Comments 576

Re: The Lord of the Rings: Gollum (PS5) - There's Nothing Precious About This


Imagine the meeting in pre-production

"We've got LOTR! Whos going to be the main character? Maybe Aragorn, Legolas, Gandalf? Maybe an evil game with an Orc or something cool!"

"Nah man I've got it. You know Gollum?"

"Gollum? The pathetic character that is essentially just a little weasel sneak who everyone hates? He's also pretty annoying to talk to and has no powers or anything interesting you could utilize in gameplay?"

"Yeah! Him! Greenlight it!"

Re: Hateful Comments Prompt Resident Evil 4 Remake's Ada Wong to Nuke Instagram Account


Obviously awful behavior, however the VA on Ada is really bizarre. Makes sense it's a different actress to 2, I was wondering why it hadn't bothered me there.

A point on this that I feel is rarely made, some of the blame should be pointed at the director and their VA direction. If it's not hitting tonally, it's not just an actors fault. It's someones responsibility to correctly project to the talent how to give the performance they want. And if it's not working at all, they can recast.

Re: Mini Review: Job Simulator (PSVR2) - A Port Worthy of a Promotion


I played this in 2016 on launch and then 7 years later last week.

I feel the gameplay and the humour has aged terribly. If you're the kind of person who laughs at Elon musk's 10 year old memes he reposts, you'll be right at home but I just felt that we'd moved on.

I don't think I laughed once throughout the experience. And I think once thats out the window, you're essentially just simulating boring jobs in a very simplistic way.

I wouldn't recommend it.

I haven't tried Vacation Simulator yet, it might fair better

Re: The Jump Scares May Be the Hardest Part of Switchback VR's Platinum


I cannot understand this new insistence on "Iron Man" type game modes that wipe literally hours of progress for making mistakes.

If you enjoy these, I think you're insane.

Especially as we now live in a world where glitchy games can cause a death thats going to clear your entire save.

Just as we break away from a world of unnecessary multiplayer tacked onto games with their classic "get to level 100 on a dead, bad multiplayer game mode", this is a new norm. It sucks.

Re: Idiots on the Internet Are Still Abusing Abby from The Last of Us 2's Face Model


Once this stuff eventually fades away, I honestly believe some revisionism will go on and the game will solely be remembered fondly as a truly great game.

I am already seeing some, I saw someone (quite rightly honestly) pontificate on the fact that Naughty Dog somehow managed to persuade Sony to fund what is essentially a AAA, big budget Manhunt game. Some of the most brutal content you'll see in a mainstream game!