Comments 435

Re: PS4 Censorship to Blame for Sucky Chinese Sales, Says Sony


But people are buying the games straight from Hong Kong too, where the games may or may not be censored. Depending on the game. Sometimes Hong Hong uses the Japanese version as a base, which sometimes have differences from the US/EU versions.

Lemme also remind you of that they have always been able to find consoles in China, just illegally. ( Surprisingly or unsurprisingly depending on who you ask, most people never actually knew they were not allowed tho ) And games, even tho sometimes pirated, were what they were supposed to be. 'Cuzz they were pirated, nobody had to check them. lol

The ban being lifted was still important tho. Perhaps they could sell SOME slightly more mature content to adults, and by "mature" I mean the kind of content you could see in games rated 12+ by Pegi over here in Europe. Yeah that means many AAA might not come out at all, or get heavily censored. But if you're Chinese you know how it goes. It's not like you could just easily move to another country either. It's better than having nothing and risk getting charged for crime. I'd love to see something like Kingdom Hearts coming out in China, or would that still be too violent? At least there's no realistic violence.

Re: TGS 2015: Good Grief! Sony Has More PS4 Exclusives to Show


I might love PlayStation just as much as Nintendo, it's ALWAYS been about the games for me. But some people may not even play different types of game genres, for them XB1 might be just enough, especially if they are Halo nuts and such. ( YES I know they have more than Halo but Halo is still what Zelda is to Nintendo, something most owners of those consoles would want and love )

But for me, I don't even care that much about online play. Especially not if I'm forced to work in a team talking to real life people. Ick! I don't really like shooters either. Toooo many chiiiiildreeen! But if YOU'RE into that, the Xboxes might have always had the best experience. According to what I've heard. The only games where I've thought online was completely necessary is Pokémon and the recent Mario Maker. Playing other peoples levels that they've made is really fun! And without online, I couldn't complete the Pokédex or battle anyone, so that's totally cool.

Re: TGS 2015: Good Grief! Sony Has More PS4 Exclusives to Show


@WARDIE I'm sure there's great games on the XB1, if you're into that sorta stuff. But there are no JRPGs. Booo! And that's entirely their own fault for not managing to sell the console in Asia and Japan especially. Really sad if you think about it. That's a lot of lost sales. That's just ONE of the reasons PS4 have sold twice as much. Or is it even more than that? Dunno.

Re: TGS 2015: Good Grief! Sony Has More PS4 Exclusives to Show


Nyeee... Fanboys will keep XB1 alive somehow. But they are gonna complain about all the games they aren't getting, duh. Unless they are really dum', they SHOULD be jealous. Tho they could get both of them, and even a Wii U/NX and they would be able to play everything. jk I get that it would be expensive. No unfortunately having a PC wont solve nuthin', many games are still console exclusive. And that's how things will stay, for now.

Re: TGS 2015: PS4 Price Drop Announced for Japan


Not like Xbox ONE would still have a chance in Japan. PS4 will continue to rule no matter what price it is but this will probably make people who haven't gotten one yet to go get it. So much stuff's coming out that the JP market will enjoy to. Thanks to Square Enix.

Re: Dragon Quest Heroes Has Free DLC On-Disc For Its Western PS4 Release


No we missed LOTS of games. All the 3DS remakes. Not just the online game. And that's prolly because the DS remakes didn't sell as well as they thought they would. I mean they did do excellent in Japan obviously. People over here just prefer Final Fantasy when it comes to JRPGs. Even if it's terrible FF13 games. That's the ugly truth.

Re: Dragon Quest Heroes Has Free DLC On-Disc For Its Western PS4 Release


I urge ALL DQ fans to buy this. This game may decide if we'll ever have another DQ game in the west again. Squere Enix basically said so themselves. Is it fun then?, those who I've talked to said so. They imported it from Japan. And well, they said it was better than Hyrule Warriors. The game looks great too.

Re: Review: Amnesia: Memories (PS Vita)


The genre isn't just "visual novel" it's an "otome" game, a game targeted only at girls. Yeah really, I'm not lying. They are not gonna swap the genders. If you're a straight guy, you probably wanna play a visual novel targeted at MEN. No gender swaps needed there as you'll be dating women in those. Of course, if you're a guy and don't mind going after guys nobody's gonna stop you from playing.

I already bought the physical Japanese version so I dunno if I'll need this. Ugh. Of course this always happens way ahead of them even announcing they are brining the game over. It's a miracle they are translating such a game at all, it being niche AND targeted at girls and all. So if you weren't stupid like me and imported it, buy it. That's if you're into that sorta stuff anyways...

Re: Atlus Insists That Persona 5 Is Coming To North America This Year, While Europe Gets It Later


@john_c It really depends where you go. French people are famous to "hate" English. The ones I talked to ignored the classes on purpose. But no that's not how things work. UK is part of the PAL region so they'll get the same game as everybody else there. That means waiting until it's translated into all these billion different languages unless publisher choose only to release it in one language. And that rarely happens these days. It's always multi. It's a good thing they kept the PS4 region free.

Re: EA Doesn't Think You'd Play a Star Wars Battlefront Single Player Campaign


I would. But I know for sure that most people only talk about online play. In any game. That has one anyway. I blame people's tiny brains, they don't want a story, they wanna yell about your mother and harass little children. I'm kidding of course, or half kidding. There are many who wanna do that, but there are almost as many people playing for the story in a game. It's stupid not to give those people what they want too.

Re: Will Dragon Quest XI Come West? Square Enix Doesn't Know Just Yet


The DS games must have sold horrible in the west for them not to wanna release the new games. But I bought 3 of the 4 main series games. ( Out of 4, 5, 6 and 9 ) New. I still can't find a EU copy of the 5th game for a good price. I bought the PS2 game too when that came out and that was EU's FIRST DQ. God the PAL region sucks. Now where are my new games? Why aren't more people buying them only FF, KH and Chrono Trigger gets talked about. =p

Re: How to Watch PlayStation's China Press Conference Live


@DVS There's lots of games officially released in Chinese, but they were only available in Hong Kong. To release many of these games in mainland China, many will have to be censored/edited unless the government says they are OK to go already. That's just the way it is. People are already buying the Hong Kong editions but on their own risk. Import an illegal game and they may fine you and take your console and all your games for it.