Comments 169

Re: Sony 'Closely Monitoring' Nintendo Switch OLED as Industry May Look to Increase Prices


Loved my switch. Played it on my long daily commute. Played it docked on weekends.
Since I got my ps5 I now watch YT on the train and play my ps5 nearly every night. And i have zero interest in buying another switch for minimal upgrades especially now I know about the actual production cost increase of $10.
Hey Nintendo - pump that $40 per machine you're creaming off the top into fixing the awful online store.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 384


Probably going to grab WRC 9 on sale and get into it. Might wait for the F! 2021 review though...

Finally got the platinum on Rift Apart. Encountered an unusual bug, I had completed the 3 Glitch story missions and had all gold bolts yet didn't get the Glitch trophy. Surely I must have completed all 5 Glitch missions then? I had to play through on Challenge Mode and when I got to the last Glitch for a gold bolt I got the trophy. Here's the thing though, that last glitch mission with the super virus was completely new to me. So how on earth did I get that gold bolt first time around? Lol weird.

Re: Sony Fans Bicker Over Ghost of Tsushima PS5 Paywall


I'm not really sure what to think but several of the comments that infer the new expansion should be paid for but the ps5 upgrade should be free is where I am leaning.
The game looks gorgeous enough anyway I may wait to see just how much more impressive the update is. As for the extra island I may buy it at some point but I thought the game was big enough and in parts repetitive enough as it was, I certainly don't need extra armour pieces or Haikus so this will be one I wait for the user reviews on.

Re: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order PS5 Shadow Drop Seemingly Imminent


Can't see myself picking this up yet but I missed last gen, so I've been playing GoW, Zero Dawn, GoT and now got Ratchet tomorrow plus picked up Witcher 3 on the cheap in anticipation of that upgrade later this year. I'm a star wars fan but I have to be picky about where I put my limited playtime lol