Comments 1,796

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Games for August 2021?


Not happy or sad it just a nothing month for me. Still going to ad them to my library even with no intent to play them ever, but ya never know. I never have expected every month of PS+ to have something I want. Over all I still love all the good to great game I have gotten over the last 8 years as a member.

Re: Upcoming PS5 Firmware Will Display Trophy Lists Vertically


I like the current themes on PS5, you get FREE theme's of the current game your playing along with music from that game.

As for the trophy list yeah I can scroll left-right just as easy as I can up-down.

Lastly the SSD upgrade, I will not be buying one until they hit $99 for 1Tb even if that is never.

Re: Jim Ryan Says Players Only Remember the Best Games


I don't care what he says, I do care what he does. It's a fair statement, I tend to remember the games I feel are great from Resogun and Stardew Valley to God of War and The Last of Us 2.

While gamer's cant agree on what are the best games on PlayStation. I think we can agree PlayStation has the greatest games we all love.

Re: Xbox Boss Is a Big Fan of Sony's PS5 Controller


If you get a PS5 charging station and start out with a FULL battery every time you play. You don't run out of battery life often. I will buy a translucent clear crystal controller when Sony drops one. Then never have to plug in the charging cable because I want to do a + 8 hour gaming session.

Re: Sony Fans Bicker Over Ghost of Tsushima PS5 Paywall


100% correct People demanding FREE for something that involves real man hours to make. No one says the content is not worth the price and they refuse to purchase it. Anyone that think the value is not there can not buy it and have zero cost to themselves.

Then we have the people using this to promote XBox on a PlayStation site for Microsoft? I have a PC that's more powerful then my PS5. I can buy Game Pass for any given month for just $9.99. Yet there has been NO one title on XBox Series X that has compelled me to do so! They never list games that seem to make it so great. Adding that PlayStation give us no down free time to do so. I still have a big back log I cant catch up on PS4.

Re: Bethesda Apologises to PS5, PS4 Fans 'P*ssed' at Exclusivity


I plan to get Game Pass on my PC if I really want to play a game from XBox. I will pay the $9.99 for a month when I title I must play comes out and turn off auto renew! I will give $10. to play and compelet Wolfenstein in 30 days easy.

Lets face it games will be few and far between months you will have to pay for If you own a PlayStation. Sign up and canceling the sub at the end of the month saves you $60 on the cost of a game thats exclusive to Microsoft. Its still a net loss (for Microsoft) if you pay only $10 to play the heck out of a game for one one month .

Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite PS5, PS4 Game at E3 2021?


1. Guardians Of The Galaxy
2. Avatar Frontiers of Pandora
3. Diablo 2 Only because I am waiting Diablo 4. But it will have to be under $50.

I would have picked Starfield for my PC. But I am starting to think it will turn out to be another multiplayer shooter game under Microsoft!

Re: Reaction: Xbox Game Pass Is the Thorn in PS5's Side


As a person that mostly plays single player games I find no reason to buy into the Xbox game pass. Truth is I find it hard to keep up with the titles Sony's PlayStation offers. Not concerned about Starfield because I have no clue what it is other than a space game. Microsoft did not show any game play! Why? It's could be the biggest thing they have going for them. If it's another multiplayer shooter fest then no thanks.

Re: Talking Point: Did Sony Lie About PS5?


"Typical generation transition" says it all. We believe in generation is not a hardline 100% or Only statement. It would be 10 x more dirty if Sony did not support the PS4 at all. I was lucky to get a PS5 at launch but still understand the word transistion. Even more so when everyone who wants a PS5 still can not get one.