Comments 634

Re: Your Full February PlayStation Plus Lineup Is Strong


Tbh Ilike it a lot.
PS4 games have good reviews and I wanted to try them for some time now, only reason I did not buy Helldivers yet, is that I am not into online play that much, now it is a good change to try it!
Always wanted to get Persona Arena, but I could not find a nice price for it, so I am pretty happy about it.
No idea about GRID, but it is from Codemasters, how bad can it be?
Even though I love Lemmings, a touch version doesnt interests me, also a good change to try it without additional money.
As for Nova 111, no suprise there, lets be honest, Curve Digital gives almost all of their games on Plus sooner or later, I am not buying form them anymore.

I think it's one of the good months, sure no "AAA" titles, but I don't care, I buy what I want from those.

Re: Here's to an Amazing 2016 on Push Square


Happy new year to all!
Since I found your site, by luck, some things got my attention, like how your reviews are more fun, they don't always try to be serius, mostly depending on the game nd lets face it, how serius can you be reviewing Goat Simulator?
An other think I liked is how you are open to specific questions about the games you review. I am not saying others don't do it, but I don't remember seen this atittude before.
For this year I wish you to reach your goals as a site and I can't wait to see what you are planning.
So happy gaming to all and lets have fun on a very promising gaming year!

Re: January's PlayStation Plus Freebies Will Be Revealed Next Week


Shadow Fall and Knack are on this month's sales, so I don't think we will see them. I do think we may see one of them at February.
To be honest This January I don't really care what they give. I have Destiny, DragonBall Xenoverse and thinking to buy Shadow of Mordor GOTY and depending on the price will also get Civilization for Vita. So I do have games to pass my time

Re: Game of the Year: Simon's Personal PlayStation Picks


Until down was a pleasant suprise! I rented it and played it until I finished it, almost without breaks. Really enjoyed this game.
Rocket league is not bad, but not a game I liked. What I don't understand about it is, why the similar, almost same game on PS3 ( cant remember the name ), had not this success.
I can't comment about the others, as I have not played them.

Re: PS4 Exclusive DriveClub's Ready to Paint the Town Red


MY only complain is that I can't manage to drift in this game, never had a problem with other racers, but for some reason I just can't do it.
On the other hand you have to admire the work Evolution Studios did to support it. lots of improvements and new containt both free and paid with what I believe are reasonable prices.

Re: Destiny Launches Pricey Level Boosters for PS4, PS3


I think it is useless, is not that hard to level up a new character, but we all know that they are people that are going to buy those bosoters.
Still it is something that I like, if this means more free content ( even small updates like the racing ).
As for the people that complain, simply don't buy them.

Re: Crisis Averted, Final Fantasy VII Remake 'Episodes' Will Each Be Full-Sized Games


It seems to me, that they are just playing with words. Almost all of the FF series are games with over 40-50 hours of play. So if they just make a part at 10 hours, it may be like other full games in duration, but still it will only be a fraction for a FF game.
I'll wait for more info, before making a final opinion, but I still have high hopes and tbh I will buy it either way!

Re: Uh-Oh! Final Fantasy VII Remake Will Be Episodic on PS4


If they really believe this "The idea that a remake of Final Fantasy VII would not fit into a single release was there from the very beginning," then it is like they say "No new game will be bigger/better than FF VII"
I think, this excuse, is pure crap and all they want is to milk it.