Comments 634

Re: Sora Unlocks World of Final Fantasy as Free DLC


It is good to see support for this. A couple of days ago online battles and trading. Today Pre order bonuses became available and news about free Sora DLC! I only hope it is not bound in Kingdom Hearts 3 pre orders or something similar

Re: November's Free PlayStation Plus Games include Everybody's Gone to the Rapture on PS4


Not sure how I feel for those games.
Rapture is not for me, I tried a lot of those games and I will try this, but I am always getting bored of them, never finishing.
I tried the demo from the Deadly Tower, don't remember why but I did not liked it, on the other ahnd I do love B-movies so I will give it a second try
The two Ps3 games seems good, but at the moment my PS3 is broken
Letter Quest is a fun game that I really like, but got it with the current sale.
BMX+ seems like a Joe Dangerous kind of game, I will try that too. It is also a reminder not to buy any curve game, they always show up on PS Plus.

Re: Only the First Half of Final Fantasy XV Is Open World, Apparently


For me that;s bad. Explorations was always a big thing at FFs, well at least before X. Traveling around searching for secrets like Gold chocobo, ultimates, job crystals etc was a big part fo the charm.
The more I hear about XV, the less I want it, but at least World of Final Fantasy is coming soon(er).

Re: Buzz! Developer Relentless Software Shuttered


Thats sad. I used to play alot Buzz with my wife and randomsfrom the internet. Don't know about the price of it now outside of Greece, but here the Greek version can fetch around 100 euros with the buzzer and people are still looking to buy it.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with August's PlayStation Plus Games?


@hi_drnick @Tasuki
I am not saying that it is a bad game, on the other hand it is a great one! But giving it, even by mistake, maybe made people less excited for it and thats the reason they did not vote it.
As for the mistake I strongly believe, that if it didn't happened they would not have given the game for August.

Re: People Really Aren't Happy with August's PlayStation Plus Games


For me its not about the game, after all when I signed up, I knew that I will get random games.
The real problem with this month is Retro/Grade. People working for Sony never lost an opportunity to remind us that, they will never give a game second time, but they did it. They have to change the game!


Re: Hands On: Free MMO Neverwinter Is Well Worth Playing on PS4


I really liked on PC, but stopped playing becuase my PC is kinda old and had lots of lag, but now at PS4 it plays better and I like it more!

For the fan of the Forgotten Realms the game is even better. You will meet and fight alongside characters from the books and even the first Neverwinter nights game! Also there are some infamous monsters, one of them even gave me a nope nope moment and actually I back stepped a bit

Re: Review: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven (PS4)


I had it pre order, but I did like the demo. I like fast paced brawlers likes this and for example J-Stars and SEnra Kagura ( or whatever is called). Also even though I am not a big anime fan, JoJo is something I like a lot. My only problem is that I still haven't got it for some reasons

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 124


Overwatch when I don't have to keep an eye on the kids. Got 5 wins on the competitive starting matches, not sure if it is good for random groups or not

A bit of Warcraft, want to level a couple more characters to 100 before legion

And downloaded Joe Dover's Lone Wolf, nice game, but I cant play for a lot of time, before I get tired of it...

Re: Brexit Could Mean a More Expensive PS4K for UK Gamers


I am no British, but I understand what you are going through, we have similar problems here ( Greece )
There are so many thing I want to tell about this matter, but since this is getting kinda out of topic and we are in a gaming site, I don't want to talk about politics. The only thing I am goint to say ( again ), is that I really wish you the best!