Comments 2,690

Re: Reaction: Why Did PlayStation Buy Evo?


I'm honestly not expecting anything world shattering out of this, but I am happy EVO will live at least, even if I don't like the idea of online tournaments. I would like to see them sponsor more FGC events outside of the biggest ones if possible. Maybe even spotlight lesser known games like Under Night In Birth, and give them more attention.

Sony should try to help the community as much as they can. The FGC has always been pretty grassroots in it's thinking. And the "esports mentality" hasn't always been well received in it. It could work out for both if things are done right.

Re: Sony Buys Fighting Game Tournament Evo, Evo Online Confirmed for August


@dudeAmarillo Yes. I know. I am fully aware of that. It's not changing my opinion that it's going to suck because rollback netcode or not, it's not a substitute for the real thing, and there's still a good chance the connection goofs during a game.

I acknowledge that they're doing the best with what they have, and I respect that, but I hated the idea of online tournaments since they were proposed last year. It wouldn't make a fun watch, definitely not a fun play.

Re: Sony Buys Fighting Game Tournament Evo, Evo Online Confirmed for August


I'm not entirely sure on what to think about PS getting EVO, but I do know that I'll be skipping it if it's online. It's just not the same.

@OrigamiCrane One of EVO's founders, Joey Cuellar (AKA Mr. Wizard) was busted for sexual misconduct, so did many Smash players. The FGC as a whole has been trying to clean up any troublemakers since.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 365


On PS4 the main game is Devil May Cry HD. I'm near the end of the game, and I was surprised at how much it held up. It doesn't feel as old as you'd expect from a 20 year old game.

On Switch I'm taking a break from Breath of the Wild and opened up Super Mario 3D All Stars. Mario 64 sadly feels old but I still enjoy playing it depending on the level.

Re: Poll: Who Should Develop New Metal Gear Solid and Castlevania Games If Konami Is Outsourcing Them?


Kojima getting MGS again would be too optimistic. Honestly he's probably happy to be free from the series now.

IO or Eidos could be a good match for the series since they have experience with quality stealth games, and they had to reboot it, they're probably the teams I'd trust to do it the best.

As for Castlevania, FromSoft would just make it another Soulsbourne so I'd rather have Team Cherry for a 2D game or Team Ninja for a 3D one.

Re: Talking Point: Is Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Still a PS5 Launch Window Game?


@Voltan You're probably right on that one. It's still a rarity where I'm at, so that's maybe why I thought that. Looking up the sales numbers for PS4 shows that the PS5's doing well, too. My bad.

I feel I should also clarify in my original comment, when I said I wanted to see more of it, I meant more of the game. Though more consoles probably wouldn't hurt either

Re: Talking Point: Is Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Still a PS5 Launch Window Game?


@Robinsad Could've fooled me. Outside of this site I barely see anything worth talking about in regards to the console, only two people I know, again outside of this site, have one, and they had a rough time trying to get one. I know that's just personal experience, so forgive me if I seem narrow viewed on it.

It's great that there's 5 million out there, but I'm sure that number would be better if the thing wasn't so hard to get at the moment.

Re: Talking Point: What Other PS5 Games Could Be Delayed Past 2021?


God of War seems to be the obvious choice. I can see Horizon getting delayed to next year, since they probably want that game in particular to be flawless.

Has there been anything but a name to Gran Turismo 7?

I don't think Ratchet & Clank will be delayed, but I've been wrong before. If this and Horizon aren't out until '22, I'll probably wait till then to get a PS5.

Re: Poll: What Was the Best PS4 First-Party Exclusive of the Generation?


Since Horizon doesn't count, my pick would be Ghost of Tsushima despite not finishing it yet. It does a lot similar things that Horizon did which made me pick that as the definitive PS4 title: An engaging story with a lead that the game does a great job with trying to get me to be the character, a world that makes me want to explore it, tightly controlled gameplay that's superbly executed, visuals that look amazing with great art direction, a better example of a lower key soundtrack, everything I feel PlayStation wants in it's exclusives exists in these two games more than others.

Re: Soapbox: I Can't Keep Up with Service Games


The only service I've put time into was CTR Nitro Fueled. I got out of it pretty early after the first Grand Prix, because the gameplay loop to unlock all the cool stuff got tiring, and I wanted to play something else. Nowadays there's a lot of games that I've bought and haven't played or started, and I haven't replayed my favorites in a while. Most of my gaming time goes to the almighty backlog.

Re: Soapbox: Rainbow Six: Siege Is My Favorite Shooter of All Time and I Hate It


I haven't played a shooter online in ages, Halo: Reach was the last one I put time into. But as a online fighting game player I can still relate to this a little too much. No cheating, but plenty of toxicity at times, given that the 1v1 setup means egos can't be protected when you lose. I don't have mountains of hatemail, but my friends do, and I've seen good ol' FGC elitism on the net long enough to have a permanent mark on my desk that vaguely resembles my head.

Re: We Wish You a Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas Push Square. This has definitely been a year. It's a shame that I couldn't be on here for essentially the whole year, but I wish the community the best all the same.

I hope everyone here has a wonderful day, no matter what year it's been.

Re: Reaction: How Does It Keep Going Wrong for Big Game Launches?


There's various reasons why AAA games are just not really the same compared to the standard we had years ago, and there's plenty of reasons already listed as to why Cyberpunk isn't doing so hot right now, but I honestly think a major reason is because the game was just too ambitious for current technology. They had worked on this game for so long that I feel like whatever ideas they had would have been better realized if they had made it with the new consoles in mind. That's the major impression I keep getting from articles and reviews about this game since it came out.

Would it take longer? Yeah, and maybe it wouldn't have worked out either, but I think it's a better option than making something for systems that clearly can't run it properly.

Re: Sony Commits to Safer Gaming Environments Alongside Xbox and Nintendo


It's never easy to comment on something like this.

To me personally, the report feature should be enough. Anything else would just potentially go into the big brother type crap everyone regardless of political alignment despises. In my experience, most of the people saying the isms are typically trolls wanting people to get riled up, kids who shouldn't be playing some of the games that have online functionality, or edgelords who think it's hilarious. Neither of which should be taken seriously, but are because of the heightened debate about the isms.

I've been on the internet long enough to know thick skin is essentially a requirement, which is why I tend to be pretty blasé when people insult me. That said, I don't partake in internet tomfoolery, and I know not everyone has that same, we'll call it "resistance", as I do. Yes, there are bad people on the internet. It's a given when there's billions of people on the planet and the internet is as widespread as it is. But only punish the offending party rather than making things potentially difficult for everyone in general.

Also, can I get off my chest that I'm disgusted that the words "gamer" and "free speech" are now tainted because of this? It's terrible that in 2020 I can't talk about my main hobby without getting side-eyed by people because there's still a negative connotation attached to it. I've seen a good amount of bad people online playing games, but I've also met good friends that way, and refuse to let my hobby be generalized as a bad example of human behavior. As for free speech, I can't help but get upset at how it's now seen as a defense to say all the isms. It's the primary reason why Americans can criticize the government. It doesn't mean you can say as you please.

Re: Soapbox: PS5 Pricing Is Setting Releases Like Returnal Up to Fail


This is one of the reasons why I've decided to hold off on a PS5. Paying $500 is hard enough for me right now, especially when the games that would sell me on the system are either on PS4 or not released yet. $70 for new games is asking quite a bit, especially in the Day 1 Patch era we live in. There are people who have difficulty paying $60, this would scare them off.

I'm kind of a "value for money" person, where if you give me $60, I'm more likely to get two $30 games than one full priced game. I guess I'm gonna be one of the waiting crew.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Receives Hefty 5 Month Delay


After the talk of it in the other article, I'm not shocked about the delay, but I am shocked about it being a longer one. I thought it world be pushed to June at the earliest.

At people interested in FF7, P5R and Last of Us 2 won't have to worry about their gaming schedule getting bloated, lol

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake Delayed to Just Days Before Cyberpunk 2077


I've got my pre order paid off, so it's just a matter of the wait for me. Still rough, since I'm interested in both games. It doesn't help Persona 5 Royal comes out right at the end of March.

Personally I think both games will be fine sales wise. They're both RPGs, but a different style of them. It basically boils down to whether you like Western or Eastern RPGs. They both have their distinctive enough fanbases in order to sell well.

Re: Soapbox: Why You Must Play Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection While It's Free on PS Plus


I get the feeling the article's opener was aimed at a certain former Push Square staffer.....

I didn't get the Nathan Drake Collection because I already own the PS3 games, and my PS3 is readily hooked up when I want to play them. Though, it probably wouldn't hurt to download just in case something bad happens.

As for the games themselves, yeah I'm a fan. A big one, actually. I loved playing the PS3 games enough to get their platinum trophies. Uncharted 4 was the only entry I had major gripes with, so I handily prefer Lost Legacy over it, at least when it came out. Need to replay it sometime. As a series, I put around the same level of enjoyment as I do ND's original Crash trilogy. That's a big compliment from me.

Re: Talking Point: What's Your Favourite PlayStation Game of the Decade?


Normally, I'd say this is a hard choice, but considering how many of the aforementioned titles I haven't played, the ones I have not gelling with me that much, and games I want to put on here being disappointing in some significant enough way, there's only one pick I could say-

Horizon: Zero Dawn.

I feel like if there's a template I'd use for open world games, it would be like Horizon. It's a great example of an open world game (And this comes from someone who's been sick of them for a while), fun to play whether it's the combat or exploration, well written, and a graphical powerhouse. It does everything it set out to do well, and as a whole is a great title.

If there's a game I can say is a great showcase of what the PS4 can do. It's Horizon. I'd put it above many games I played on the system, same genre or otherwise.

Re: You Need to Let Sony Know if You Want More Sly Cooper


"We would love to come back to that world".

I'm sure you would. That's why you left the cliffhanger, right?

I've been letting Sony know for a while now. I've wanted a sequel just because of said cliffhanger ever since I beat it years ago. They brought it back after Honor Among Thieves' ending, so bring it back and give me proper closure again, dangit!

Re: Talking Point: Should Capcom Remake Resident Evil 4?


Hard to say. The original game still looks great about 15 years later, even with dated tech. It may be cool to see how much it's expanded upon, but it depends on whether or not you feel it needs any real changes.

Besides, if this happened, would it get ported to the next decade's consoles? C'mon, that joke needed to be made.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation's Most Ardent Fans Are Feeling Frustrated and Insecure


"Frustrated and Insecure"? Why? There's something wrong if you get "insecure" over a company's brand. PlayStation are perfectly fine. They've been fine since 2016, maybe even earlier. What happened to the faith everyone had in PlayStation from just a year or two ago?

The exclusives will always be there, they will always make more, because Sony knows how important exclusive games are, believe it or not. Heck, I've heard multiple times that PlayStation owners would just play the games on PlayStation consoles regardless of exclusivity. So do that. It's an entertainment industry, yeah? Entertain yourself!

Communication? Considering everytime Sony does so much as suck wind they get blowback, I don't really blame them. Every State of Play gets some decent level of backlash. It's not perfect, but each one has some announcement worthy of buzz. I also still remember when PS5 info was just dropped on us without notice. They had no reason to do that, but they did. Is it a matter of patience? They're clearly still working on it, so of course we're only getting so much until it's properly ready for a reveal.

I get that this is just one pocket of the base and not PlayStation fans as a whole, thankfully, but it's silly that PS4 has had one of the healthiest console lifecycles ever, and people still find something to get "frustrated and insecure" about. Leave that to the people actually make the decisions and games, yeah?

Re: Feature: As PlayStation Turns 25, We Share Our Fondest PSone Memories


I was born the same year the PS1 hit America, so I was behind the times when I first played it in 2000. It was a Christmas gift that year.

I had probably close to 20 PS1 games, which was a lot for a family living off of Grandpa's retirement, but about half of those were junky licenced games or stuff for kids. I'm talking stuff like Blue's Clues or Rayman Brain Games (The first Rayman, but for 1st graders).

Of course I was thankfully given some actual games there too. Unsurprisingly to anyone reading this, I played every Crash Bandicoot game with the system, Crash Bash being the game I got with it. I also played my share of Spyro. The original Tomb Raider was the first game I played with a realistic human as the player character, followed by Metal Gear Solid. Need for Speed: High Stakes began my interest in racing games. Tekken 2 started my love of fighting games, therefore plenty of bad ideas.

It was a fun time while it lasted. I would get a PS2 a couple years later, and that started my interest in PlayStation.

Re: Soapbox: PS5 Must Introduce Price Parity Across Regional PSN Stores


@themcnoisy Know I'm late. Not sure how much help I can be here but I'll give a crack at it.

New games are generally $60USD (or $59.99) at release, without tax. I know not every state has the same tax rate, but I couldn't tell you anything else about that. I live in Texas, and looking at my receipts, I pay 8.250% more than list price. I bought Dragon Ball FighterZ physically full price, and the state tax brought it up by $4.95, leaving the price at $64.94. Almost $5 more. Digitally, taxes tend to change- I bought FF8 Remastered, which is $19.99, but I was only taxed an extra $1.65, paying $21.64. Last year I also got Under Night In-Birth at $24.99, but I was taxed $2.06, paying $27.05. If there's an inaccuracy, feel free to correct me, because I'm too dumb to math this stuff.

Re: Sony to Celebrate PlayStation's 25th Anniversary All This Week


It doesn't even feel that long ago that we celebrated the 20th Anniversary.

It's been about 19 years since I got my PS1 and ever since a PlayStation has been my main console. I've owned almost every system, in particular I've owned every version of the PS3 at some point, and also still have my PSP. Only system I never owned was the Vita, as it came out while I was strapped for cash and faded away before I had my first job.

I'd say my fonder memories are with the PS2. I didn't exist in 1994 and was only a few months old when the PS1 hit America. But the PS2, I experienced for almost all of it's lifespan, and played some of my favorite games, like Metal Gear Solid 2, Devil May Cry 3, Gran Turismo 3, Kingdom Hearts I and II, Tekken 5, Persona 3 & 4, Final Fantasy X, the Sly Cooper Series, Jak I & II, and the Ratchet & Clank series, still my favorite PlayStation series.