Comments 535

Re: Cities: Skylines - A PS4 City Builder with Solid Foundations


I started playing the original SimCity on my XT PC with 12" orange monochrome monitor 😅. I loved that game, reading now about Residential, Commercial or Industrial building types makes me go back in time... Of course I've played newer versions such as SimCity 2000 and the other one in space, can't remember the name. Anyway, I've just built a PC for playing games not available on PS4 (Steam has many gems… and cheap) so I might play this one on PC. Talking about controls, why some specific PS4 games can't be played with (or more correctly, aren't made to use) keyboard and mouse??

Re: PS5's Launch Aiming to Be Simultaneous Worldwide


@Dodoo that's usually the way here. Either you but from an "importer" cheaper than the official store, or ask a friend on a travel or buy it yourself in another country. Thing is custom tax when bringing goods is or was (changed last year) so its expensive anyway

Re: Xbox Boss on PS5: We Have a Plan That Can Win


@BAMozzy yes, that's my take also. There's a lot we don't know from Sony's side also, like VRS... it should be there, right? Anyway, going for multiplatform games XSX is a no brainer, even for PC gamers... price/performance will be awesome. Here were I live things (like consoles and stuff) are really expensive so having both consoles is not much of an option.
One thing I though it would be missing from next gen is RayTracing, yet there it is... and XSX seems to have a nice advantage there, although we have yet to see how/what devs can do with the hardware implementation etc. Then you have things like World Of Tanks shadow RT implementation done on the CPU (via Intel's Embree), really nice... if there are some spare CPU cores on the consoles, who knows...

Re: Xbox Boss on PS5: We Have a Plan That Can Win


@nessisonett well, Series X is not a PC on a fridge case... In fact is an awesome piece of hard, with it's own custom I/O more or less the same way Sony does (although half the performance it seems). The form factor is really an issue? You place the console somewhere and that's it! It's not awful, and certainly it seems to cool properly the hard. As a PS4 owner I would loved a "stronger" PS5 but fact is Series X is just more powerful except for the I/O and maybe that's key for Sony. Time and games -above all- will tell.

Re: Xbox Boss on PS5: We Have a Plan That Can Win


@BAMozzy I'm puzzled by how 1st party PS5 games can (or can't) leverage the data access speed and, with that, create "something" not doable on Series X. Of course if the game is Mortal Kombat it will not matter, there CPU and GPU are long (having both machines the about same RAM )… but there MAYBE some edge on the kind of design or improvements devs can get with twice the data access speed and how RAM is used etc. After watching/reading several game dev postmortems and gaining insight on how they try to overcome the streaming issues... I don't know, maybe there's something of and edge for Sony. But Series X is a beast, with also a super fast I/O system -maybe it's just OK and nothing more is needed-, in fact when I was reading the Series X reveal I was thinking "This is what we need for next gen..."

Re: PS5's Brain Melting Deep Dive Has Been Watched Over 12 Million Times


my brain didn't melt ; ) although sometimes it was kinda slow... loved that stuff... I was ready for another good hour of bare metal details... I would loved more details on possible RAM usage patterns with this blazing fast SDD and controllers... also more details on custom desing of the GPU or I/O path improvements between all system components, etc.
Some tech demo or realtime bench would have been great also---

Re: PS5 Changes Video Game Design, 3D Audio Is 'Dream Come True', Less Bugs and Glitches


@Cutmastavictory yes, I'm all in for 3D audio, but anyway, it's all in the hands of developers how they use that feature. And the "head/ear mapping" that needs to match more or less to the players one. For me it's a bet from Sony's side, it's money and research that could have been allocated to another resource or feature in the PS5 desing. But I'm happy that instead of just "more graphics" get can get some groundbreaking audio stuff. The thing is how a game created to use Sony's Tempest engine can fallback to Atmos or whatever lesser implementation... I mean, as a developer you need to allocate resources to audio design, and it's the same story as always, lowest common denominator.

Re: PS5 SSD Represents 'Biggest Leap in My Career', Says The Last of Us 2 Co-Game Director


@jdv95 I see Sony's SSD implementation as an incredible win. The catch with is that only first party/exclusives will use it to the full potential. Otherwise and luckily the Series X will be the lowest standard, which is not bad compared to a PC. I think a PC will be unable to match both consoles speed like... ever (in the lifespan of the console generation). The custom bits to avoid bottlenecks and compression on both consoles will not make it's way onto PC so even having blazing fast SSDs will be not enough I guess.

System RAM usage patterns will change and more so on PS5 with such a blazing fast SDD speed. As Cerny pointed out, 16GB RAM is not a lot but now it's not even that important. Many games need to load a lot of stuff to system RAM even long before using it because access speed from HDD is so slow... I'm a developer of commercial software with some data intensive processing, and I usually have to balance what's on RAM and when to load from HDD/Sql Server and think of different strategies of data retention etc. If I could access from "disk" as fast as PS5, I could use RAM to do other things than just "store data in my fast path". Amazing things will be made on PS5 first party games, Series X is great too, anyway.

Re: PS5 Is 'The Most Exciting Hardware in 20 Years'


as the article points out... how these words should be taken, accounting the Series X details? It's something even better, somehow?? Really, while I was reading the Xbox specs I was thinking how Sony could even match it... Of course having the same parts is a md parts is almost a given, but "minor" key decisions such as the 32MB embbeded ram of the Xbox One could make or break the hardware...

Re: PS5 Deep Dive Announced for Tomorrow, System Architecture and Games


@GamingFan4Lyf well, it's great to be able to run old games with some minor improvements, like resolution and loading times, HDR also... I love old games (or just games, be clear) but 100% of the next gen consoles will be seen in none less than 3 years after the launch, and hopefully those type of games will be really different to what we have now. Those custom SDD (with the memory mapping tricks) and monster CPUs should allow pretty weird stuff in the right hands.

Re: PS5 Deep Dive Announced for Tomorrow, System Architecture and Games


One thing to think about... Could Sony reveal specs for PS5 just a DAY later than MS if their product was weaker?! I don't see it happening, really.

How can Sony came up just now and say "ok, you know, the console revealed just a couple of days ago... yep, that Series X, is better than ours..."

So I bet their all about the same in almost every way, otherwise Sony will be better waiting until the Series X heat dissipates.