Comments 617

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 556


I’m stuck at the moment of what to start next. I finished Veilguard a few days ago and generally enjoyed my time with it. However I don’t know what to play next, I’ve started Baldurs Gate 3 numerous times but can’t seem to stay absorbed enough. I might give it another go. In the meantime I’m playing Sims 4 for background noise really whilst I catch up on some podcasts.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 532


I finally got the platinum for Fallout 4 and it was lovely deleting that from my console. I’m unsure what to play next as this took up a chunk of my time. I still have AC mirage and Horizon forbidden west to finish but I think I need something not so open world. Might look through my indie selections.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 531


Currently heading towards the end of Fallout 4 with appeasing the Railroad and stupid Preston and his band of uselessness. Gutted as my save got bugged so I can’t even start the brotherhood quest, to wrap them all up in one save. Apart from that I started prison architect on the side, which I’m enjoying.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 530


I’ve put Fallout 4 to the side currently as I’ve been enjoying my time driving around the streets in Barcelona in Taxi life. It’s a little buggy and has crashed once or twice, but I kinda enjoy it. Very relaxing, unless you’re speeding and come across a police office and a speed camera and oh no that’s a parked car 😂.