Comments 535

Re: Spider-Man PS4's Puddle Drama Is An Absolute Embarrassment


At first it seems like a bit of a downgrade for us with no insights on game code/inner workings. Ligthing does not look as good in the release shot. Even accounting for "different time of day" and "puddle size"... the difference is there. Anyway, if the change is just an artistic choice , then the release game will at some point look as good as the early shot. Games are not good because of graphics, but this kind of talk is commonplace , remember Uncharted4 that had similar differences with lighting etc. In the end gameplay is king.

Re: Rumour: Platform Named 'Erebus' Found in Unreal Engine 4, Could Be PS5


@BAMozzy yes, it's always a matter of balancing. I've done some 3D rendering on a Pentium90 and I remember enabling Ray Tracing on the software, it was so nice but sooo slow. It comes down to costs and available hardware at the end. Take animation movies from almost 20 years ago (say, Monsters Inc) , realtime graphics as available today on consumer hardware today are not even remotly close to that. But accounting that a single frame of that movie took 29 minutes on a Pixar farm... well, you know. Anyway, graphics on games at 30/60fps are getting really nice (Detroit looks good) but still years away from movie quality without some kind of "rendering farm".

EDIT: 29 minutes per frame is for Monsters University, but give or take hardware leap for all those years in between, it would have take the same back then ; )

Re: Rumour: Platform Named 'Erebus' Found in Unreal Engine 4, Could Be PS5


@NintendoFan4Lyf yes, that's pretty much my take also. You can go 24k resolution and 12GB textures but if lighting sucks, all sucks. And as you said, RT will need a couple of iterations to "get it right", but for me I can imagine it as something as "vital" as perspective correction and bilinear filtering back in the day... like turning RT off will give you nausea ; )

Re: Rumour: Platform Named 'Erebus' Found in Unreal Engine 4, Could Be PS5


@NintendoFan4Lyf @BAMozzy ray tracing seems pretty much out of the equation for PS5 (I think more about costs/power than hardware availability), although it's one of the features than can truly mark a fidelity leap for next generation, isn't ?

EDIT: , RT seems to demand a lot of CPU power (many cores) so that will also seems to push RT out of the next-gen capabilities.

Re: PlayStation Plus September 2018 Games Announced


Nothing for me, I already own GOW III and Here they lie, Destiny I don't care, Another world maybe... (I've played DOS version back then). Qube if PSVR would have been a nice addition, but anyway it is a great month and it seems that Plus is really getting better.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Gets a Full 48 Minute Gameplay Demo


Didn't watch the entire video yet. It was more interesting that I've thought at first but nothing groundbreaking in terms of gameplay. I like cyberpunk style so I'm fine with it. The shooting seemed only serviceable, although having destructible environments is great. Under the radar for now.

Re: Shuhei Yoshida was 'Horrified' When He First Played God of War on PS4


I think this is misleading. I'm a software developer and my take/guess is that this "miracle" of turning around things in 6 months doesn't come out of thin air... it was possible because everything was perfectly planned and that was the development roadmap. That's why almost every other developers/teams cannot fix a poorly running title in 6 months, 12 o even ever. If it was really like Cory shouting "we are 6 months from launch and the game is running like crap, oh God (of war) please fix our code before we get our a** kicked by Sony!!" , then it was really a miracle.

Re: DOOM Eternal's Multiplayer Will Be Developed In-House


I've played Doom on custom-built coax lan and 9inch b&w monitors back in the day. I've even networked my house with my cousin's a block away just to play Doom & others. I think invasion mode is a stroke of genius, even not really knowing how it will play, the idea is fantastic. I mean, gamers usually complains about how bad AI is, for solo campaigns but now you can have "the solo campaign enemies" being controlled by humans... So hour it could be bad? Ok. Stupids are everywhere... I guess we need to wait and see.

Re: Guide: Best PS4 Horror Games


I usually cannot stand horror games as I get scared too easily, and I had no trouble playing TLOU... so for me it's not a horror game. Anyway, I'm happy to put it on top of any genre's list ; )

Re: Sony: We Haven't Forgotten Why the PS4 Was Successful


@shafedog247 I get what you mean, it's of course not the real mean of a new console to play old games... but for instance, my ps4 games backlog is so huge that I already know I'll not able to play them before I got the PS5... for instance I have witcher 3 , MSGV, and many many others that I haven't even started. So be able to play them on PS5 without needing to have around a PS5 is surely a plus, because new console exclusives will be late for sure. But as you say, new all want a new console for new games, with new experiences not possible on older hardware. For instances, my hopes are really high for PSVR2.

Re: Crash Bandicoot Update Adds New Level and HDR Support on PS4


@neolit I know, mind you I don't own an OLED TV, but two lower end LG and Hisense 4K. I think HDR works better on the Hisense (which is the one I'm keeping, selling the other), but I've seen a LG OLED at a friends house and it's on another level. I'm happy anyway with my TV , but waiting to find OLEDs at an affordable price point (I'm from Argentina so that's VERY unlikely to happen in less than 3 years). Take a look at the page and even a cheap/mid-range 4K TV will let you in awe vs a 1080p TV.

Re: Crash Bandicoot Update Adds New Level and HDR Support on PS4


@Neolit go 4K OLED, is so much better, even using the standard PS4 with upscaling. I've the Pro but for many months I was using 4K tv with OG PS4, awesome. As you know, you can wait two or three years because "prices will drop and tech will get better" , that's always the case with almost anything... but you play today ; )

Re: PS5 Will Be the Last Console Before Streaming Takes Over, Says Ubisoft Boss


This is a recurrent topic. Consoles/home computers for gaming have 40 years with us and I don't see them going nowhere in the upcoming years. Maybe in 15 / 20 years, but... It's like saying "Non VR gaming will disappear after 2025", it's likely to have a very broad adoption of VR but non VR will be a need for many type of games and markets. I think the same for physical gaming devices.