Comments 1,796

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Games for April 2021?


First I do not want a "ONE" service. Combining both would cost more and there is no guarantee any discount would be added. Making the service $118 a year.

It would have been very easy for me to be upset Days Gone was added at all. I own almost every major AAA PS4 game on physical disc. I do not want any of them to come on PS +. I have had to look over months in a row also, when they were added. Sony has added many games I paid for. I have asked myself why purchase so many new physical titles when they are handed out like trick or treat candy free. But that is also why I love PS + and have been a member for 11 years. There are still more then enough that I do not own.

There is another way to look at the services. PS Now is more about the 100's of game that are already in the games list. Not the few titles added each month so much. While PS + is more about online play and a small few games that are given each month. I think every one subbed to PS+ or PS-Now or both have felt disappointment every year at times. I don't think that takes away for its over all value for the full year.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Games for April 2021?


As a PS+ only member I do not think its fair to give a title to one membership service and not the other. Especially one as good as Days Gone! PS-Now only subscribers I am sure feel the same. Its my guess that most do not sub to both services. Getting titles you already have is common or seeing titles on PS-Now. I see little difference between that and getting one on both subscriptions. The only thing that is important is do you see value in the service over the year of membership.

Re: Poll: Rate Your Favourite PS3 Games


@Daleaf lol, I had to buy Hannah Montana and get it on my trophy list because so many people were ashamed and wanted it off their trophy list. My guess a lot of school kids getting teased from friends.

Re: Poll: Rate Your Favourite PS3 Games


@TrueAssassin86x Yup I did, Sorry to say I kinda agree with him have not turned on my PS3 in 7+ years. I only have about 40 PS3 games but I loved most of them. Including my PS+ games on PS4 I have about 300 PS4 games that took all my time away from PS3.

Re: Pinball FX Is Coming to PS5 in 2021, But You'll Need to Rebuy Your Tables


I own all but 3 tables (96 of 99 tables) I still need to purchase them. I look forward to playing new tables on PS5. But I doubt I will purchase every table again if any at all. Maybe with a 50% discount for people that already own them.

I was so grateful that Zen allowed free upgrades to the tables from PS3 to PS4. I made a commitment to purchase every table I did not have and every new table they made. Also The PSVR tables. I will be open to continue to purchase all New PS5 tables but not what I already own on PS4.

Tables I would love to see are:
anything very old and new SyFy
themes from video games
themes from holidays

Re: Sony Must Communicate Its Plans for PS3, PS Vita, and PSP


My biggest worry is my back catalog of games and PS Plus games that I do not have or could even fit on my PS3 or Vita.

I am sure most of the people here would want to look over the store to buy a few more titles if they went on last days sale. Not knowing that they will still be available for download really hurts.

Re: Soapbox: PSVR's Crap Load of Cables Has Put Me Off


After I purchased a 4K HDR TV for my PS4-Pro I was done with PSVR1! The hassle was real and HDMI ports are prone to breakage. I did not want to risk what I think was the number one reason for PS4 to fail.

Sony PlayStation should have stepped up and fixed this HDR Issue. At the very least offered a new breakout box for sale.

I was as excited about the new PSVR for PS5 at first. But now I really don't know if I will purchase one. Buying a 4k TV and upgrading to A PS4 Pro along with Sony's lack or resolution for the issue has left me with a bitter feeling for PSVR. I still have not received my camera adapter to try PSVR on my PS5.

Re: Soapbox: Why Do You Replay Games?


As a general rule No. I will for some for trophies or added free content at a later date. Sometimes I will play through a game 2-3 time while i am playing it like all w characters on Cyberpunk 2077. I don't count that as replaying because I never stopped playing it.

I also play quite a few remasters and remakes I don't think of that as replaying a game. Most of them are stand alone games with a new trophy list. I have 3,000 hours in No Mans Sky, I go back to it every time a new patch comes out with added content.

Re: Reaction: What Next for PlayStation?


The bottom line is how many people are going to pick Microsoft over Sony because the now own Bethesda. Knowing Sony still has it Powerhouse of game studios! Don't forget Game Pass is in transition to Game Pass Ultimate at $180 a year! No doubt it hurts Sony now that they lost revenue from the sale Bethesda games. But that could be made up by more sales in Sony's games. Earnings report will tell the whole story.

Re: PlayStation Store Sales Charts: FIFA 21 Dominates Both Europe and the US


I last played No Mans sky 117 days ago I have put 2317 hrs into it. I dont need to mine anything I have more than I will ever use of everything. What about collecting ships I have 6 S class ships all with max slot and weapons with a living ship. I want the best carrier so I worked to get a Capital ship with max slots even built a base on it. I have bases on a few very nice planets with portals to them and a portal at my home base and capital ship. I got the platinum trophy long ago. I made every item you can cooked all the foods. set up farms to get items from creatures at my base planet. Got full rep with factions.Did mission to derelict ship and on planets for quicksilver. Bought most of the items on the anomaly. Plan to revisit No mans Sky to hatch a egg for the new creature pets you can now do. I have found a lot of things to do in No Mans Sky long after the very start of the game.

I also loved Elite dangerous thats based on our own solar system. have not played it in a long time My ship is in our galaxy (SOL system) so I can fly around earth. I know millions of people hated the game, but I just love space games.

Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Expectations for PSVR 2 on PS5?


What I like most in VR is a 3D world and sense of scale. What I Want in PSVR2 is more games. I would love to see more AAA titles in VR. They could even be done in 180 view in third person! Seeing behind me is not that important for every game. Up Down,Left and right view is fine for some titles. With a character as a focal point should help VR sickness also.

Re: All PlayStation Studios Games on PC


@TheFrenchiestFry That is the reason I have no problem with some PlayStation exclusive games going to PC after 1-2- or 3 years. PC gamers had a big issue with PC games going to console. PC gamers are a big Part of Sony PlayStations fans and own one as well as a PC. Some will never want to wait years for new PlayStation titles.

PS: Elite Dangerous and Diablo made me so happy coming to PlayStation. Although I had played them on PC also.

Re: All PlayStation Studios Games on PC


Any one care to guess at the number of PC games that have been ported to PlayStation? Games that where launched as PC only at first. Many games that now days, day and date launch on both platforms. It would be a very sad time if PC games took the ONLY on PC direction.