Comments 357

Re: Best FPS Games on PS5


@Titntin exactly the same as I feel over the new halo game-absolute terrible game & im shocked at how high it rated. If it was called killzone infinite-reviews would have been very low.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 419


Just playing gta 5 on Ps5. Playing it again reminds me just how great the game is-amazing world, enjoyable story & brilliant characters. Most of my time I just spend it cruising around Los Santos. Also it has a phenomenal open world, that feels like it’s real. Only issue for me are the controls. But my number 1 game.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 417


Going through my ridiculous backlog of games. Currently playing the Crysis remastered trilogy. Just into the 1st game. Graphics are nice for a 14 year old game. But everything else is off,shooting, enemy ai. Terrible dialogue also. There’s also a lot of being alerted by enemy’s before you can even see them-even tho I’ve tried doing some levels with stealth. Just going in guns blazing now.Love the physics of the game, sweet destruction of the building etc. Not really liking the game so far tho.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 416


After completing forbidden west-excellent game. I started to play Cyberpunk. Now when the game was 1st announced I had no interest in it. I’m not interested in the whole sci fi setting-I can’t stand it. But after playing cyberpunk on Ps5, I was pleasantly surprised, I really enjoyed playing the game & was in awe of the beautiful night city, stunning game, adequate story, gunplay-I felt was a bit off tho. Had a few glitches-npc stuck in walls. But I loved the game, which as it’s set in a noir sci fi world is def not something I would have thought. Just a shame that this wasn’t the game that released on day one. Looking forwards to what’s next from cd projekt red. And hopefully lessons have been learned for them.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Horizon Forbidden West?


Just completed Forbidden West- throughly enjoyed the game. The 1st game, I liked but for me it was a 8 out of 10. Forbidden West has improved on the original so much. So it’s a 10 out of 10.Gorgeous world, stunning graphics, great gameplay, awesome robots, better characters then the original, interesting story all this with no sign of micro transactions. I’m really looking forward to a part 3. Also would like to add that the side quests are so good aswell. So much more to do after completing the game. Well done Guerrilla, phenomenal game.

Re: Shoddy GTA Trilogy Remasters to Get PS5, PS4 Patches Soon


@JohnnyShoulder I’m also after info for this. My buddy brought gta trilogy for the PS4, & plays it on the PS5. He said that he can’t get access to the ps5 version, just the PS4. I also saw that the Xbox one version of the game gets you the Xbox series version for free. Sounds very weird. My buddy originally wanted to buy the gta trilogy on Ps5-but you can’t get it unless you buy it digitally I think

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Is Getting Review Bombed on PS5, PS4 for No Reason


Not really surprising seeing this regarding fan boys. You’d think that anyone gaming on either consoles will have games to play that they wouldn’t have time to bother posting fake reviews. I’ve been playing for a few hours now-and so far it’s the best game that I’ve played on the ps5 & imo game of the year. Phenomenal looking game-only minor point was that the game was made to run on PS4. Would have been nice to see a horizon game made only for ps5.

Re: Assassin's Creed Valhalla Makes Ubisoft More Than $1 Billion


I loved playing Valhalla. I never got into the earlier creed games-but with origins, odyssey & Valhalla-I’m completely hooked on them. I also enjoy traveling through the worlds that these games have & am blown away by the beauty of them. Add in the dlc was adds an phenomenal amount of content to the base game also.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Dying Light 2?


This was my most anticipated game-especially after how much I loved the 1st game. I would give Dying Light 2 a 7/10. The game play is great, but everything outside of that I found to be boring. The story doesn’t do anything for me & the characters in the game, the less said about them the better. Still only about 15 hours in. Also not a fan of the no guns in this game. Finding guns in the original Dying light game was so much fun & tipped the balance of taking on the volatiles at night. But yeah a 7/10 for me.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 412


Was supposed to be playing Dying Light 2, it’s sitting on the shelf waiting, but I am hooked on Guardians Of The Galaxy. A brilliant game so far, with an excellent soundtrack. Dying light 2 was my most anticipated game for a while, but the story, gameplay & absolutely brilliant banter with the Guardians are so great-I just cannot stop playing it. Also playing on Ps5, it’s also a stunning looking game.

Re: Remember to Buy Horizon Forbidden West on PS4, And Not PS5


@PenguinL I get this with Valhalla a lot. I have the PS4 version, it’s downloads the ps5 version, but the ps5 downloads them both & also both updates. Been doing my head in, so for that reason, even though the ps5 forbidden west is more expensive then the PS4 version- I’ll always ends up getting the ps5 version.

Re: Sony 'Vastly Overpaid' in 'Desperation' for Bungie, Says Outspoken Analyst Michael Pachter


It is a lot of money that Sony put down. But as sony are looking at multiplayer games now-I think bungie bring in a lot of money from destiny. So any new multiplayer games that bungie make in the future -will bring in a lot of money for Sony- from which Sony have no track record in really. So short term it’s seems a lot, long term is where it will be beneficial for Sony.

Re: Sony Team London Studio Bolstering Ranks for Online PS5 Game


Always interested in new games from new studios, even tho it’s multiplayer games-will still keep an eye on them. Considering the Activision buyout. I’m hoping that we’ll start seeing more new shooters games , imo cod is only relevant in sales-the games have been mediocre for a very long time. Will also be interesting to see how ea handles battlefield going forwards. If cod stops being on Ps5 in the future-maybe that’ll give ea a kick in the ass to sort battlefield out properly.

Re: Sony Partner Deviation Games Expands with New Canadian Studio


Really interested to see what they make. Microsoft gobbling up Activision -guarantees the same ol games really cod etc. Would have been nice to see Microsoft invest all that cash into opening new studios & allowing them proper freedom to make games. This deal & the others Sony have made really intrigue me.

Re: Game of the Year: Best PS5, PS4 FPS Game of 2021


Out of the list. Deathloop is the only one that I hav’nt played. The art style, gameplay loop doesn’t do anything for me, so that’s a game I won’t be playing. Far cry 6, I felt was a let down. The characters were boring & I wasn’t a fan of the story. Gameplay was fun tho & traversing the game was nice aswell. Back 4 blood did nothing either for me- so I ended up playing more left 4 dead instead. Vanguard campaign was ok, nothing special-looked amazing tho. Fps have been poor for me this year. My biggest letdown was halo infinite-imo terrible game.