Comments 535

Re: Microsoft Beats PS5 to the Punch with Impressive Xbox Series X Features


Still reading the articule... wondering how much of "the custom MS & AMD" desing will make it's way also on PS5... what a beast of a machine the next XBox is. Hoping the best for PS5 as I will only buy Sony's machine... I don't care about Halo and MS first party games.

The SSD storage part is really awesome... same as other custom bits of the design. Love this technical stuff.

Re: Microsoft Confirms 12 Teraflops for Xbox Series X, 120 FPS, Quick Resume


A bit off topic but I seen a lot of threads on the internet about the power of Xbox and Ps5 GPUs... But my take is that really doesn't matter much...

I know the almighty TeraFlops matter but what about having a powerful CPU for once in our loved game consoles? And the SSD storage also...
You can have a 40TF graphics monster but pair it with an awful CPU, not so great memory controller/ram type and you have a nearly useless piece of gaming hardware. Then the custom SSD will create new opportunities for devs also.

But I want to stress particularly one thing... I really wish both PS5 and XBox to be as similar as possible hardware wise, that way cross platform games will not be held back by a weaker hardware... And, not to start a war between PC and console freaks ( I was a PC gamer for 20 years) but this new gen can leave most gaming PC behind in performance. I mean, yes, you can have a 24 core CPU and a 24TF graphics card and SSD, but that's not the gaming baseline for PC... And maybe the consoles SSD are faster than the average PC SSD. And the what about the main memory type, bandwidth etc?
Games developed for multiplatform (ps5/Xbox/pc) may, for some time, will held back by the weaker general gaming PC specs (not talking about a couple of gaming freaks with 4000usd hardware).

After the almost bad hardware we had with the actual gen, I'm REALLY excited for this new consoles... The hardware is really really good... then, I have a PS4 (had the base now the pro) and games such Horizon Zero Dawn let you in awe... If that's possible with the base ps4 ... My god what will HZD2 be?

Bottom line:
The CPU difference alone is enough for devs to blown us away. Say you keep the same GPUs from PS4 PRO or XBX the switch the CPU for this new Ryzen and the 5400rpm for a custom SSD, that alone allows for "new generation games"... The new RDNA2 GPUs is the icing on the cake.

Sorry for the lengthy post, I hope it makes sense.

Re: PS4 Has Reportedly Sold a Ridiculous 68 Million More Units than Xbox One


But ... But... MS now has the power of the TeraFlop!! It will tear Sony apart! Poor Sony doesn't have any hardware to defend itself, only insignificant little software pieces like Horizon Zero Down 2 , God of War, Uncharted, Spiderman, TLOU2, Ghost of Tsushima and maybe some other garbage hidden somewhere.
Anyway, it's important for us having a stronger MS over the next gen.

Re: Godfall PS5 News Coming 'Really, Really Soon'


PS5 lauched yesterday and nobody noticed. Really. It has 24TF, two Navi rdna 2.0 butterflyed as our friend Mark Cerny likes 🤣🤣🤣

Well, seriously speaking, stressing so much how soon it will be, I hope it's really soon, otherwise Godfall should be review bombed 😅

Re: Horizon: Zero Dawn Listed for PC on Amazon France


@Bamila As someone who started gaming on XT PCs, I more or less agree with you... but at some point I found really nice the plug and play nature of the consoles, you don't have to worry about your PC specs or whatever. PC gaming for me was #1 while owning a NES, PS2 and Xbox360... but then with PS4 I stopped using the PC for playing... and I really don't care about it anymore.

Re: Horizon: Zero Dawn Listed for PC on Amazon France


@starbuck2212 about the time Guerrilla had to work on HZD2... on one side you can think the tools are already there... They have the engine and tools, I don't know if those are enough to harness the power of the PS5, but optimistically lets say "yes". So most of the work had to be spent on creating the machines (more complex, bigger?), the world and the story? Also new game mechanics? Maybe July 2021 it's a possible release date? It sounds too early anyway, isn't?

Re: PlayStation Fans' Patience Running Thin As PS5 Remains a No-Show


MS has good hardware it seems... Thing is PS4 games releasing this year are more interesting than anything that might be available for Series X up until exclusives for that system arrives. I think it's ok to buy an XSX if you play multi platform games, seems unlikely that Sony has better hardware in store for it's PS5, but it's almost a given that exclusives will be on Sony's side.

Re: Gran Turismo PS5 Could Target a Mind Melting 240 Frames-Per-Second


I think it could be related to update/refresh rate requiered to do a better sim. I'm not sure but if you have enough processing power you can run you game engine loop as fast as you can, say 120 times per second and calculate physics, and whatever game logic you need... but if then you can only "send" the visual feedback, and also input feedback, to the player only 30 times per second (30 FPS) you will end with a very janky game I think. So it makes sense to try to match both internal refresh rates (the engine loop) and the external refresh rate (tv/monitor). Someone with game development background can better explain if this sounds right or whatever.

Re: Dreams Is One of the Best Reviewed PS4 Games of All Time


@GamingFan4Lyf I'm also a software developer but nothing game related, that's why maybe I'm more amazed by the concept/execution. As you say, the greatest drawback it's also it's biggest win, letting all in the hands of the "creator". I hope the best for MM and the community using Dreams.

Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Doesn't See Sony As Competition Going Forward


Valid point of view. Game streaming is something that's happening of course and even I as a gamer in my 40s can consider something like GeforceNow or whatever service that can allow me to play a game that's not available on Playstation (for example) with top tier graphics (say raytracing etc) on a non gaming device such as my home studio PC.
That's what Google and MS are trying to do, and it's fantastic, play whatever game you want on any device... of course there are some technical limitations now such as broadband quality etc, but I think it's OK for the first years, slow adoption rate is good at some point, it's like a debugging process ; )

Re: Sony Suggests PS5 Price Is Still Undecided


First I want to clarify I live in Argentina, a country that has a really really bad economy and buying goods in "US dollars" is REALLY expensive, for comparison's sake take this example... for a person with a minimun salary, buying a Playstation 4 Pro (around 600 USD here, but usually prices are 2x of those in US) today equals 2.5 months of work, assuming every cent of your salary goes to buying the PS4.

So, after that "intro", I just can't get, really, I cannot understand why people on "first world countries" cares or complains about console prices. I mean, games are about 60 USD , how many games do a regular gamer buy during a "console generation"? How much of a difference is if PS5 costs 500USD or 600USD or 700USD? I mean, for me, Sony should give it away because I spent many dollars on PSN and games, and I ALSO have to buy the hard? but that's not the point here...

My point is, it's not better to "have to pay" 650 USD for PS5 and get awesome hardware, really ass kicking hardware , instead of 399 or 450 and get some meh or crippled hard? I should also add that $1000 can also be "ok" if you think it will last you 7 years (or whatever a gen last)... a top end smartphone or notebook sells for around $1000 so ... whatever. There you have ; )

I hope I've hurted no one with my comment ; )

Re: DOOM Eternal Is Pushing the PS4 Hardware to Its Limit


I've seen the ID Tech7 video on DigitalFoundry... really, not impressed with any visuals there, anyway destructible demons were nice. Maybe it's because the type of game. I used to play Doom networked via IPX on 9" grayscale monitors, so I'm a Doom lover from it's born... But I don't see nothing special here, I prefer HZD, God of War, Uncharted4 etc... maybe Ghost of Tsushima and TLOU2 will be the most impressive PS4 games. Also, framerate must be accounted, designing a game for 60fps y not the same as 30fps.

Re: Guide: Best Uncharted Games Ranked


I've played all Uncharted games on PS4 starting with the 1-3 collection just before the arrivial of UC4... and U1 was kind of hard to play, but man, U2 was sooooo good! It almost felt like a current gen (PS4 at the time) game, and really fun. U3 was good also, but I liked better U4 , really really incredible game. And Lost Legacy is another fine game among the finest. ; )

Re: Half-Life: Alyx on PSVR? Here's What Valve Has to Say


I think psvr "first gen" is not able to handle a game like this. I own one, it's a good piece of hardware but the controllers are not so good, resolution is very limited and for what we have seen of Half life VR, also the machine powering the game will need to be way more powerful than a PS4/Pro . But of course it may happen en psvr2… I think Sony will really nail it.

Re: Feature: How We Think Horizon: Zero Dawn 2 Will Champion PS5's Biggest New Features


I remeber thinking while playing HZD on launch day, "my dear god... and HZD2 on PS5 will be even better..." . My wishlist includes more complex and larger machines, more oportunities to tear apart machine parts (like the T800 on T1, when it keeps hunting without legs)... then raytracing could be all the difference in lighting, and sound ray tracing could make AI aware of the sorroundings ... I think , as we all think I guess, HZD2 will be a masterpiece.