Comments 1,796

Re: Poll: How Do You Feel About PS4 Exclusives Being Ported to PC?


What about development time? Sony making games on another platform is time taken away from making you know PlayStation games. What happens when PlayStation consople sales numbers fall? Install base is a important factor and gives a platform a lot of extra advantages. There are millions of people that play on more then one console. Sony exclusive games drive these people to include it as a system seller to them.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Approaching Two Months Absent from PS Store


I play on PS5 and yes Cyberpunk 2077 still crashes on me one or more times a day. However I love it. A restart is very quick on PS5 and i am right back in action. I am still playing it daily and on my 3rd play through as Corpo. Do not try to rush this game slow down take it all in.

Re: Here's How Sony Put 40,000 Tiny PlayStation Symbols on the PS5 Pad


I love that Sony went with the White color and textured symbols. I have never paid attention to the hardware console much at all. I continue to pay attention to the way PS5 and accessories looks for a few seconds every time I turn it on. With my headphones draped across the top and the charging station pressed up to the front of the console it all goes together very well.

Re: Share Your Gaming Stats with Spotify-Esque PlayStation Wrap Up 2020


21 games played.

Top games Played:
1. No Mans Sky 637 hours.
2. Death Stranding 289 hours.
3. Last of Us Remastered 244 hours

Total number of hours played 2,384 hours.

275 days played in 2020.

372 Trophies earned.

PS5 stats!
Top Game Marvel Spider-man Remastered 101 hours.
Total hours on PS5 218 hours.
Total Trophies on PS5 201 earned.

Re: PS Plus: What Is It and Is It Worth It?


To get the most of PS Plus you need to subscribe by the year!! Plus tends to go on sale in November 2020 it was $44.99 in the USA that is $3.75 a month. Protecting all my game saves online is well worth that price alone. Now with 1 PS5 game and 2 PS4 games each month its still the best deal in gaming for $3.75 a month!

Re: PS Plus February 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Announced


I have Concrete Genie I picked it up black Friday for $7.99. Doesn't matter I haven't opened the physical copy yet and can now keep it sealed! Destruction Allstars and Control I want to try. At this point I feel PS Plus by the year has already paid for it self for all of 2021.

Re: Is It Worth Buying a PS4 in 2021?


@Flaming_Kaiser Waiting a year is not a bad thing, some were still having trouble finding a PS4 at that point. Games will come to PS5 that you can not buy on PS4 ever like Ratchet &Clank. People at this point should wait and save more money if they need to for a PS5. Even if it takes them a year or more. You are also getting a PS4 + a PS5 when you buy a PS5!

Re: Is It Worth Buying a PS4 in 2021?


I see people saying buy a ps4 now and get ps5 in a few years why? Even if you get a ps4 for $200 then spend $499 for a ps5 you are paying a extra $200 or $699 to get to a PS5. The PS5 will likely have a 7 year life buy the PS5 and enjoy its full life cycle. Don't forget you get 20 blockbuster games FREE when you purchase a PS5.

If you do not have a 4K HDR TV that should be your first priority not a game console. Most TV's are used more than game consoles. I bought a TCL 43" 4K HDR TV for $250 new. That same model is still on sale today.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Games for January 2021?


I am indifferent about this month. I want to try ManEater. I have not played it, but it seem to be good from other's comments. After the one year delay in the ps4 version of Rise of the tomb raider I lost interest in Tomb Raider. I did end up buying it on black Friday sale for like $14.99 but only put about a hour into it.

I may get to Greedfall at some point. but I got BorderLands 3, Concrere Genie, Red Dead Redemption, and CyberPunk 2077 for Christmas! I am really into CyberPunk 2077 despite the errors/restarts. I can see myself playing this for the most of January.