Comments 14

Re: Dev Behind PS5, PC Flop Concord Could Close as Director Steps Down


@LogicStrikesAgain people forget about mid tier games from mid tier companies. Sony had a stellar reputation. Hence when something with such a high budget, dev time and market push, from a studio they acquired after approving of this games development, all the good will and expectations turn sour. It happens all the time with any company sitting on the top

Re: Reaction: It's Time for Xbox to Tell Us Which Games It's Bringing to PS5, and Which Games It Isn't


@IamJT What I've come to believe watching Microsoft for the last 10 years (as a 3 console gamer, laptop too for games like civ, age of empires) is this.

About halfway through last generation they decided their future was not in the console space. It was as a comprehensive platform. Ironic seeing as their pc store is an absolute disgrace.

I believe their goal is to become a cloud gaming juggernaut. Via the TV, tablet, mobile, console, pc and if they have their way even on other consoles (epic games store Vs apple and android set a precedent).

In doing so the console is only a small piece of the pie. If you buy a 3rd party game via msft you can play it anywhere. It's simply very early for them to be aiming for such a thing. But msft always have jumped the gun. remember consoles as entertainment systems lol

Re: Sony: The Future Is Incredibly Bright for PlayStation


@Kraaatos resistance failed mostly because halo, cod, battlefield were all at their most popular and first person shooters needed to really stand out. They were good games and reviewed decently well. They might do better in the current climate of cod and halo with their reputations in the dirt (even if they aren't producing particular games)

Re: Xbox Planning to Release the 'Majority' of Its Exclusives on PS5


@armondo36 absolutely agree. The playstation of now is not the playstation of the past. This part of Sony is a western company and behaves it every bit msft does.

They have ridden the coattails of a fantastic generation of games and followed up with (in my opinion) safe, formulaic, sequels and remasters and will continue to do so outside of some outliers by their studios with the sway to get their way a little.

Re: Xbox Planning to Release the 'Majority' of Its Exclusives on PS5


@colonelkilgore I don't think long enough has passed since Bethesda or Activision purchases for the games there to reflect of Microsoft input good or bad. As many people like to discredit them for hi fi rush being great but blame them for things like redfall.

I personally don't want a 1 console world and I'm sure 3rd party developers don't either. Possibly one of the only reasons they do still go to Xbox. If Sony is all there is then they set the terms for sales.

Sony has a horrible system for digital sales. They control everything. No purchasing game codes at discounts anywhere not even through the developers themselves. One of the most underrated reasons that Xbox is so hugely digital in sales. I own all 3 consoles and a gaming laptop and I know on day 1 release I can buy the same game on Xbox for you to 20% cheaper via download codes

Re: Microsoft Exec on Helldivers 2: I'm Not Sure Who It Helps By Not Being on Xbox


@Rmg0731 you mean 4 of their currently better games...

Literally only someone who hast played those 4 games would call them s*****. Admittedly grounded requires friends as does sea of thieves but with friends they are genuinely good games. The other 2 are solid, high tier, underappreciated single player games. Microsoft had no hand in his finish so even anti Microsoft bias should mean nothing there.

Re: Could Marvel's Blade Come to PS5? Bethesda Declines to Comment


As much as I don't care about the sides to the console wars one thing about this in particular is amusing me. Xbox has been hit with 'you don't need an Xbox it's all on pc' by so many and yet people in these comments are saying it HAS to come to ps5 as it's sold so much more than Xbox.... The same people who say they don't need Xbox they have a pc... So why would it also need to come to ps for these people to play it.

Microsoft are building a platform and the Xbox consoles are simply not the priority for this platform anymore. Game pass and inevitably cloud gaming is microsofts goal. They simply don't want to pay the 30% fee to Sony to put the game in Sony marketplace

Re: Microsoft Extends Deadline of $69 Billion Activision Blizzard Acquisition


@Jamesblob though I own all 3 consoles and a pc I can say I prefer the Microsoft UI and controller. Haptic feedback in dual sense has only ever worsened my experience outside of maybe 2 games.

Phil is being a business man. He isn't outright lying. He is choosing his truths. When he says bringing to more people he is specifically talking about access to all mobile phone users via cloud. True but still irrelevant in the current market. D*** move but still better to be specific when we are calling people liars.

As for the final point I can honestly say I couldn't care less if Microsoft buys abk. I like their games for the most part but quite frankly microsofts output is still lacking and only new exclusives outside of their current IPS will bring new people. Sony is leading by so much and it is showing by their own behaviour and the behaviour of fans in both sides. When the 'war' was more equal it was less toxic because you didn't have Xbox fanboys with inferiority complexes and Sony fanboys with superiority complexes. Because of this now we have games like psychonauts 2, gears tactics, hi-fi rush being incredible games undersold by the media and Sony's first party great games and good sequels dominating the media to the point Sony has been narrowing its development style to single player game while milking the ips for multiplayer titles too. The industry needs a game changer. Microsoft is terrible as a parent company but in the console space they need this to even the playing field and inject some more risks to both sides going forwards

Re: Microsoft Extends Deadline of $69 Billion Activision Blizzard Acquisition


@Somebody releasing to pc has 2 main issues. Both of which Microsoft honestly suffer for. The first is simply that if you have a PC you have no incentive to buy a ps5. And especially with digital ps5s where you cannot purchase games outside of playstations own storefront (it doesn't do download codes) they get a larger % of all games sales so obviously they want to drive as many people to ps consoles as possible. Secondly it takes a lot more manpower and time to simultaneously release amongst ps5 console and pc wise with optimisation, accessibility, controls etc. Ps ports to pc come later and even then have been suffering poor optimisation so it would only make the games themselves suffer if they pushed for simultaneous release. We already hear 'dont need Xbox I have a pc' enough there is no need to push ps games towards pc people who have that mentality

Re: Microsoft's Potential Game Plan in 2020: 'Spend Sony Out of Business'


Both sides are as bad as each other. The only things separating them are the money they have to spend and their current positions in the market. Sony themselves have plenty of fun things coming up live service wise that aren't necessarily consumer friendly and out of both companies their policies of 'pay to keep off Xbox' as well as the fact the outright do not allow any developer to sell even digital codes of their own games so that Sony has complete control over all sales on their digital only playstation are signs that they aren't so developer or consumer friendly either. Both companies are evils we are long used to. All corporations are and fanboys on either side acting like 1 is 'nicer' than the other are delusional.