Fairly happy with this. Arcade Paradise has been on my PSVR2 wishlist for a while so will finally give it a go! Also Prince of Persia is an awesome game for anyone who hasn't already played it
I already have GoW and I brought Citizen Sleeper in the last sale (typical!) but it's still a decent collection of games. I am a bit sad that premium doesn't have any PSVR2 games this month, hopefully there will be some more in coming months
@Nintendo4Sonic I've been a bit suprised on the comment section for this game as I wasn't aware that there was any internet drama surrounding it. I'm glad you've tried it and are enjoying it so far I'm planning on checking out the webcomic and podcast next as I want to experience more in the Unknown 9 universe
@Foxhound I'd also recommend Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force as another janky but fun game. They've recently re-released it as Fairy Fencer F: Refrain Chord but I think they changed the battle system and story. I haven't played that version so not sure how good it is, but I did enjoy Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force.
@Darude84 @LIMA - the game doesn't really do a lot with the dualsense features - tbh I'm really glad that they didn't use the adaptive triggers for the climbing sections
@KundaliniRising333 @MindfulGamer I don't think there's anything overly sexual about this game. The outfits are cute but I can understand how they're not to everyone's tastes
@JohntheRaptor I doubt they'd be able to fix it with updates tbh. There are some things that they could definitely tweak but it'd be a big task to try to change things like an empty open world or a story that loses it's way.
I think the developers have a roadmap of things that they want to add to the PC version (which I assume will also come to the console versions at some point) but it mainly seems to be end game content.
@GorosBat The second and third game in the Mysterious Trilogy had a couple of deadlines part way through, but it was fairly easy to get everything done to pass them
@thefourfoldroot from what I've played so far, Atelier Sophie 2 doesn't have a time limit (the first Atelier Sophie game also didn't have a time limit)
@Bdbrady 30 hours with some side content, I'd say that if you're doing all the side quests & trophies then you can probably add another 5-10 hours on to that estimate. No judgement whatsoever for playing on easy for CrossCode! I definitely played around with the difficulty sliders in some of the later dungeons! Cris Tales doesn't have any difficulty sliders but I felt like the battles were fairly well balanced (it was a little bit tricky for the first couple of hours but once you've levelled up a bit and got access to healing magic then the difficulty was fine)
@Bentleyma- you can go ahead and play Undead & Undressed without playing this one first.
@thefourfoldroot if you enjoyed Undressed & Undead then you'll probably enjoy this one as well. As it's a remake of the PSP game it's a bit dated when compared to Undead but you'll probably still get some fun out of it
@Jaz007 is it unfair though? Lot's of other people in the comments have talked about how none of their girlfriends or close female friends are gamers and therefore they don't believe the figures. I'm just pointing out that (outside of the people I know online) I don't know any men that game as much as I do. All the men I know at my non-gaming work are not that into videogames apart from the occasional game of FIFA.
If I was just looking at my own anecdotal evidence, as many commentators here have done, I could easily assume that men aren't that into gaming.
I always find the comments and reactions to these kinds of stories a bit sad. I've never dated a guy who's been into games as much as me but I still believe that men play videogames..
@Amnesiac Out of all the Atelier games Rorona is my favourite one. I know the gameplay isn't as advanced as some of the later Atelier games but I just think that she's so cute!
I love the Ys series and thought that Ys VIII was easily the best in the whole series. I'm glad that this has reviewed well, even if it hasn't done enough to surpass Ys VIII. I'm definitely going to pick it up at some point
@slips666 trophy list isn't too bad, there are some for getting through the story, a handful of combat related ones which should mostly come as you play, as well as completing certain dungeons/battles. There are some trophies for getting all collectables & creating rice with specific traits which are a bit trickier (but I imagine that people will create guides which will make it much easier/quicker)
I thought it was a bit dull. Only things I liked the look of were 12 minutes, Lego Star Wars, and R&C.
Also, what was going on with the awards? I didn't get what they were being judged on? Were they just giving awards to the trailers that they liked the most??
Comments 174
Re: 12 PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for March 2025 Announced
Fairly happy with this. Arcade Paradise has been on my PSVR2 wishlist for a while so will finally give it a go! Also Prince of Persia is an awesome game for anyone who hasn't already played it
Re: Atelier Yumia's Protagonist Finally Gets a Good Outfit with Free Tales of Graces f DLC on PS5, PS4
Yeah, I have to disagree with you too 😂 the original outfit is cute! But I do like this as well
Re: The Alters PS5 Builds Upon the Grim Foundations of This War of Mine
Really looking forward to this one
Re: Question Centum's Unreliable Narrative Adventure on PS5, PS4
This looks interesting, I quite like the creepy artstyle
Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for January 2025?
I already have GoW and I brought Citizen Sleeper in the last sale (typical!) but it's still a decent collection of games. I am a bit sad that premium doesn't have any PSVR2 games this month, hopefully there will be some more in coming months
Re: 11 New Games Are Coming to PS Plus Extra, Premium Next Week
No PSVR2 game this time which is a bit of a shame
Re: Xbox Feels It Made a Mistake Skipping PS5 with Hellblade 2, It's Claimed
Loved the first one and was quite sad when it skipped PS5
Re: Unknown 9: Awakening (PS5) - Brand New IP Shows Plenty of Promise
@Nintendo4Sonic I've been a bit suprised on the comment section for this game as I wasn't aware that there was any internet drama surrounding it. I'm glad you've tried it and are enjoying it so far I'm planning on checking out the webcomic and podcast next as I want to experience more in the Unknown 9 universe
Re: Unknown 9: Awakening (PS5) - Brand New IP Shows Plenty of Promise
@riceNpea only one ending and unfortunately you can't reset your abilities
Re: Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure (PS5) - This Unique Puzzle Game Never Stands Still
I'm glad this has reviewed well, it looks really fun!
Re: You'll Need to Clear Everything to Get PS1 Classic Tomba!'s Platinum on PS5, PS4
I adore Tombi! I spent so many hours playing the demo over and over before finally finding an over priced pre-owned copy in my local game store.
Re: Beloved Murder Mystery Game The Case of the Golden Idol Gets PS5, PS4 Ports Next Week
Really looking forward to this, love mystery games!
Re: PS Plus Essential Games for June 2024 Announced
Pretty happy that Dredge is being added!
Re: 13 More Games Coming to PS Plus Extra, Premium This Month
Very happy with that selection
Re: Mini Review: CRYMACHINA (PS5) - Interesting Worldbuilding Can’t Save This Dull Action RPG
@Foxhound I'd also recommend Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force as another janky but fun game. They've recently re-released it as Fairy Fencer F: Refrain Chord but I think they changed the battle system and story. I haven't played that version so not sure how good it is, but I did enjoy Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force.
Re: Mini Review: Anonymous;Code (PS4) - Exciting Visual Novel, But Lacks Character Depth
@LordAinsley around 25/30 hours
Re: Mini Review: Anonymous;Code (PS4) - Exciting Visual Novel, But Lacks Character Depth
@dskatter I didn't notice any spelling errors, the localisation seems pretty good to me
Re: Mini Review: Loop8: Summer of the Gods (PS4) - Shallow RPG With a Repetitive Time Loop Mechanic
@Drago201 no ability to revive and you only have the ability to heal yourself
Re: Mini Review: Loop8: Summer of the Gods (PS4) - Shallow RPG With a Repetitive Time Loop Mechanic
@Valkyrie-Daze Happy to answer any questions
Re: Isaac Asimov's Iconic Sci-Fi Novels the Foundation for New PSVR2 Outing
I'm so excited for this! I love Isaac Asimov
Re: Deliver Us Mars (PS5) - A Thrilling Sci-Fi Adventure to Save Humanity
@Darude84 @LIMA - the game doesn't really do a lot with the dualsense features - tbh I'm really glad that they didn't use the adaptive triggers for the climbing sections
Re: Deliver Us Mars (PS5) - A Thrilling Sci-Fi Adventure to Save Humanity
@Stevemalkpus there is a weightless section but I don't think that it's as tricky to navigate as Deliver Us the Moon was
Re: Quirky RPG The Outbound Ghost Floats to PS5, PS4 Next Week
Really like the look of this!
Re: Form Your J-POP Dream Team in Idol Manager, Dancing Its Way to PS5, PS4 in August
This looks pretty fun I like business sim-type games and this one looks pretty unique! Also the art style is really nice
Re: Potion Permit Is Stardew Valley But with Alchemy, Coming to PS5, PS4 on September 22nd
This looks so good!
Re: Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream (PS4) – A Great Game to Celebrate 25 Years
@KundaliniRising333 @MindfulGamer I don't think there's anything overly sexual about this game. The outfits are cute but I can understand how they're not to everyone's tastes
Re: Mini Review: Edge of Eternity (PS5) – An Ambitious But Disjointed RPG
@JohntheRaptor I doubt they'd be able to fix it with updates tbh. There are some things that they could definitely tweak but it'd be a big task to try to change things like an empty open world or a story that loses it's way.
I think the developers have a roadmap of things that they want to add to the PC version (which I assume will also come to the console versions at some point) but it mainly seems to be end game content.
Re: Hands On: Atelier Sophie 2 Seems Like a Very Promising JRPG Sequel
@GorosBat The second and third game in the Mysterious Trilogy had a couple of deadlines part way through, but it was fairly easy to get everything done to pass them
@thefourfoldroot from what I've played so far, Atelier Sophie 2 doesn't have a time limit (the first Atelier Sophie game also didn't have a time limit)
Re: Behind the Frame Paints a Pretty Picture on PS4 in 2022
I remember seeing this in the Wholesome Direct stream in the summer! It looks so pretty, can't wait to play it
Re: Lost in Random (PS5) - Quirky Card-Based Adventure Set in a Dark and Gothic World
@Fenbops it's real time. The game pauses to allow you to select which cards you want to use but then the action resumes once you select them.
@KilloWertz @UltimateOtaku91 it took me just over 20 hours to get to the end and complete all side quests
Re: Toem Is a Black and White Photography Adventure Looking Picturesque on PS5
Yay! I tried the demo on Steam a month or so ago and it seemed pretty fun, so glad that it's coming to the PS5 as well!
Re: Kitaria Fables Is Half Action RPG, Half Farming Sim, Adventuring to PS5, PS4 in September
this looks so cute!
Re: Yes, You Get to Run a Farm in Tales of Arise
my interest in this has suddenly sky rocketed!
Re: Mini Review: Cris Tales (PS5) - Enchanting RPG Inspired By the Classics
@Bdbrady no problem I hope you have a great day too
Re: Mini Review: Cris Tales (PS5) - Enchanting RPG Inspired By the Classics
@Bdbrady 30 hours with some side content, I'd say that if you're doing all the side quests & trophies then you can probably add another 5-10 hours on to that estimate. No judgement whatsoever for playing on easy for CrossCode! I definitely played around with the difficulty sliders in some of the later dungeons! Cris Tales doesn't have any difficulty sliders but I felt like the battles were fairly well balanced (it was a little bit tricky for the first couple of hours but once you've levelled up a bit and got access to healing magic then the difficulty was fine)
Re: Mini Review: Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed (PS4) - Remastered JRPG Is Fun But Flawed
@Bentleyma- you can go ahead and play Undead & Undressed without playing this one first.
@thefourfoldroot if you enjoyed Undressed & Undead then you'll probably enjoy this one as well. As it's a remake of the PSP game it's a bit dated when compared to Undead but you'll probably still get some fun out of it
Re: Almost Half of PlayStation Gamers Are Women
@Jaz007 is it unfair though? Lot's of other people in the comments have talked about how none of their girlfriends or close female friends are gamers and therefore they don't believe the figures. I'm just pointing out that (outside of the people I know online) I don't know any men that game as much as I do. All the men I know at my non-gaming work are not that into videogames apart from the occasional game of FIFA.
If I was just looking at my own anecdotal evidence, as many commentators here have done, I could easily assume that men aren't that into gaming.
Re: Almost Half of PlayStation Gamers Are Women
I always find the comments and reactions to these kinds of stories a bit sad. I've never dated a guy who's been into games as much as me but I still believe that men play videogames..
Re: Atelier Mysterious Trilogy Deluxe Pack (PS4) - Three Cosy Atelier Games in One Robust, Remastered Package
@Amnesiac Out of all the Atelier games Rorona is my favourite one. I know the gameplay isn't as advanced as some of the later Atelier games but I just think that she's so cute!
Re: Atelier Mysterious Trilogy Deluxe Pack (PS4) - Three Cosy Atelier Games in One Robust, Remastered Package
@nicc83 they're around 30-40 hours each depending on your playstyle
Re: Ys IX: Monstrum Nox (PS4) - Adol's Darkest Adventure Doesn't Quite Hit the Highs of Ys VIII
I love the Ys series and thought that Ys VIII was easily the best in the whole series. I'm glad that this has reviewed well, even if it hasn't done enough to surpass Ys VIII. I'm definitely going to pick it up at some point
Re: Disco Elysium Website Is Teasing Something 'Soon'
Really like the look of this so hopefully it get's a console release date soon!
Re: PS3 Gets a Surprise Firmware Update, Available to Download Now
I still use it semi-regularly, last used it to play through the Costume Quest series
Re: More PS5 Stock This Year, As Sony Enjoys Biggest Ever Launch
As much as I want a PS5 I absolutely refuse to buy one from scalpers! Hopefully I get lucky with the next wave of stock
Re: Mini Review: Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin (PS4) - Gorgeous Action RPG with Deep Farming Mechanics
@slips666 trophy list isn't too bad, there are some for getting through the story, a handful of combat related ones which should mostly come as you play, as well as completing certain dungeons/battles. There are some trophies for getting all collectables & creating rice with specific traits which are a bit trickier (but I imagine that people will create guides which will make it much easier/quicker)
Re: Mini Review: Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin (PS4) - Gorgeous Action RPG with Deep Farming Mechanics
@dudeAmarillo @Tchunga I'd say that it's around 30-35 hours long, it depends how much exploring you do
Re: Buried Stars - We Stan One K-Pop Mystery
oooh this looks great!
Re: Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning's First Gameplay Trailer Arrives Just Over a Week from Launch
I adored this on the PS3, I'm hoping that it's as good as I remembered!
Re: Talking Point: Did You Love or Loathe Gamescom Opening Night Live?
I thought it was a bit dull. Only things I liked the look of were 12 minutes, Lego Star Wars, and R&C.
Also, what was going on with the awards? I didn't get what they were being judged on? Were they just giving awards to the trailers that they liked the most??
Re: PS Plus September 2020 PS4 Games Announced
not interested in either of these. I prefer single player games with a story