Comments 634

Re: Guide: May 2017 PS4 Games Release Dates


Ruper Rude Bear feels like a PS+ game!
I want Injustice, but most probably will kip it since i need 100 euros for the full game. Will wait for a good discount or the GOTY edition.
Most problaly I will spend this month with Marvel Heroes.

Re: Feature: The 20 Best RPGs on PS4


I think I am one of the few people that really got bored with Skyrim and Fallout :/
I loved the list and from all those games I haven't played two, Tukiden and Nier, but I am planning to buy them this year.

Re: Review: Persona 5 (PS4)


I got P4G just because I was bored and there was nothing more interesting at those sales. Now it is one of my favourite RPGs and I can't wait for P5!

Re: PS4 Exclusives Go Cheap in Latest European PlayStation Store Sale


@xMEADx Thanks for the info! I did got it as soon as I saw that it has loot drops, I love games with random loots! At the moment I just finished the second level, playing with the healer, can't recall name. The only negative is the no pause option even at solo gaming, but at least for now levels are small and fast. As for the level boost DLC, I honestly don't see a reason why to buy it when you already paid to play a game, where is the fun at it? Season Pass looks kinda useless, but maybe I will buy the colours.

Re: Horizon: Zero Dawn Accused of Cultural Appropriation


PC is kinda BS. What I mean is that we must repect others of course, but PC people are taking the limits. This so called journalist wanted a bit of fame and she gain it. She must understand that USA is not the entire world, where GG are based those two words are not offensive, whe has no right to tell other people what worlds they can or can not use.