I am old but not yet senile

Comments 433

Re: PSVR2 Sales Off to a 'Slow Start', New Report Claims


@KundaliniRising333 Fair play. The 'early adopter' bit wasn't aimed at you, splash damage, lol. As for consumer friendliness, well, that's hard to quantify as it's often down to personal experience and perception. I don't think Sony is any more or less consumer friendly than MS, Nintendo, etc. They exist to make money and that's fine by me as long as I get something out of it. When that stops, I'll just move on.

I think a lot of valid points are being made but, for me, they get lost in an overwhelmingly wave of negativity. It's really hard to find a thread anywhere that sticks to a core topic and remains positive for more than a few posts. Tends to make me grumpy.

The world needs more positivity!

Re: PSVR2 Sales Off to a 'Slow Start', New Report Claims


@KundaliniRising333 Yeah but. From what I read its all based on 'Projections'. It's easy to speculate and take unverified numbers to re-enforce ones own views. It's incredibly naïve to think these figures must be accurate or they'd face legal action. It's just a projection made in such a way they, or IDC in this case, would have their backsides covered.

As for the cost and number of games? It's all very relative. To some it's great value, others it's not. It's fine to say you'll wait and see. But of course if everybody did that with a new or emerging technology, well, it wouldn't ever emerge!

There's a real problem these days where early adopters seem to be looked down on or ridiculed. Which is nuts because without them things like VR wouldn't even exist.

Re: PSVR2 Sales Off to a 'Slow Start', New Report Claims


I love people calling something that is a fairly niche product, selling 300,000 in its first month, a flop. Especially in the current climate. Each to their own I guess.

Personally I applaud Sony for giving it another bash, despite not being blown-away by it. Was getting bored with 2D gaming and have no interest in handheld.

Re: Sony Ordered to Pay Refunds As Austrian Court Declares FIFA Gambling


@Toypop It's a long, long time since I traded cards at school (early GenX) but as I recall there were always rarer cards in any collection. I know my kids not so long ago struggled to complete card collections, even with trading! From what I've seen, be it cards, Lego minifigures or lootboxes the odds are stacked against you collecting everything, so it's a gamble either way.

I guess there should be more of a distinction between trading cards and loot boxes, especially if the lootbox content can't be traded.

I don't really have an issue with limited gambling, I see it as a life skill, but I do think the odds should always be clearly stated. Also, as a parent, I see it as my responsibility to teach my kids how gambling works so they can make an informed decision how they spend their money.

Re: Sony Ordered to Pay Refunds As Austrian Court Declares FIFA Gambling


I'm a bit perplexed, is it illegal to sell trading cards in Austria? I can maybe see a case for minors but for anyone else it seems absurd. Surely everyone knows how trading cards work? Be they physical or virtual it's a gamble but one that seems to have been socially acceptable for decades, at least here in the UK. Go to any corner shop or newsagent you'll find various packs on the counter. Kids buy them with their pocket money.

Re: Resident Evil Village (PSVR2) - An Even More Intense Version of a PS5 Great


@Terry12 No arguments from me regarding the immersion factor, absolutely game changing. That's why the Mura is an issue for me with my particular headset, it can break it. I understand why it happens and by it's very nature it's quite possible that some headsets are better than others. And I'll always wonder if I could have had a better one, especially as both before and after release some people just haven't seen it.

But saying all of that, it didn't stop me playing 2 hours of GT7 the other night I'm not returning the headset and I would thoroughly recommend it, would just maybe tell people to lower expectations a little.

As for RE, I'm just not into horror (wimp) so am no doubt missing out on a fantastic VR experience. Might try the demo but can't see me buying it.

Re: Resident Evil Village (PSVR2) - An Even More Intense Version of a PS5 Great


@NEStalgia I don't think it's my vision, though I do wear glasses which might magnify the issue a little. I've tried moving the headset in and out and it doesn't seem to make a difference. I've finally got around to playing Kayak at night and the Mura is quite noticeable but doesn't make it unplayable, so it seems I've not got it as bad as some. Just watched a couple of through the lens videos on Youtube. One is pretty much what I'm seeing, the other looked pretty good to me, didn't even notice it.

I was prepared for the fresnel issues. I guess we'd have been talking another £50+ for pancake lenses and maybe sacrificed a little brightness and FOV. Though I'd trade a slight loss off FOV for better sharpness across the view.

I do like the black level and high contrast, though...

Re: Resident Evil Village (PSVR2) - An Even More Intense Version of a PS5 Great


@NEStalgia Agreed, there's always a trade-off to be had, we're not going to get VR perfection at £520. I've only had a PSVR1 to compare with, though, and although PSVR2 is undoubtedly a great improvement, something just seems off.

Does sound like @Chibbie has a different issue, though. Although I get the expected blurring around the edges the sweet spot is good.

Re: Resident Evil Village (PSVR2) - An Even More Intense Version of a PS5 Great


@thefourfoldroot1 It's really hard to know whether to return or not, always the chance I'll get a worse one! Mura seems worse than I had on the PSVR1, it was the SD that was noticeable on that. I've not noticed SD on PSVR2, I suppose partly because it's hardly visible due to the res bump and partly because the mura masks it.

I suppose I could buy another and return the worse one under the 30 days. Feels a bit cheeky, though.

Re: Resident Evil Village (PSVR2) - An Even More Intense Version of a PS5 Great


@Chibbie I have felt very much like yourself, it's very frustrating and doubly annoying when people mock you and keep telling you that you're not in the damn sweet spot, overlooking the IPD adjustment, not looking in the centre of the lenses or expecting too much.

In my case I've come to the conclusion that the display quality is in fact pretty good. The Cars in the GT7 Showroom mode are pretty sharp, as are the graphics in Moss. So I have the sweet spot and IPD dialled in. What I'm struggling with is not seeing the high resolution, almost black and white, Mura. It's there in well lit and dark scenes.

So for me it's worth hanging on to, despite not being as impressed as I thought I'd be. But if you can't get anything to look crisp and have tried the obvious, go for a return. It's possible something is out of alignment. Good luck.

BTW, I'm not having a pop at folks who are genuinely trying to help.

Re: EA Reportedly Lays Off More Than 200 Apex Legends QA Testers in Unscheduled Zoom Call


Anyone working in the Software business is pretty disposable, I know that from experience. Costs go up and profits have to be maintained, if sales don't go up or prices increased (world we live in), people get let go. Despite the obvious deleterious affect it has on the software. Often starting at QA with developers shortly after.

Everyone left is expected to pick up the extra work, which is next to impossible, so corners get cut. You either put the extra effort in or find another job. That's the reality of it.

Less people, less QA, less content. Less demand for the software. Rinse and repeat. Year after year after year.

We can blame the 'suits' as much as we like but the best way to keep people in jobs is to pay a fair price for the software they produce. And support the smaller studios by buying their games in a way they get a cut.

Re: Analysts Expect PS5 to Extend Lead on Xbox Series X|S in 2023


Good news. And no, I'm not a Sony shill

Much has been said about competition here and it's right, competition is a healthy thing. Hopefully Sony re-establishing its dominance will force MS to face the fact that their approach still isn't working and do something different. Surely that would be good for competition, no?

Oh, and if you don't like the way Sony operates (the same as most successful businesses), maybe don't buy Sony products and spend time moaning about it in forums that Sony don't visit.

Might be news to some but Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo etc. do not exist to make gamers happy. Really! They exist to make their shareholders happy. When the shareholders are happy they re-invest profits into making the things that make the money that make the shareholders happy. It's why we have the PS5, Series X, Switch etc. It's the price of getting hardware with the capability of a mid-range PC for less than half the price.

As for £70 games, WTF do people expect? It's 2023, prices of everything are going up. People demand titles that have 100's hours of gameplay, push the hardware to it's limits, get supported for years and ported for free when new hardware comes out. Then buy the game second-hand. And still moan at the cost. Wow, entitled or what.

Sorry, bad news, like the people who complain, developers don't work for free.

Have a good day.

Re: PSVR2 Early Adopters Are Struggling to Find the Sweet Spot


I think what we really need is a way of showing people what it looks like in the headset, rather than having to rely on the social screen output. It is really not that representative of the experience and for those who haven't used a headset before, quite misleading.

I should have known better, I had a PSVR1, but I got a little overtaken by the hype. Seeing the early streams from influencers and hearing them say what they we're seeing in the headset was even better, well my expectations were raised beyond what was perhaps reasonable.

Sony need to do better with the calibration screen. It's great for eye tracking but really not that helpful with getting the sweet spot dialled-in.

At the end of the day I'm a Sony and VR fan, I'll keep the headset as it really does a lot right. I might see if I can get a replacement, though, just to rule-out if what I'm experiencing is partly a technical issue.

Re: PSVR2 Sense Controllers Aren't Working for Some Early Adopters


@h15c0r3r Some but not much but it may well be that I'm expecting too much or I've just lost out on the panel lottery.

From what others are saying they're seeing close to what is shown on the social screen but I can see high resolution 'noise' over everything. It's like a cross between mura, screen door and film grain and I just can't unsee it. It's present in dark and light scenes and takes the edge off the sharpness and whole experience for me.

I wouldn't worry about it and don't let my experience take anything away from your anticipation and enjoyment!

I'll see if I can return it and ask for a replacement. If not I'll just learn to live with it. At the end of the day it is a good headset.

Re: PSVR2 Sense Controllers Aren't Working for Some Early Adopters


@Toypop Check the USB cable connector on top of the headset is firmly pressed in, been quite a few reports of them being disconnected or loose.

Always worth bearing in mind the most vocal are those with problems (including me), I suspect the vast majority of people are having no issues at all.

Re: PSVR2 Sense Controllers Aren't Working for Some Early Adopters


I've only had time to play for a few hours myself and fortunately not had any controller problems. Only had about 2 hours of battery life even after having the controllers in the dock for an hour. May well have not been seated properly, though. Been on charge for 24 hours now, I'll see what I get tonight and over the weekend.

Unlike many I have yet to been impressed with the IQ. That may be due to a combination of things, including over expectation. In all of the games I've played the social screen output is far, far superior in every way to what I see in the headset, more so than I expected. I'm not expecting IQ on par with my 65" OLED but something close(ish).

I've cleaned the lenses, done the IPD adjustment and tried moving the headset around. The image is just not sharp and has a very noticeable mura effect.

I've had a PSVR1, so I'm not a VR noob, I've got a fair idea of what I should be doing. To be fair it's quite possible that I didn't get the vertical positioning right, so never quite hit the sweet spot. The IPD setup may have fooled me into thinking it was right when it wasn't. I'll have time for another play tonight, fingers crossed I can resolve it.

I think Sony missed a trick with the setup, maybe should have a calibration grid or scene of some sort, that makes it easier to hit the sweet spot.

Part of my problem is I don't really have an IQ reference point, I'm not really sure just how good it should be. Lots of people saying it's amazing but should tunnels in GT7 look a bit foggy? Surely I should be able to read the badge or number plate on the car in front if I'm bumper to bumper with it?

CotM looks a bit flat. Lovely colours and some great HDR lighting but, just a bit flat. I was expecting things to just pop more after reading reviews and other peoples comments.

I'm not complaining, just not sure if I'm 1) doing something wrong, 2) expecting too much or 3) have some sort of fault. Probably a mix of 1 & 2!

Anyway, happy VR'ing and I hope peoples controller issues are resolved PDQ.

Re: Out Today: PSVR2 Brings Next-Gen VR to the Masses


@JAMes-BroWWWn Well they sold enough to think having another go was worthwhile. I'd say it was maybe a niche product rather than a gimmick but whatever floats your boat I guess.

I think VR gaming will be at least as popular as pancake gaming eventually, it's just that the tech isn't quite there yet.

Re: PSVR2 Review: Is It Worth It?


@thefourfoldroot1 Eye tracking seems fine with full-frame glasses, I believe it should be fine with other styles but can't test it.

Yes, you can bump glass if you're not careful. Bringing the visor right in does touch my glasses.

Not a good experience with varifocals, though. I'm going to see if I've got any older single prescription glasses knocking about. If not I'll get a cheap single prescription pair with cheap thin frames just for VR.

Re: Out Today: PSVR2 Brings Next-Gen VR to the Masses


@JAMes-BroWWWn I'm getting the impression you're not a fan of VR then?

I'm part of the PS5 community and sincerely hope they invest a lot more in it. PSVR success will bring more people into PS5 ownership, which would be a good thing for all of us.

Re: Out Today: PSVR2 Brings Next-Gen VR to the Masses


Had an hour with it, seems it doesn't play nice with varifocal glasses. Probably shouldn't be a surprise.

GT7 does not look right in the races, really noticeable screen door effect. Tunnels just look a bit foggy and anything beyond a few yards in front of the car just looks very low res and fuzzy. VR showroom is amazing, though.

Only had time for a quick go in Kayak, looks very sharp though still noticed the screen door effect.

Hoping it's just a glasses problem, have to try an old single focal pair later.

Re: PSVR2 Review: Is It Worth It?


@thefourfoldroot1 Great news! Arriving today? My charging dock tracking said delivery tomorrow but it turned up an hour after the headset today. It's all over the place.

Re: PSVR2 Review: Is It Worth It?


@thefourfoldroot1 From feedback on Reddit It appeared as if standalone headsets were being despatched throughout the day but no-one with the bundle had seen any status change up until around 9pm. A rumour went around there was an issue with the CotM game key and that was causing a delay. Seemed plausible at the time but who knows.

Edit: Just had a look on Reddit r/PSVR and it seems some have their headset turning up unexpectedly, order status still preparing to ship. There's a post that apparently shows how to get tracking info from the order page. Good luck.

Re: PSVR2 Review: Is It Worth It?


@thefourfoldroot1 Damn, bad luck mate. Maybe something to the rumour after all, unless there are so many being shipped they couldn't get them out in one day and it was just luck of the draw.

Re: PSVR2 Review: Is It Worth It?


@thefourfoldroot1 I think you'll probably get it. Only got my bundle notification an hour ago, charging dock notification just arrived.
Fingers crossed for you!

Re: PSVR2 Review: Is It Worth It?


@KundaliniRising333 Nothing will change unless people take a risk and buy into it. You seem to have a dim view of the early adopters, but without them there is precisely 0 chance the situation is going to change.

PSVR2 clearly has developers interest, many are spending time and effort porting games. Perhaps if people buy them they'll think it's worth investing in it and come up with something new.

If we want VR to succeed it's time to put our money where our mouths are, methinks. I am, and so are many here and elsewhere.

Re: Gran Turismo 7's Huge PSVR2 Update Comes Alongside Four New Cars


@Mikey856 I got an e-mail about 4pm, it was just Sony teasing me:
"Thank you for pre-ordering on PlayStation. We just wanted to remind you that your PS VR2 headset is due to arrive between February 22nd and February 28th 2023."

Checked the order status, still flippin 'Preparing To Ship'!