Comments 211

Re: PS4 Players Are Demanding a Better PSN



I pay for 200 Mbps and when I test that speed I allways have at least 150 Mbps. Yesterday, I was able to download a game of 25Gb on my wired PC in 20 minutes. My PS4 is also wired and is allready busy for 13 hours to download a file of 10,5 Gb en needs another 21!! hours for 6Gb on anther file.

PSN is very, very, very slow. Has nothing to do with my own downloadspeed. Sony has maxed the speed on 65 Mbps bu even that is impossible to get while my XBox easily gets 100 Mbps.

Re: Gran Turismo 7 to Park Up on PS4 Prior to 2017


Wondering if they will be able to give the cars proper sounds like they promised for GT5 allready. I would not be surprised if the cars in GT7 still sounds like a vacuumcleaner with the promise that the sound will be improved by a patch.

Re: Reaction: Project Morpheus Seems Impressive, But Also a Hard Sell


I am interested in it but will wait first to see what it does. Bought the Move some years ago and the Vita also. We all know that Sony has lost interest in both soon after introducing it. Not gonna happen for the 3rd time for me, first wait and see that Sony will keep supporting this.
Besides that, MS will bring their system on the market also within a year, can be interesting also.

Re: Soapbox: Destiny's Progression System Is Destroying the Game from the Inside


I am not into shooters on a console but Destiny surprised me. I played the game for about 40-50 hours but got bored of the lack of loot. I am used to see lots of load (played over 1200 hours Diablo 3) and it is repeating itself in the story missions. Every time defending objects against a wave of enemies gets me bored. Let me work for my gear in an open world with a lootsystem like Diablo and I am fine.

Re: Feature: Did PlayStation Plus Represent Value for Money in 2014?


Easy to say that you get over $100 free games each month but when you only have 1 console the other games are useless and you don't have the $100+ value.
For me it was a bit disappointing this year with PS+, only a few games I have liked. I am not a big fan of all those indiestuff but maybe Sony will start giving toptitles away in the second half of 2015. I still hope for that but I am not sure because you are now in some way forced to have PS+ for the online games.

Downside of PS+ is that I got some games for free that I bought just some months before and since than I only buy games I really want to play at release or I wait till I get them "for free" in PS+.