persona 5
Shadow Of The Colossus
The Last Guardian
Detroit Become Human
Last Of Us part 2
So many great games- but for me these are the absolute best & all are must plays.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 381


Replaying the excellent Frozen Wilds dlc for Horizon Zero Dawn on Ps5. It would also be nice if we could finally get a 60fps patch for it.And will also be replaying all of the Master Chief Collection on Xbox One S. I’m really looking forwards to Halo infinite, but will hold off from playing it until I can get a Series X. Also Portugal v Germany on tonight-so hopefully that’ll be a excellent game. Very disappointing watching the way England played against the Scots tho. Would also like to add, how beautiful The frozen wilds dlc looks. Stunning game.