Comments 211

Re: Gran Turismo Sport Delayed to 2017 on PS4


Most surprising part for me is that Sony is still accepting this instead of having a proper studio like Turn 10.
I am happy with my XBox One, which I bought because I love to race without having to much headache (no real sim racers for me).
I have my PS4 from launch but there is still no game like Forza on it, shame, shame shame.

Re: No Man's Sky PS4 Patch Busts Some Nasty Bugs


Took a break last sunday and will return when they have given this game a stable quality level. Still can't understand how you can release a game with so many crashes. A crash can happen once, but not 4-6 times a day. When we have it on our PS4, they should have it on their PS4 also.

Re: People Really Aren't Happy with August's PlayStation Plus Games



There is no problem in putting games like Killzone in the PS Plus. On PS3 everything was fine with the games, almost no complaints. Look to XBox Gold, almost no complaints and MS allready gave some AAA titles like AC Black Flag.
Sony must be clear about what they want with PS Plus. Is it now only for earning money or do they still, like on the PS3, surprise us with the titles people want.

Re: Wow, the Overwatch Beta Was Stupidly Popular


Almost 10 million gamers played the beta because it was free. I am curious however how many of these gamers will buy the game on the console, I won't as long as they don't lower the price. Why is there a difference of €20 between console and PC?

Re: Rumour: PS4K Will Cost $399, Will Feature 4K Blu-ray, and Will Boast Better Graphics


Not believing this. It it is true it will mean that gamers know with the PS5 that the console will be upgraded after about 2,5 years. Why even buying the console when there will be a new one soon?
And why should someone even buy a console when he knows that he had to upgrade even faster than he has to do with a PC?

If it is true, you will have difference in graphics on the PS4, not good for the name of PS.

Re: PlayStation VR Launches in October for $399


I guess you need the Move Controllers and the camera as well so it's a €500.

Maybe later, I first wait for the reviews and the experiences of other gamers. Not sure what about headaches and that kind of stuff.

Re: Your PlayStation Plus Games for March Have Been Revealed


When will Sony be honest to us and tell us that we won't see triple A games any more in PS+? I have 3 more months to go and then will my PS+ end, not gonna pay for another year. I will play on the XBO for the multiplayers, MS knows that there is more than just indies.

Re: Reaction: Why Sony Won't Deploy PS4 Exclusives on PC



Why should I play the games on a game PC? I want to play games, hanging on a couch instead of sitting on a chair behind an expensive game PC? Don't think that everyone with a console prefers a game PC, I changed after 10 years of PC gaming to the PS4 and XBO and I will not going back.

Re: January's PS4 PlayStation Plus Games Revealed



Sony proves every month, allready for some yaers, that you can give away AAA titles. They do and did that on the PS3. No reason to do that every month on the PS4 but 1 AAA title every 3 months must be possible.

Re: Talking Point: Did PlayStation Experience 2015 Meet Your Expectations?


Only Ni No Kuni 2 was interesting for me.
And I am still waiting for a reason to buy the VR. Didn't see a game which tells me that I really need the VR. As long as there are no games like Fallout, the Witcher or some shooters like CoD and Plants vs Zombies GW, there is no reason for me to buy an expensive VR thing.

I forgot the Fat Princess, instant buy for during my X-Mas holiday.

Re: Talking Point: Does EA Access Really Represent Poor Value for PS4 Players?



Still no signs on XBox that other publicers are doing the same as EA. The only reason that Sony doesn't wan't this is PS Now. Sony wants money and isn't allways for the games (watch the overoveroverpriced memorycards for the Vita).
A gamer should have the choice, on the XBox you have the choice also and the new games of EA are still coming to the consoles. I don't see any problems and there isn't any difference between PS Now and EA Access. Only the name is different, both contain older games which you can play after you payed for.

Re: Gran Turismo 6 Sales Linger at the Back of the Pack


Maybe the "poor" sales are also because people weren't waiting for GT6 two years after GT5 which wasn't the great game everyone expected. In GT6 the sound still wasn't fixed (and the sound still isn't finished).

Curious if GT7 would be a succes in sales with AC and pCars also on the PS4. The game must be much better with tons of HD cars instead of all those standard cars from PS2.

Re: Sony Wants PS4 Firmware Update Beta Testers



MS has from the beginning beta testers on their XBO and almost no problems at all. And if there are any problems, it is fixed in one or two days normally. I guess Sony will be that fast as well.
And being a beta tester is very popular on the XBO because you have the new functionality earlier than the rest.

Re: It Doesn't Matter That EA Access Isn't on PS4, Says Moore



No one tells you that you have to buy a subscription on EA Access. However, Sony tells you that you have to buy PS Plus when you want to go online with your console. At least EA gives you an option to take a subscription or not. Sony is not for the gamers.

Re: Shenmue III Smashes $5 Million Milestone



Why am I talking BS? I am not saying that the money of the kickstarter is going to Sony. But you really believe that when Sony supports this title, that there won't be any profit for Sony when the game sells well?