Comments 435

Re: Yep, We're Definitely Seeing Dragon Quest XI Tomorrow


@Storytime7 I'd say any of the DS remakes are good ways to start off. There's also a fan translated SNES version, of DQ3. That one seems to be Japan's favourite. The original ( 16-bit ver ) never came out in English so feel free to download it or get a JP copy for 3-5 bucks if you must. That won't be in English tho. Then I'd also recommend the PS2 game, 8 or Cursed king.

Re: Dragon Quest XI Could Well Be Announced Next Week


If it's a PS4 game we might see it in the west. You can say good bye to the 3DS games for now unless you own a Japanese 3DS. All of the 3DS titles have been re released as greatest hits versions so you can get the games for 20-25 bucks each. Even less if you buy them used of eBay. You can then complain about not having them in "English" but that's as good as it gets for now.

Re: Japanese Sales Charts: PlayStation's Road to Nowhere Continues


@Cowboysfan-22 Microsoft has literally done nothing trying to sell their consoles in Japan. They don't get the exclusives Japan cares about and anything else is also on PS4/PC. I'm even gonna bet half of those Xboxes sold in Japan were bought by foreigners.

I realize this may be unfair to say but, people say the Vita is dead but at least it's selling more. Heck even the Wii U outsells the Xbox ONE in Japan. They have a lot to learn when it comes to different markets. Like starting over from scratch.

Re: Take a Closer Look at the Nintendo PlayStation


@JaxonH I bet there's a couple more locked in somewhere at Sony in Japan and in the US. Or in someone's house who worked/works there. But you're not getting those. If he's gonna sell it this might be the only chance to get one ever.

Re: Review: J-Stars Victory VS+ (PS4)


No dub? Good, people need to learn how to appreciate the originals how they were intended. Call me a weaboo all you want. I can't stand dubbed anime. And you shouldn't either. Sure there are good English voice actors, that's not the problem here. It's the culture becoming lost in translation. English isn't my native language, so I have no desire to hear it. Text only is fine, if I need it. Many doors will open if you get over your fear of other languages. Don't be stuck in the mud.

Re: Horizon: Zero Dawn Has a Bigger Budget Than The Last Guardian, Says Sony


@rjejr I don't know about that, but I know they work for longer periods in one go. I've heard horror stories where the lead devs and directors basically sleep at work and barely have time for eating. Especially those big games that people expect to have soon. Energy drinks sell well in Japan. lol

Not working as a game dev doesn't mean you'll have more time either. It's not a secret or anything that Japanese people work themselves to death. So much that many don't even have time for their families, they'll have time eating dinner with them LATE if they are lucky. Then again, not like the kids have much time anyway with their club activities and extra classes in the evening.

Re: Store Update: 23rd June 2015 (North America)


@Matroska PSN accounts these days require you to have a credit card of that region in to add money into your wallet, unless you already have a pre paid voucher. They don't "want" you to import games. But they also wont stop you completely. I think it's for safety.

Re: The Lighter PS4 Also Has a Few Other Changes


@Tasuki I knew you could turn it on with the controller, but I had to Google were the "buttons" were located. They favoured design over convenience. I really don't mind big buttons sticking out, at least I know where to find them then and I wont accidentally push them.

Re: Red Bull Will Give You Win in Destiny: The Taken King


Red Bull is worst than drinking alcohol. Tho both can ruin your health if you don't watch it. I remember boys back in elementary school who drank this poison, before they restricted it so only people above the age of 15 can buy it, or any energy drink for that matter. I don't see this helping them get the game's rep back.

Re: Sony: We Like to Have a Balance of Sequels and Risky Concepts in Our First-Party Portfolio


@KratosMD They are still just rumours based of what people think should happen/what they want. Spreading them will lead "less intelligent" people into thinking they are true and next we have hundreds of videos on Youtube saying "OMG THE WII U IS DEAD!" or "ZELDA WILL MOVE OVER TO THE NX!". Not only is it untrue, it could hurt already bad sales of the Wii U. Nobody gains anything good from that. If we and Nintendo themselves aren't careful the NX could end up even worst.