Comments 27

Re: Sony Under Fire for Allegedly Abusing Its Dominance in the Industry


Think people might be missing the point. Sony sells any game for it's console exclusively through the PS store. That means you are only able to purchase a game from them. In turn means they can charge whatever they like and you have no other option. If you look at the world of physical sales. Shops compete with each other to sell the game at the best price. So you go with who's cheapest. Now that we are falling into a more digital based purchasing system this competition doesn't exist as Sony does not allow. "Want to buy that 10 year old game that you loved. Well you will have to buy it at it's original retail price."

Re: Unedited The Last of Us PS5 Gameplay Reveals Crawling Clickers


Will throw in my opinion on the constant back lash on this game. Don't like the price? No one is making you buy it! Don't think it has changed much from the remaster? Don't buy it! Doesn't need a remake? Don't buy it! Also GTA5 (PS3, PS4 and PS5) people still bought them. SOTC (PS2, PS3, PS4.) If they did it again for PS5 I'm sure people would buy it. So in conclusion. Stop moaning about something you don't have to get but want it cheap.