Comments 607

Re: There's Already Concern Over Concord's Player Count as Open Beta Begins


I enjoyed the first beta. At first I thought it was awful- far too slow movement, half the weapons didn’t seem to do any damage yet I’d get killed almost instantly by other players. But it clicked after a few games and I started to really enjoy it… but as others have rightly said, not enough to pay for it when there are f2p titles that scratch the same itch.

It needs to be free or day one on ps plus to stand any chance at all.

Re: Sony Shares List of PS Store Days of Play Sale Deals Ahead of Tomorrow


@lolwhatno it’s all good, I actually got a better job with more pay- go me! Do yourself a favour and get Elden Ring, but maybe not when you’re studying for uni

By the way, which uni are you hoping to go to, and to study what? Ironically, I work in international education providing english exams for uni entry, so if I can ever be of any help, let me know!

Re: Hunt Showdown Gets PS5 Patch, Will Run at Up to 60FPS


Hell yeah!! I had stopped my daily addiction to this game because I was getting too fed up with the sluggishness on PS5. This will bring me straight back to the bayou.

@Gloamin A massive badge of recommendation. The most tense, stressful yet rewarding game I've played in years. It has been crying out for some console love and this new patch would appear to do just that, especially on PS5

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Deathloop?


After a slightly laborious first couple of hours I’m enjoying it hugely. It’s more a puzzle game with guns than anything else, and the way things start to come together as you work out how to line up your targets is immensely satisfying.

Re: Hands On: Back 4 Blood Wears Its Inspiration with Pride


Played the closed beta for a little while and didn't click with it at all. I think it was mainly due to playing with randoms who spent most of their time shooting me for no reason and then messaging me to quit. I guess it would be totally different with friends, it's just a shame I don't have any I play online with regularly