Comments 535

Re: The Last of Us 2 Looks Stunning in New Set of Screenshots


As amazing as this looks for a PS4 Pro game, I hope ND can turn this into a PS5 masterpiece only with a couple of config settings. This one seems like a real candidate for some kind of ray tracing, but anyway we don't even know what kind of hardware support PS5 will have, nor if ND can do something about it with their engine.

Re: Lighting Is the Key to Next-Gen Graphics, Says Detroit: Become Human Director


Of course it is. Light is the only reason we can "see". Because of historical limitations or constraints in faithful lighting reproduction in real-time (say hardware raw power or whatever), other factors were pushed as "more important than lighting"... Now if some kind of real-time ray tracing can be done, I'll take it hands down before any other "feature" like 8k or 120fps... All considering that what can be done today with real time ray tracing is a little bit hacked but anyway impressive vs baked lighting.

Re: E3 2019: Cyberpunk 2077 Can Be Completed Without Killing Anyone


Interestingly, I've started to dislike how much "guns" are around us. Kids play with guns, games have guns, you must kill people... I used to enjoy all that also, but... Yesterday I watched a video of Sniper Elite VR, and it has this kill cam that shows how the bullet goes through your target's head... not very confortable for me. I think I'm just getting older.

Re: E3 2019: PS5 Will Cost $800, Jokes Analyst Michael Pachter in Wild Prediction


I don't mind paying 500, 600 or 700 if the machine has not only "top" hardware, but smart/custom design to allow devs to do wonders with it during the lifespan of the console. I think hardware custom design (which a PC of course cannot have) is key for a console, like having those smart "tricks" that every dev would love to have without spending too much budget from every frame (like ray traycing for example). PS4 had a bit of those, like the unified ram, some custom GPU commands and stuff...

Re: PS5's Processing Power Is Incredible, Says Yakuza Director


@Gumbopudding well, for sure the least impressive was the jump to PS4. But I remember seeing Winning Eleven 5 (the first for ps2) and I was amazed. As you pointed out PS4 and Xbox one are almost PCs, but with fixed hardware and a somewhat not so bloated OS eating resources, that's why we can get games like Horizon zero Dawn on such a "crappy" hardware. I guess the fact of "learning" how to max out a new architecture will be always present. Ps2 was a very custom hardware (hard to program but flexible and powerful, remember it had 32mb system ram), so as ps3 and even x360 (easier to work than ps3)... And then here we are with almost PCs. Funny thinking about the first Xbox, I remember when it was announced, something along a Celeron 700mhz CPU paired with ~GeForce 3 graphics... Nothing groundbreaking, in fact any PC gamer at that time would run away from a celeron CPU. But PS4 was to my eyes more or less the same as the original Xbox... unimpressive hardware specs, but with the hope of developers extracting every bit of performance from it. I do like to read game development post mortems, there you can learn many tricks they use for that. Anyway, a console is not a PC, even if they share a lot in common. PS4 gpu has a couple of custom mods that allows to shield more performance than a comparable desktop part, the whole system has an unified memory architecture (something PCs can't dream of, right?), and Xbox one had that embedded sram that didn't worked out but those "little" things are what can make a console last many years and still allow devs to squeeze a little more performance as time goes by. For example, I had a couple of chats with the engine developer at sucker punch (at that time the game was infamous second son) and he said the GPU compute power of the PS4 was barely used because it was so new etc, and they already had a lot of clever ideas on how to use the hardware... I guess ghost of tsushima will squeeze almost everything PS4 has to offer. But then if they release a ps5 version of ghost of tsushima, it will look nicer but "nothing else". Other improvements are not for free. I think you can get for free things like better resolution and frame rate, even texturing ... but it will still be a PS4 game. Improvements on gameplay that a new generation of hardware brings will not be available until say, HZD2 (with luck). I'm hoping the PS5 architecture to have a couple of smart design hacks to allow things really not possible on "standard comparable" hardware (say a powerful PC). Oh, I just remembered the Ray tracing stuff... That would be a real generational leap for fidelity, but you know that is so taxing that the first question is "how on earth raytracing is possible on a 500 dollars box with CPU, ram, storage, graphics, etc... Could it really do decent RT ??"
Ok. Lengthy post : P.

Re: PS5's Processing Power Is Incredible, Says Yakuza Director


This is the usual comment we get before a new generation arrives. Every single time... Then launch games are not sooo incredible. The last time I was amazed was with the jump from PS1 (or PC for that matter, even with 3d accelerators) to PS2. Gran Turismo on PS2 was something else. Then you have an Uncharted 4 or Horizon, but not launch titles.

Re: Poll: Are You Hyped for E3 2019 Yet?


I'm hoping Microsoft unveils their next gen machine, because we already know something about PS5 and MS will need to show some strength there... more or less how they have done with Scorpio. And knowing how MS will build their machine can give more clues on PS5. Then hoping to see some good games, also.

Re: Star Wars X-Wing Level in Dreams Rivals EA's Efforts


@get2sammyb the thing is... There's no , how to say... Way to spot if something has been created with dreams or with a "propietary engine". The sounds and graphics of this creation can be easily mistaken as an EA game. I remember the early days of dreams, graphics were a bit cartoonish ... But now we have seen many different creations and it's mind bending. As you pointed, the best is yet to come... And somewhat obviously because none of the creations are "games" yet. I think Dreams is some kind of "accelerator" for game developers... you still need the talent and the ideas and everything required to create a fun game, but having this massive framework and the social aspect is awesome to start being productive from the start, and then some.

Re: Sony: The Future Is Bright for PSVR, And We Won't Stop with PS4


I'm an early adopter of PSVR and I really like it. My hopes or desires for PSVR2 are improvements in resolution, controls/room tracking and wireless support. But having to choose, resolution is number 1. If the resolution is high enough, you can watch a movie or play any game in "theater mode" which is AWESOME but given the low resolution it's nearly useless. For example I used to play non-VR racing games with a G29 racing wheel and PSVR theater mode ... and it's literally mindblowing, and that's not even VR !!! is just so inmmersive because you only see "the screen" and plus headphones... oh god... but I'had to stop because corners can't be seen from far because of the low resolution.
Also, I guess having the PS5 more raw power will mean way better graphics for PSVR games, no resolution improvement, but higher fidelity/lighting/whatever... So I'm keeping my PSVR tight.

Re: Reaction: Sony's Surprise PS5 Reveal Was a Stroke of Genius


Ps5 has all the boxes checked. Maybe 12 cores sounds better but I "guess" Sony/Cerny know their business... The rest is supreme, as the psvr compat... Maybe with the power of ps5 even better experiences can be squeezed from the limited resolution of the headset ( that's what bothers me the most , and the lack of proper vr controls).

Re: Live: Watch the Reveal of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Right Here


Not about being pessimistic, but the game should be almost "done" (all gameplay mechanisms in place, art, etc) in order to be able to ship on November... And showing no gameplay could mean it's a total crap... In my country politicians can get to elections and even win for president without ever saying what's their plan, or what's worse (and what generally happens) lying about it. Showing a game without real gameplay when the gameplay is already there really smells bad.