Comments 1,796

Re: Xbox Boss Reacts to PS Plus, PS Now Rumours, Says It's the 'Right Answer'


@nessisonett It's still a personal choice I would buy Flight Simulator defiantly! Psychonauts 2 maybe on a black Friday sale. Grand Turismo 7 over Forsa Horizon 5 it's just what I play and enjoy on PlayStation. In the US GP ultimate is $180 a year. That is over my price limit for games I don't know if or when I could play them. I see the best option would be to buy a month of gamepass ultimate only when a game came out that I wanted to play.

I see GamePass as a great option for Microsoft It seems to be helping them in console sales. I also hold no animosity for any XBox players or owners the are gamers just like me.

Re: Reaction: Can We Chill Out About Sony's Commitment to PS4, Please?


It would be so wrong to drop support to millions of PS4 users in the first few years. Many of those PS4 user having just bought their PS4 just 1-3 years before PS5 was released. Why would any Dev want to lose out on the bigger install base. You can make a PS5 game and downgrade it down to PS4 spec's just as easy as making a PS4 game and upgrading it to PS5.

Re: Supply Constrained PS5 Sold Almost 1 Million Units in Japan in 2021


I added 2 Switches to my household this Christmas. Granddaughter got a Switch light and I got a Switch OLED just after Christmas. Thought about Xbox but Switch won over it. Last Nintendo in our house was a Wii. I have always seen the best console it the one that best for you personally! As a single player gamer PlayStation is king in my book. Nintendo is second but still the best at simply fun joy of gaming. I feel Xbox is still looking for its path in gaming. I think its new studios will really bring them up once they get rolling with single player content.

Re: PS Plus' PS5, PS4 Games for January 2022 Announced


@PhhhCough @lolwhatno It not much more for pro member. The Trade in value was $330 for pro and $300 for the normal for trade in. I havent been to a game stop in years. We bought a switch light for the granddaughter for Christmas. The Only place I could find a yellow one was at GameStop online. I joined Pro for the points from the sale to maybe get a used game later.

I havent turned on the PS4 Pro in a year because I connected my Seagate expansion 8T Hdd to my PS5 with most of my PS4 games on it. I have all my past PlayStations I was hard to let the PS4 Pro go. Only because backwards compatibility working so well I did it.

Re: Hot Wheels Unleashed Passes 1 Million Units Sold


Its just a fun game. I picked it up at Walmart because I wanted their Exclusive: "Challenge Accepted Edition". that came with a Hot Wheels car. It gives you a Map path you follow doing races at each point. The free drop boxes with new cars are fun to collect.

Re: Reaction: Merging PS Plus and PS Now Makes Sense, But an Xbox Game Pass Competitor Can't Be Half-Arsed


@Bleachedsmiles What is this Value of game pass you talk about? I have looked at Xbox One and Xbox One X for value to see about buying one for game pass access. I have not seen value equal to or nothing to make me feel it was better than PlayStation! If I did I would also own both consoles. I don't say this with any biases towards Xbox gamers or conformation of my choice is "the best for everyone". What each individual enjoys most is what right for them!

I only sub to PS Plus and have from it's start. I subbed to PS now when it dropped to $59 for a year. I used it a grand total of 30 minuts to one hour the whole year I had it, I played Lemmings LOL. I buy a lot of games on Playstation New. My top focus in gaming is single player games! I don't play old or retro games I put a lot of time into them when they were new games. I know I missed Ori, Sunset Overdrive and Cuphead new, But that's not enough to justify a new $500 console and game pass.

Re: Reaction: Merging PS Plus and PS Now Makes Sense, But an Xbox Game Pass Competitor Can't Be Half-Arsed


Sony is adding a PS Plus and PS Now subscription bundle that's what everyone wanted. Right? Now it's not enough some people want so much more. Seems crazy to me when they could just add both the their cart and buy them as a bundle already!

PS Plus was on sale in the USA this year for 39$ was it not on sale in the UK? Jumping from $40-$60 a year, to something like Xbox's $180 a year is a jump I will not make. I would use that money to buy games I want to play. Heck I bought 5 Physical games on black Friday for $110! Three of them were PS5 games and one was Guardians of the Galaxy. It's easy to top game pass ultimate just buying your own games for less.

Re: Talking Point: Is Sony Being Stingy with PS5's First-Party Pricing?


The Problem may be that $20 off a $70 game in the first year "FEEL'S" Like its less of a discount. The new price still being $50 not $40 like it was on PS4.

Anyone and everyone can wait for games to hit that $60 price of last gen or less. But many just don't have the ability to do so! Is this Sony's fault or the individual consumers?

Re: Feature: PS5 Report Card - How Is It After One Year?


After hearing the fan noise on my PS4 Pro for years, I am ecstatic about my PS5. The First year of PS4 I mostly played on my PS3. I was well prepared for what PS5's first year would be like. Because I have a external HDD for my PS4 games I had no issue with SSD storage space.

The PS5 is amazing, well worth my $500. I have always felt the best console is the current console from PS1 through to now PS5. I cant wait to see what PSVR will bring to the PS5.

Re: No Man's Sky's Latest Expedition Is All About Giant Sandworms


I began playing day one and enjoyed playing solo with zero remorse for my purchase. Started this new Expedition soon as it went live this morning. I am doing the Settlement building also. Long live No Man's Sky! As long as they give us new things to do I well continue to play the game. At This point I wouldn't mind and would gladly pay for some of the content they add.