Comments 535

Re: Dead or Alive, RoboCop: Rogue City Is Coming to PS5


@Olmaz I played it on SX, but the last gen version. Was the only game I finished this year (up until Evil Within 2 last week). It's a good game if your a terminator fan. I could stare at terminator 3D models all day... I had it very cheap and I also knew I didn't had to expect great things. The music was amazing.

Re: Sony Fans Bicker Over Ghost of Tsushima PS5 Paywall


@mrbone well, the thing is MS store adjusts it's prices depending on the region, so that's why I get prices so low. I live in a 3rd (or worse) country so prices are way lower. For instance RE2 is 39.99USD on PSN here, and in MS Store USA is the same 39.99USD, but MS Store local (AR) is just 11USD. And just checked The Terminator, same, 39.99 on US stores but not even 6USD here... Steam does the same thing adjusting prices by region, but Sony doesn't... in fact prices here are even higher than the US store for PSN. So that's it.

Re: Sony Fans Bicker Over Ghost of Tsushima PS5 Paywall


@mariomaster96 That's what I did. Series X with GamePass for everything non-PS5 exclusive... It's a slam dunk, while I play games on the X I wait for sale on some games I want to play on PS5 (like demon souls). Shame is the Xbox controller which is garbage next to the dualsense, but 🤷... And let me point one thing, games on MS store are way cheaper than PSN, often 50% but can go lower as 80% lower on Xbox than PSN for the same title. The Terminator cost me around 5USD for the last gen version on Xbox while for PS4 I was asked $39.99... so tell me if you can't recoup the price of a Series X? I think Tony hawk's remake was also half the price for next gen versions, Metro bundle (all metro games) cheaper than 50% ... And so on. How's that possible? Ok, Microsoft has deeper pockets or maybe it's because having also PC audience let them decrease the price (likewise steam is way cheaper than MS). You can't go wrong with a Series X. And then you don't worry about exclusives anymore, you're covered both sides.

Re: Newly Minted PS Studio Nixxes Helped Guerrilla on Killzone: Shadow Fall


PC ports are OK. It's not a war between PC and console(s). You buy whatever platform you can or want. A console gives you some nice hard for small money but then it locks you in. Now I do have a PC with a 3070… oculus quest2… XSX and PS5. Thing is, oculus is quite expensive for buying games. PS5 is very expensive, I think I bought a single game. Xbox... Well, game pass is amazing and even game prices are a joke against PSN... Sometimes it's half the price or even 10% of what Sony asks for the same game. Then Steam is really cheap... I have like 30 VR games and maybe I can't even pay a full PS5 game with the money spent on 30 steam titles. So options are always good. I do love the PS but I cannot afford to spend 35/70 usd on each game. No way. So I think I will play on Xbox or PC 🤦... Until a PSN sale 🤣

Re: Reaction: Xbox Game Pass Is the Thorn in PS5's Side


Was good but no starfield gameplay. Gamepass and MS going rampant on exclusives is why I got and SX along the PS5... Otherwise I will miss out games locked on Xbox. But nothing really good today. Is not that they showed something along the lines of Last of us II or Uncharted.

Re: Reaction: Partnerships Show PlayStation Empowering Creators, And Avoiding an Acquisition War


I've both Series X and PS5 (last gen was PS4 only, before that a 360)... I see MS approach really terrible for "us gamers"... there's nothing stopping MS from buying every single "good" studio out there, even the ones closely tied with Sony like Bluepoint, etc. The thing is I can't tell a single game I have wanted to play on last gen that wasn't available on PS4... I love Sony's offering with amazing single player games, and I'm all in for it again. But I had to cover my back getting an SX because, well... this time it seems the "exclusives" thing will get out of control, and doesn't look good for Sony.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West PS5 Gameplay Reveal This Thursday in New State of Play Livestream


@OmegaStriver well, yes. Sad. The PS4 was capable of outstanding games, miracles we could say, but of course it's time to move on. Maybe Guerilla couldn't target PS5 specs since the beginning of the dev process so they choose to go for a mixed path... Anyway this first gen PS5 games are not representative of the real leap we will see a couple of years down the road. I guess we will need to wait for a Naughty Dog game to see what the PS5 is capable of (ok, Ratchet and clank is a little showcase but I think still far off the real possibilities).

Re: When Will PS5 Exclusives Drop in Price on PS Store?


@Waluigi999 I'm waiting for a sale on Demon Souls because 70USD here where I live is FAR too much for a game... even 35USD is a lot. Now (that I got a Series X) I'm buying certaing games on Xbox because prices are a lot cheaper... Tony Hawk is 50usd for PS5 and 14USD on Xbox.

Re: Soapbox: I'm Beyond Excited for PS5's Next-Gen PSVR


I bought the psrv rev 2 near launch and it was great. Now I have an Oculus Quest 2 and apart from controls and resolution what's incredible is wireless VR. I wonder why a next gen HMD still has a cable... Of course, there are a lot of potential answers, such as data transfer quality/bandwidth, costs, latency, etc.

Re: This Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Loading Transition Is a Reminder of What PS5 Can Do


@thedevilsjester of course I've made that assumption just for make it an easy case. Usually you want to do as little work as possible, be it a calculation, or data loading or whatever. But is the case that being HDD reading so slow, many open world games can't afford to do streaming while playing so they must load "in advance" and "just in case it's needed"... that's the case for most games, or at least AAA ones. Say, GTA can't present you the world if it hasn't loaded a big chunk of data... and neither can load all game data into RAM (because it's not smart, and also not possible). There a few game post mortem videos and notes over this topic, with different strategies for game world streaming etc, very instersting.

Re: Next PS5 Firmware Update Available to Download Now


@God_of_Nowt pff I do love technical info, but it's really difficult to get some factual data regarding the hardware, software, etc of the PS5... Sony is not saying much, so there you have " can't do 4bit operations..." and that kind of stuff. For sure I didn't knew that parts of the system (other than the fans) could be "adapted" on a game by game basis... so how the I/O subsystem can be tweaked ? I would have guessed any "tweak" a dev may need (like, say, reading in different block sizes) would be done through the I/O API (or whatever)... Oh I've so many many questions ; )

Re: This Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Loading Transition Is a Reminder of What PS5 Can Do


@PhhhCough yes, but optimization can only go so far. If you like tech resources and game development stuff please check the Games developers conference (GDC) on youtube. For sony last gen you could watch spiderman's and horizon's videos.
I'm playing Ghost right now (on PS5, of course it's BC) and yes it's fairly fast but there's always an explanation for everything, there's "no magic"... First it's not THAT fast, then maybe most/many game assets are already allocated into RAM so assets loading from the HDD is reduced (but if it's the case it has to do with clever world & assets design, not with luck or magic), then maybe some lazy loading strategies are in place such as "still loading while your playing but you can't notice because the devs hide it somehow". Then again, you can't compare Ghosts world design with, say, Cyberpunk so it's not valid to compare loading speeds there. If you have to load from HDD you have a physical limit on speed (around 100MB/s at best) so you could do the math, filling the PS4 6GBs of RAM (it's not a requirement to fill the ram but often needed) will take a minute and that's only talking file reading, then you have decompression and processing/game logic which runs on the CPU making the process slower... So you load less upfront, process less or something... There's no magic.

Re: This Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Loading Transition Is a Reminder of What PS5 Can Do


@KnightRider1982 everything is up to developers. You could give the devs the power or a thousand PS5s and still end with a tetris-like game running at 10 FPS and taking 1 hour to load. Of course hardware matters but... there's a lot of stuff involved, and then you can't compare games even on the same platform, or because they're more or less "the same"... Spiderman on PS5 loads so quickly it's amazing... 2 seconds I guess, then other PS5 "native" games still take several seconds (10ish or so)... maybe they're open world but you have to account for assets type, file distribution, loading strategies etc, etc... I'm a developer but noting gaming related, but looking at PS5 specs and real games like Demon Souls, Spiderman and R&C Rift Apart, is faily evident that 2 seconds load is what we should get from games really well optimized. I do think a PS4 game running "optimized" on PS5 (say, ported and modified to load as fast as possible) should take almost 1 second to load, given that PS4 had only 6GB of usable RAM for games, the PS5 I/O can fill that in no time. Anyway , games will tell, and game design will change for better.

Re: Soapbox: PS5 Has Turned Me Into a Total 60FPS Snob


@Max_the_German hi there! I've just said more or less the same as you, "back then" you couldn't choose and really, we even didn't knew or cared about it, we were just happy to play. I even remember Hard Driving or Cruising USA at the arcades, those were some awfully low fps!!!

Re: Soapbox: PS5 Has Turned Me Into a Total 60FPS Snob


Last of us 2 at 30fps is still incredible, no problem playing at 30… but when I got my ps4 the first game I bought was TLOU remastered and played through it at 60fps... Out of curiosity I tried 30fps mode and couldn't last 10 seconds.
Anyway, I started gaming on a XT PC around late 80s... I was used to sub 15fps games, even worse, maybe 5fps 😂... Now we demand so much from the technical POV but gameplay wise we are pretty much playing the same games decade after decade.

Re: Is This Sony's Next-Gen PSVR Controller?


Playing half life alyx with the quest 2 controllers is incredible, when you touch something or say you hit an object with your gun, you feel the feedback on the controller. Is just awesome. It lacks the adaptive trigger, that would be mind blowing.