Comments 535

Re: Reaction: How Will Google's Stadia Affect PlayStation?


@Gumbopudding pretty much like that. It works on/over an ideal/controlled environment... But then on the real world you have a human smacked against a tree by an autonomous car or a player being kicked out of the game because of poor connectivity. Or maybe the former is just Stadia taking control over the cars... Maybe Stadia IS Skynet...

Re: Reaction: How Will Google's Stadia Affect PlayStation?


@Neolit like... "In my times we didn't had lag... Lag was for fools... Now people are used to this garbage... 16K HDR streamlagged Tetris..." Yes, I could see it coming. Also, with touchscreens I've also thought "whom in hell will play games touching a screen..." So, in the end it will happen, and some people will be still buying vinyls and PS5 just because of the old times.

Re: Reaction: How Will Google's Stadia Affect PlayStation?


Technically it's a great concept. Hardware performance will be always greater (and possibly many times) than a fixed console, and upgrades/generations are gone. From end user perspective, it's almost like magic. Sounds too good to be true. You can tell that this is going to be revolutionary... Until you factor cost and connectivity.
I do think this is the future of gaming (and maybe the near future if you can handle bandwidth etc), but the future-future for most of all gamers . Relying on a (super) connection to be able to play ALL your games ALL the time, seems like ... not going to happen anytime soon. It surely will have it's hit as a niche product and a taste of what's to come.
And as someone else pointed out, in the demo you can see the controller being smashed while the character on the screen did nothing... I bet that is what I will get in my house using Stadia in 5 years from now. So maybe PS6 is in danger. Nowadays I couldn't care less for Stadia, but it's impressive from a technical point.

Re: Oh Yeah, Generation Zero Is Out on PS4 Next Week


Humans standing still looked kinda strange... and running also... Then, part of the music is a complete rip-off from The Terminator music, which can be some kind of tribute... or not. Anyway, I'm always looking to giant robots... but HZD set the bar too high.

Re: 3D Realms Returns to Its Roots with Wrath: Aeon of Ruin


@stupidget hehe, lucky you... I had an XT which could not run even Wolfenstein, then upgraded to a 386 with 2MB , then 4MB and I could run doom about launch day, but of course had to shrink the screen and/or apply the mighty F5 blur ; ) . A couple of months ago I've read the "Doom engine black book" (or something like that ) , what a nice read about how that great game was made.

Re: Sony First-Party Studios Now Mostly Focused on PS5


@Turismo4GT thanks, I'm thinking all this because I don't have a spare minute to game anymore... but who knows down the road... I'm playing synths on a band and that sucks all my spare time, my daughter (single parent), and just thinking on play Witcher3 or RDR2 or that kind of games that requires hours and hours ... my current state is "I forgot all the controls/backstory/etc every time I kick back in a game again" , so that's why I ocassionally play Tetris effects only XD

Re: Sony First-Party Studios Now Mostly Focused on PS5


@themcnoisy Yes, I've did the same back then, sold my 360 and got the PS4 on july 2014, and that's the same I was thinking to do for PS5, but I've a couple of things to pay... I don't know, maybe I'm losing interest in games after all. Sad to think about that, but 30 o 20 years ago I played whatever game came across, and now I was waiting for RDR2 and meh. GOW was a blast anyway... and the same I expect from TLOU2 . And games became are really expensive here in Argentina so, I don't know about the whole thing... thanks for the feedback.

Re: Sony First-Party Studios Now Mostly Focused on PS5


Maybe it's time to sell my Pro & PSVR and just stop playing until PS5/PSVR2 . I've not played a minute in months anyway... I've like 20 AAA games (from MSGV to RDR2 to Witcher3) with less that a couple hours played. So maybe I can hope for backwards compatibility to just happen and play all those on PS5 : P (if I have the time, of course)

Re: Guide: All PS4 HDR Compatible Games


@Rick_Deckard I hope it gets patched , but it does not sounds like something that went under the radar for Rockstar. Anyway, there area couple of gameplay things that I would like to get patched before ; )

Re: Guide: All PS4 HDR Compatible Games


@Rick_Deckard RDR2 HDR is totally lacking. My untrained eye says it's absolutely the same as SDR. I had to double check if it was enabled because it sucked big time. A real shame... there's also an article en DigitalFoundry about it.

Re: Soapbox: Don't Sleep on the Hitman Series Or Its Upcoming Sequel


@RogerRoger that's right. I remember one mission (I think in Contracts) that was set on an island and the target was a in a room being prepared for an surgery ... I set the power off for the facility, went through a vent tube right to the room where the target was, killed the poor guy and the escaped unnoticed. Pure joy.

Re: Soapbox: Don't Sleep on the Hitman Series Or Its Upcoming Sequel


My first Hitman game was Silent Assassin, at the time I couldn't believe how good it was. Even technically, it was a blast. Playing with no saves (or with saves but not using it unless really needed) was incredible, you had to plan and execute pretty much flawless to get away clean, killing only your target. I love Hitman and is one of those games you can't help but recommend to everyone. And luckily 2016 iteration is as good as the franchise deserves. Looking forward for the new Hitman!

Re: Sony Doubling Down on PSVR with 'Deeper Gaming' Experiences


@rjejr yeah, wireless could be possible, but non essential (I've the revised PSVR with only one cable and HDR passthrough so it's fine). Anyway, my #1 request is better resolution and custom VR designed controls. Talking about resolution, of course we will get better... not sure how much better, maybe in the lines of the Vive PRO ? I love using cinema mode for playing racing games with a G29 wheel, but resolution is just not good enough. And controls, I've to think that is also reaaaally a safe to bet. So PSVR2 hardware will be great, also taking account that PS5 will have more power so graphics fidelity should be better (if the power does not get wasted on resolution).

Re: Sony Doubling Down on PSVR with 'Deeper Gaming' Experiences


I've my headset since jan18 and it's ok... This is something I was expecting to experience for more than 25 years, but yet I think the psvr2 will be what psvr should have been... Better resolution, wireless, and advanced controls. Anyway it's a very good product for the money, and the feeling you get with proper games/implementation is awesome. Really hoping to see Sony launching psvr2 with PS5.

Re: Poll: Do We Still Need Review Scores?


As many said before, the score by itself means nothing if it's not backed up by a detailed description of how/why the reviewer came down to that conclusion. For me it's more meaningful to read the whole review and weight a couple more of reviews from other sites also - although this is my number one site ; ) .