Comments 1,779

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.06 Out Now on PS5, PS4, Promises Less Crashes on Consoles


I have also enjoyed most of the 60hrs I have put into Cyberpunk, The 30seconds it takes me to restart the game is about all the time it takes me to get over my anger about it. Then I am right back working on clearing the map of side quest. I fully understand the criticism I feel that disappointment when something causes a error. Its taken me 60+ years of my life to be able to get over anger and disappointment and continue with things I enjoy. I expect CDPR to fix all the bugs. I have had about 8 errors and needed to restart the game on PS5. Less than 8min of bad for 60hrs of good.

Re: Poll: Did You Request a Cyberpunk 2077 Refund on PS5, PS4?


I will never request a refund! The game is not broken sure it has glitches on bugs but that is something that can be patched. I see a lot of people say they will request a refund and maybe buy again later. Why, did you not really want the game? Do you not know what you want? Do you hope for a discount at a later date? The only reason I would return a game is if I never wanted to see it again. And out of 150+ PS4 games I have purchased I have never wanted to returned a single one.

CDPR is patching the game fast as they can. I am totally confidant they will fix all the issues. I hate to say this because it promotes bad development. I am strangely sort of ok with the few none game breaking glitches as apposed waiting another 2-6 months. While knowing they will be fixed and the full PS5 version will be all the better after they do.

Re: Soapbox: I'm Really Enjoying Cyberpunk 2077


Thank You Sammy! I have had more issues on Spider-man remastered and have had zero issues on cyberpunk 2077 on PS5. Even if I do, I know I will go through this game a few times. I also know CDPR is going to do whatever it takes to fix every issue in the games and more.

I do plan to go for the platinum on street kids and come back to nomads and corpo's on the full PS5 game next year. Ah did you know over 100 people already have earned the platinum on Cyberpunk?

Re: Reaction: How Does It Keep Going Wrong for Big Game Launches?


One thing is the biggest factor here, Pre-Orders! The peoples inability to wait 7 to 10 days after launch to buy a game. They feel the need to be the first to play titles. We have pre-downloads so players can play at midnight the day of launch.

Dev's need to allow all versions of titles to have reviews out 7 days before release. It takes years to make a new game whats 1-2 more weeks waiting on reviews. While your at it define the numbering system, what is a game rated 5 mean. That should be your adverage game right in the middle of 1-10.

Then its up to the consumer to make the choice that best fits their needs. Only after consumer are given to tools they need to make that choice. Then anyone that pre-orders a game the fault lies on their own shoulders. The blame is only on them and they should be the only one accountable for their won actions. Yes its very harsh but still its true.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 (PS4) - The Potential of a Masterpiece, Totally and Utterly Unrealised


I sorry to have to say this but I have no sympathy for people that refuse to wait for reviews. Then can not wait for bug fixes and patches. I also have no sympathy for companies that release games in such a buggy mess. It is still a fact of gaming that's been going on forever! People are so impatient and will not wait after years of being told not to pre-order games day one.

People were so angry the sent death threats to CDPR last month because they wanted it NOW aka last month. It was almost clear people were loud about it they did not want to wait for a finished game they just wanted it now with no more delays. I am a very patient person I wish they would have delayed it again. Now when it gets here I will still try it out, but then wait for the full PS5 version to do a full 3 faction play through on it.

Re: Soapbox: PS5 Pricing Is Setting Releases Like Returnal Up to Fail


@PapaGlitch I tried to justify a Xbox one X purchase for the past 3 years and a Xbox series X this December. I could not do it no matter how many times I tried. Microsoft and Phil Spencer have been spouting how Xbox will be better for the last 7 years. Now they have failed the launch of the new Xbox series X in the games department. Xbox is far to dependent on retro games with game pass.

Re: Soapbox: PS5 Pricing Is Setting Releases Like Returnal Up to Fail


Why do Microsoft warriors continue to push game Pass on a web site the does not offer it as a service.

I don't care what they charge I still get the choice to buy what games I want and when I choose to buy them. We have seen many disagreeing with the $59 price tag so its nothing new.

What will help is more discipline in your gaming habits. Dont buy games just because you want to play them make sure you do not build a back-log of games that will end up at a lower price by the time you get to play them. Most games a made to play longer than we do play them. PLAY you games, do the side quest go for the platinum trophy. Save to pick up games on black Friday sales at $19.99 or less. I only picked up 3 this year but that's 100 of hours of play time. I know I have 1,000 or more play time in my backlog on PS4. The Average PS4 owner only has 8-10 games!! $70 is not to much for these people.

Re: Hype Intensifies as PlayStation Tells Us to Tune into The Game Awards


With 49 million viewers last year for The Game Awards. Geoff Keighley has improved the Game Awards far above the Spike TV game awards the predated this show.

Expectations are the biggest buzz kill ever. If you enjoy gaming watch the show, take part in the things you enjoy. If you don't enjoy something then it may be time you turn your back to it and walk away and seek out the more positive things you do enjoy.

Re: Days Gone Is Trending on Twitter Because of Cyberpunk 2077


I did not buy Days Gone at launch I waited. When I did purchase it I thought it was worth a day one purchase. I literally felt bad I did not pay more to support this game. I loved the game the only thing I did not like is the amount of gas my bike used. As a person that rode motorcycles for many years it was crazy to need fuel so much. If we do get a Days Gone 2 I will buy it day one. That's how I feel regardless of any set number rating from anyone.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Will Let You Turn Off Nudity


Night City is a sordid and disreputable place with over the top crime and violence. Nudity is part of the immersion into this dark world. With cyberware the body and concept of male and female can be swapped. I am sure the male form will be a equally a part of this game.

Re: Soapbox: I've Missed the Feeling of Having a Backlog


I do not have the ability to pass up black Friday sales under $20 on Physical games. I have only played about 4 of the 12 games I picked up last year. Thank goodness I only picked up 3 this year. Red Dead, Concrete Genie, and BorderLands 3 that has a upgrade to PS 5. Got all 3 for $36

Re: You Can Claim a Free PS Plus Exclusive Worms Rumble Costume on PS5 and PS4


I still think both services are worth the cost of $59 a year or less when on sale. However I buy games and found out after subbing to PS Now soon as it dropped to $59 for a year. That I dont have time to play all the games I purchase and any of the PS Now games. I only Played one now game in the full year I had it. There were many that I wanted to play on the list without the time to do so.

Re: Sounds Like Xbox Is into the PS5 Controller


Good thing the DS5 has a one Year warranty! If you have any issue you can get it replaced FREE. While the haptic feedback is great I thing the new resistance trigger edges it out as the most amazing one thing on the new DS4. We have had a lesser rumble but nothing like this trigger.

Re: Sounds Like Xbox Is into the PS5 Controller


I don't trust most of the issue complaints I see on the internet unless its happens to one of the many youtubers i watch or someone I know. There was a person the melted the side of his PS4 at launch and showed photos of it. That person stated the PS4 ran so hot the plastic on the side melted. it came out it was melted with a torch.

Re: Talking Point: What Were Your Most Played PS4 Games?


No Mans Sky ----- 2,320 hrs
Elite Dangerous - 1,332 hrs
Pinball FX3 -------- 761 hrs
Diablo III ------------ 632 hrs
Stardew Valley --- 399 hrs
Death Stranding - 387 hrs
I have been retired for 12 years nothing else to do but gaming or work around the house. my avg time playing games is 4-6 hrs a day.

Re: Sony Banning PS5 Owners for Exploiting PS Plus Collection


What got them is sharing personal log in information.That is against Sony's TOS. All the buyers had to send Name and passwords to the seller so the seller could log them into their PS5.

The bad news is if this gets to widespread Sony could STOP all forms of game sharing even with 1-2 siblings in the same household.

Re: Some PS5 Users Are Inserting Their Discs the Wrong Way Round


You want to know something strange? If you set both PS4 and PS5 up vertical they are opposite. One you will insert with the label facing to the left the other it will need to face right. The stand on the PS4 is on the right side, the stand on the PS5 is on the left side!! I had to stop for 5 seconds to think about how my PS5 spiderman disk went in the drive. Mostly because the label always faced me on PS4 and the silver side faces me on PS5. Both are on a desk on my left side.

Re: Soapbox: PS5 Is Pushing Me Ever Closer to All-Digital


Last I saw was physical copies are about 75% of day one sales. After launch 75% of a titles sales comes from digital sales. Not to forget DLC is 100% from digital sales. I pre-ordered Cyberpunk 2077 for $49.99! Black Friday sales are much lower than the PS Store price for the same titles. For now we all have a choice. What I don't like is Digital buyers seem want to push the Digital Only narrative. That some how digital games is the better choice.