Comments 357

Re: Preview: Dying Light: The Beast Pulls a Lost Legacy as DLC Turned Full PS5 Game Impresses


@WolfyTn I wasn’t a fan of the 2nd game, for me it deviated too much to what made the 1st game great. But this dlc sounds like it’s going back to the 1st games roots. I would say to start off with the 1st game-should be very cheap wherever you get it from. Also with the 1st game, I’m sure techland made all dlc free-the standard version of the game, becomes the enchanced version for free, with the excellent The following dlc aswell. As crane is the protagonist in the 1st game-you’ll understand the story better for this dlc aswell.

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - Marvel's Spider-Man 2


Def the best game that I’ve played this year. Took everything that was great about the 1st game & improved it completely. Also would like to send my prayers out to the people who seemed to be upset with Spiderman 2 being Push Square game of the year😂

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 507


Tried playing the new Avatar game. But after an hour into it, I stopped playing it.The game didn’t click with me & I also ended up skipping the cutscenes. I’m also not a fan of the avatar movies. It’s a shame as I thought it had far cry vibes to it, it’d be interesting enough for me to play through. So I’m just back to playing Mario wonder instead.

Re: Microsoft Admits Xbox Game Pass Is Harming Software Sales After All


I’m not suprised with this news. Only reason Xbox could do game pass was of Microsoft’s deep pockets. Also it’s funny seeing that purexbox have not put an article up about it, suppose it shows who the Xbox shills are. The fact that people on there are not even mentioning it shows just how brainwashed Xbox turned them into.People will knock push square but for Sony news good & bad they post articles about it. With this news, I’m also thinking that a year after starfield is out-it’ll be announced for ps5, to bring in more money. Also game pass is just a repackaged drm plan from 2013.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Forspoken?


5 is about right for me. Takes too long to get going, weird constant screen fade to black. The world looked great, but as you’re running so fast-it seems pointless & void of anything. It’s a shame, cause amongst the rough there is something there which would have been good-I enjoyed the boss battles aswell. Interesting story for me

Re: Poll: Did You Buy the Dead Space PS5 Remake?


I’ve brought dead space just after I had brought forspoken. Would also like to mention that Yakuza 6 was brilliant. So I’m playing forspoken now over the weekend & dead space after. It’s also my 1st time playing dead space-so really looking forwards to it

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Forspoken?


I’ve brought it but haven’t played it yet. Busy playing the excellent Yakuza 6. I should have that wrapped up before the weekend, so I’ll be playing forspoken then.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing The Witcher 3's PS5 Upgrade?


I absolutely loved playing this and all dlc on the ps4. However I don’t think I could be bothered to load it up & try it, perhaps in a few years or so I’ll start up a new data and start from scratch. Regardless it’s a bloody phenomenal game.

Re: Preview: Forspoken PS5 Feels Like a More Magical inFAMOUS


Have the demo downloaded havnt tried it yet. On the topic of infamous. I’ve been playing 2nd son mostly when I have time to kill. I love using the different powers of just running around the city to kill time. Dunno, find it relaxing to do, it’s also something I don’t do with other games. When I have a hour or so to waste, I just load up 2nd son. Would love have a part 3 or even better a full remake of the original games

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 456


@Fuzzymonkeyfunk I’ve been playing it on medium security. As my gaming time is limited, playing Callisto protocol just felt like a chore & I wasn’t enjoying it. If it was a 3rd person shooter would have been so much better. I haven't played dead space so I’m really looking forwards to that.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 456


Well I was playing Callisto protocol but after getting to the 4th chapter, I just switched it off & banished it from my Ps5. The combat-seriously did my head in. Constantly getting jumped by enemies off camera & not being able to move properly whilst fighting them off. Looks great, story seems ok, but man that combat. It just felt to repetitive & I just found it really boring. Also having like the same kinda jump scares wasn’t good either. Anyways, I’m playing Yakuza 4-seems good so far. Love the Yakuza games.

Re: PS5 Games Likely to Remain $70 as Xbox Bumps Prices


There was a few who ripped into Sony for putting the prices up-so it’ll be interesting to see the xbox fanboys reaction to this. Also it’s funny to see that Xbox who had no proper 1st party games, didn’t put the price up, but are now after they’ve finally got 1st party games comming out soon. But it’s not suprising really to see prices going up? Maybe Nintendo will be next?

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 454


Completed the glorious masterpiece-Ragnarok. Everything was just brilliant, story, graphics, combat. But I especially loved Kratos performance. The evolution of kratos on ps2 to ps5 is just breathtaking-loved seeing Kratos showing emotion & the little movements of his face when he was trying to keep/hide his emotions in. Awesome motion capture. As I competed Ragnarok last week.I started to play evil west after,but just couldn’t get into it. So I’m playing Mario kart instead & just waiting for Callisto protocol next week.